Someone explain this to me...a little of my hair history


Active Member
Ok this was my hair June 24, 2003

and this was my hair Nov 17, 2003

5 months later^

2 months later
by January 7th, 2004

September 23, 2004

May 2005

by August 2005

Forgot the date on this one but it was sometime before the september 05 cut.

this is from September 2005

cut it all off June 14th, 2006 which was around the time I started birth control a few months prior.

3 months later September 2006.

And this is now.

after rollers


So what my question is would you guys say that taking the birth control stopped my hair from growing at its normal rate comparing the growth lengths between the dates given previously before the birth control?
hard to say, but good question. i've wondered about that myself - ive been on the darn things for 10 years!!!!!!!! i had one incidence of real growth that whole time and that was b/c i was going to the gym 5 days a week (cant do that now :( ). bumping........
Beautiful pics. I was a print model ONCE UPON A TIME! Anyway, I would say yeah, there's a difference unless you were doing something different to your hair.
I actually thought the last 3 month comparison shot looked like faster growth than the other pics but maybe I am wrong
Maybe its that your hair is not retaining your growth. During that time were doing something different like more color or more heat styling?
ooooohh - good question. I am a lil suspect when it comes to birth control.

Ok now I'm going to digress. You look so fabulous with your short hair cut!!!!! I looove it! You are very pretty anyway and can wear anything.

ok back to topic: look up what uou were taking and check side effects. I did the same with mine (Trinessa)and I will be taking a new one starting Sunday for other reasons but I wouldn't be surprised if my daggone stubborn roll up peas meay be a factor from taking the crap. TRI-CYCLEN&sort=gender
Thanks everyone! I was on depo and got off of it earlier this year I did read that it can cause hair loss so maybe that was the case it just pisses me off because I know its going to take a while to get it out of my system since I stopped. When I had the "long" hair I was doing everything to it (relaxers, colors, heat) everythinggggggggggg and it was still as long as it was but now I can't even get a good ponytail going I hate it wish I never cut it off. But if I knew the depo would make my hair stop growing I wouldn't have done it.
Wow. You are very Beautiful! I love all the Hair styles!:yep:

I am not sure why this is the slow / little growth is the issue.

I know that my women's ministry leader has had the SAME lenght of hair for 10 years.

Maybe it is the combo of birth control and relaxers?
Sometimes those chems don't mix. Each person is different....

Good luck!
Wow. You are very Beautiful! I love all the Hair styles!:yep:

I am not sure why this is the slow / little growth is the issue.

I know that my women's ministry leader has had the SAME lenght of hair for 10 years.

Maybe it is the combo of birth control and relaxers?
Sometimes those chems don't mix. Each person is different....

Good luck!

Well thanks :) hopefully with me stopping the bc my hair can get back to it's normal growth rate I just want a nice ponytail that's all lol
:yep:Your cuts are pretty...

The only way to grow hair is to stop cutting it and just let it grow.:yep:

When I was younger, I was caught up with wanting to have all of the latest styles and everytime I went to the beautician, I got my hair cut whether it needed it or not (trim/style).I never retained any length ...because I kept cutting it.:nono:

It didn't help that they were very willing and I should have stopped it.:rolleyes::look: