Somebody break out the kleenex *tears*

BB seems to take good care of her hair, so hopefully this will be a temporary setback. I do feel bad for her, though.
i feel bad for her mama. mama probably thought she was onna make her baby happy with blunt healthy ends and in the end daughter gets on you tube crying about her hair cut knowing people were gonna say screwed up things about mama. who puts their own mama out there like that?
and im not saying she shouldnt be upset because i know to get more cut than you expected has to hurt but come long will it take to grow 2 inches??? 2-4 months thats gonna fly by when she stops dwelling on it.
i feel bad for her mama. mama probably thought she was onna make her baby happy with blunt healthy ends and in the end daughter gets on you tube crying about her hair cut knowing people were gonna say screwed up things about mama. who puts their own mama out there like that?
and im not saying she shouldnt be upset because i know to get more cut than you expected has to hurt but come long will it take to grow 2 inches??? 2-4 months thats gonna fly by when she stops dwelling on it.

I'm sorry but my momma knows that when I say 1in I mean 1in or less... Not no darn 3-4 inches.. Shoot, my mom doesn't even want to hear my mouth so I could see her breaking out the ruler :lol:
Me and momma would be boxing after that mess. That don't make no sense. I think momma did it on purpose.

For serious, it's very easy to say it's not that bad or it'll grow back when it happens to someone else.

I sympathize.
I'm sorry but my momma knows that when I say 1in I mean 1in or less... Not no darn 3-4 inches.. Shoot, my mom doesn't even want to hear my mouth so I could see her breaking out the ruler :lol:
girl im right there with you. my mom would probably turn me down to keep from having to hear my mouth.
but to me it looked like only 2 inches was cut. it looked to me the mom went back to clean up what was first uneven. what i will say is she was dead wrong for cutting with one hand. but i dont think asking for 1 inch and getting 2 inches(although bad) is bad enough to put mama out there like that.
Aww poor thing... BUT what was that hand action at 3.30 by the mom? Does anyone think that had malice to it? Seemed like she was indicating she wanted to cut her to SL?

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IA ... Xavier That's very inconsiderate, she's upset.. it was her mom who she wholeheartedly trusted... And I guess she would have expressed exactly how much off she wanted...

That's harsh.

My mother would never do anything other than what I asked. That's the point of going to your mother. She knows how I feel about my hair.

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why do you say that?

thru the screen it even looks like at least to be at least 2-3+ pitting edema

but in any case generally can be strong indicators of underlying heart conditions (she may be well versed on what's going on tho'.... prayerfully)

immediately looks to be a great concern (even if chronic ....w/ failing medication as the culprit)....
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IA! Sad situation for both.

I guess I am alone on this but I think the mother did a good job getting rid of the thin ends and making her hair look fuller. I am sure the mother thought she was doing right by her daughter with how she carefully trimmed off the dead ends. I feel badly for both of them - the daughter's disappointment in her length and the mother's guilt for hurting her daughter unintentionally.

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Iv'e cried over a hair cut before 1x! All that hard work down the drain for someone to just cut off months worth of hard work. However... I don't think i'd have the guts to put moms on blast. If I did though and started reading the negative left about by viewers about my mom, I would feel horrible. At the end of the day, It's a cut and everybody is healthy and alive.
Iv'e cried over a hair cut before 1x! All that hard work down the drain for someone to just cut off months worth of hard work. However... I don't think i'd have the guts to put moms on blast. If I did though and started reading the negative left about by viewers about my mom, I would feel horrible. At the end of the day, It's a cut and everybody is healthy and alive.

what did viewers say? negative just because she cut her hair??

Boohoo. I can't even get to shoulder length and I've been at it 2 years. She can get her two inches back in a couple of months.
From when my own mother applied relaxer all over my hair to the ends after a couple years of doing decent touch-ups I was pissed, but I didn't cry.
I think the few differences are that she could see the set back straight away so it must have been a shock, whereas I had to deal with the damage all the way throughout my transition. I probably would have transition a lot longer as well.
But at least her hair isn't permanently damaged and it's still long. She needs to get over it in my opinion.
Poor mom, she probably thought she was doing a good job. One thing I've learned is that for people who are not into hair like most of us on a hair board, there's no big difference between 1 inch and 3 inches. If you ask for a 1 inch trim but it 'looks' to them like 3 inches would look better, they're going for 3, it's just hair to them.

I'm not sure why this is but every time I have asked my mom for a trim, it ended up being a major cut. No malice (momma couldn't care less if I had 2 strands or 50 inches of hair) there's just a huge difference between her idea of a trim and mine.

I'm going to have to perfect the art of cutting my own hair, even moms can't be trusted yawl! Add SHMs (scissor happy moms) to the list of culprits!
All I could do was cringe as the scissors went to work, poor thing. It will grow back though and she will get over it...though I bet momma will never get no where near her tresses again :look:
I think she is probably more upset that she trusted her mom to only TRIM her hair. I was thinking she was overacting until I saw the part of the vid where mom was having a chop party up in her hair.

She cut waaaaaay too much on the first go and then it was lean so she was chopping to even it up.

Id b hurt, not because the hair was gone, but more becose my momma punked me, when I trusted she wuddn't.
poor baby. That's one of the main reasons why I stopped having people trim my hair. Other than letting my husband spot check me as I'm trimming; no one else cuts my hair.

But its not the end of the world: just look at it as another healthy beginning for your hair and time will produce longer stroner fuller hair and ends.
I'm mad that she was crying on camera... Her mom should have stopped at the 1st trim...but she continued to cut ;(
I didn't think BB needed to be humbled, she never came accross as conceited, just someone enjoying the results of her hard work. Every one has a 'catch' to their videos, an intro or outro, this was hers. I would whip my hair too.
I was just about to post this. I feel her pain but it will grow back soon.

ETA: I was telling my bestie about this and she remarked this experience will humble BB because she seemed so boastful about her hair length by chair-dancing for 10 mins in each video.

I wasn't sure how to respond to that.
Wow ... I felt sooooo bad for her. She was really struggling to hold it together there. I'm sure her mom feels bad about it too.

But her ends do look fabulous. When she finally does make MBL, it's gonna be even better now.
Momma went crazy with them scissors. I feel extremely bad for her. I wish they would have caught on tape her reaction to the cut, in front of mom. That would have been some good messy reality yt.

I wish the reaction was filmed when daughter found out what mother did (kimmaytube style) :lol:

I was rlly wating for it too. :blush:

no one else found it odd for someone to film their hair getting trimmed? I mean it wasnt a BC or major cut or style.

Does she always do this?
I dunno, nvr watched her vids before.
I feel her, I went to a dominican salon and she cut my hair alot. I was devasted!!! I almost cried too, I almost fought her.This hair thing isn't a joke to us.
who cuts hair over a chair?

Another reason to go to a real hair cutter, a master cutter/stylist - or atleast to a place like the 'Hair Cuttery" where ALL they do ALL day is cut, trim, dust, hair.

Or go to a barber - even he would know to cut long hair, it should be dry, straightened and she should be standing up.

I feel bad for her not knowing.
you just had to post that randomly in here and not on my wall or PM?


ijust dont have the energy right now. :nono:

but thanks anyways for my first mention(: :lol:

Uh yeah.

Wow ridiculous. But to each their own. POOF!
I've never seen her before :o Her hair seems nice at any length. Good thing about being young, knowing your hair well and not having any dermatological problems? Your hair will grow back. :)

It won't be the end of the world though she may feel like it now. Much luck to her growing it back.