Somebody break out the kleenex *tears*

That's harsh.

My mother would never do anything other than what I asked. That's the point of going to your mother. She knows how I feel about my hair.

Harsh!?!? Nope, not at all.

I am the type of person who will cry at the drop of a dime. I hate it. I just think that posting a video with you crying about hair when you could have easily stopped recording or done some editing, is putting yourself out there too much.

I know she is human and I feel her pain but crying on youtube over a 2inch trim...:ohwell:
My heart just broke for her. I've cried after EVERY hair cut I've ever received, don't care how old I am. aww bendito

ETA: Her mom did a nice job. I don't think she exaggerated on the cut. She gave her daughter a nice even blunt cut. I probably would've cried anyway.
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I feel really bad for her, of all people her mother hacked off her hair...bless her heart.

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If I was sitting in that seat and that happen to me - honestly I would be crying and fretting as well. When the mom was cutting the left side over the shoulder, I couldn't keep from saying Oooh (ouch). Wow, cramp that was too much. BB didn't look like she needed a trim.

You know ladies after all the crying we get tough and resolve never again. BB will rebound as we all learned to do, including myself. We all been there sometime in our journey.
:lachen:mama thought she was edward scissorhands

:lachen: I think she thought she had turned into a famous NYC hair could tell she was lookin' at that chile's hair like, "Mmmmhmm, I got this! Wait lemme get a little more..."

Y'all need to for real stop going on her mom's hands though b/c I really think she has diabetes.
I wonder what Buildable Beauty does for a living. Yall know that if any of her coworkers lurk or run up on that video they are going to be giving her the major sideeye. lol

If I was sitting in that seat and that happen to me - honestly I would be crying and fretting as well. When the mom was cutting the left side over the shoulder, I couldn't keep from saying Oooh (ouch). Wow, cramp that was too much. BB didn't look like she needed a trim.

You know ladies after all the crying we get tough and resolve never again. BB will rebound as we all learned to do, including myself. We all been there sometime in our journey.

Yeah, I was there at the very beginnning of my hair journey--actually that's what started it. I asked for a trim and the stylist cut my hair from shoulder length to about an inch long in the top of my hair--and, to this day, I don't believe that he trimmed the back at all. And no, I didn't have that much split ends. lol. He cut my hair to the white meat. My mom kept asking, "was he high?"
MOM, for real? That was the worst hair cut technique I've ever seen; I would've made my mom watch a professional on youtube first.
I personally thought it looked better before the cut. It had more character. It didn't look so artificial.
I hate hair that is cut straight across...that looks like someone cut it with a manual paper cutter.

That being said, I don't think that it was that big of a cut.

Also, I don't get the "it looks healthier/it's healthier" thoughts. It's the same head of hair. It's just been cut straighter across. A blunt cut does not equal healthy hair.

To me it's just not that serious. It's just a haircut, it will grow back... six months (of growth) is a minuscule fraction of time in the average person's lifetime. A year from now, she won't know the difference.

I hate the look of at home- hold a piece of paper as a guide- blunt cuts. In cases like this one, she could've had a better cut at Walmart or Supercuts. Her ends are thin, they still look thin, it's not the end of the world. Certainly nothing to cry over.

And it's really not that big of a cut; her mom probably did what she asked (minus the length expectation). She evened up the 1st crooked cut. The only thing I thought was weird was the stair layering on the sides. :perplexed And yeah, mom should talk to a health care professional about that weight/water retention/gout whatever she has going on in her hands.
Well far as I can see she evened out her hair, instead of doing a small trim. She did a good job actually, first cut straight across, combed through to get anymore longish parts , evened it out the rest of the way only cutting the slightly longer ends that were left, and got to the front layers that did not reach the first cut and she even lifted a shorter layer to cut. This is how you obtain blunt fresh ends.

this is also how I trim, I don't leave ragged ends. My daughter is thankfully used to my cutting down to the fresh hair as well for her and is not afraid to do it for herself now. Our hair thanks us for it later

This girl has all fresh healthy ends now. Thats how I do it actually. I don't hold on to longish uneven ends and I don't let them keep me from keeping my ends as even and healthy as possible

It's gonna look like the bomb later when she styles it
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I guess I am alone on this but I think the mother did a good job getting rid of the thin ends and making her hair look fuller. I am sure the mother thought she was doing right by her daughter with how she carefully trimmed off the dead ends. I feel badly for both of them - the daughter's disappointment in her length and the mother's guilt for hurting her daughter unintentionally.
I just watched the video on you tube and all I can say is ooh my... I believe the mum had good intentions but she got a little scissor happy!! All I saw was ……. Snip here and ooh snip there and yeah snip here, furthermore she was trimming/ cutting her daughters hair with one hand…. umm not a good technique at all. She should have put the camera down and done it. Another question is why would you want a person to have a camera in 1 hand when they need both hands to trim your hair? But…. What’s done is done..

On the plus her ends look nice, blunt and healthy … she has lovely hair and it will grow back very soon.

The mothers fingers…….umm I don’t know what’s going on there
I dunno but I seriously doubt this is the first time her mother has trimmed/evened out some hair (I could tell) she knows to get the front separately and also to get any 'breaking' layers and lift them out and trim them too

I also seriously doubt this is the first time her own mother cut her hair

so I dunno. not debating on this one. just not making sense to me as of yet
I can't knock her for crying. Everything is relative. I grew to apl half caring about my hair and because I stopped going to the salons so often. For others, getting to apl is really a sacrifice of time and effort, what I would be facing to get to mbl or beyond. I am not familiar with this person and I don't know what it took for her to reach her goal but I can only imagine what it felt like to have it taken away so soon. We may wonder why she is crying over hair but I am sure not many here can claim that they haven't cried over something just as stupid or worse. I can understand her crying in a video. If she shared the rest of her journey on youtube she must have felt a need to share this with her subscribers and possibly get comfort. Others around her may have not understood why she was crying at all. I am sure that this person will soon get over getting her hair cut; however, she has to get to the point of moving on. I applaud her for keeping it real with those who follow her and may end up in the same situation themselves.
I felt bad for her but I was thinking: "Ok, now we've learned something here. Next time we won't let mama cut our hair." Hopefully she can let it go. That's her mom.
maybe i need to watch the vid again but it didn't look like she took off that much.
why do you say that?

if you're retaining water it means something in your body isnt functioning right. need to get to a doctor asap.

im not going to say she's overreacting though, seriously. let me get some scissors and scalp someone and see if they take it lightly.
ugh, this video was too much. i had to cut it off after like a minute or two.

i know a bad cut can be traumatic, but it will grow back!

i can see if you went from wl to el, that, i might cry about (in the privacy of my home though, not for the world to see).

i'm sorry if i seem insensitive as this is a hair website and we all hate set backs. its its a cut! her ends are nice and healthy and she'll get the 2 inches back in no time.

now if her hair was coming out in patches or something like that, then yeah. but a cut... no
To me, her ends look better. She didn't cut that much off. And if she lets something like a "bad hair trim" affect her relationship with her mother, then SMDH to her and her BSL/MBL hair. It aint THAT deep. :perplexed
I once cried when I accidentally deleted all my favorites off my computer so I really don't think it's wrong for her to cry because it meant something to her. However I probably wouldn't have posted it on yt
@mostamaziing That's a creepy as.s gif in u siggy mama. I can't believe that chick has such a large fanbase and is still very creepy. Oops my bad. That's just my opinion.

you just had to post that randomly in here and not on my wall or PM?


ijust dont have the energy right now. :nono:

but thanks anyways for my first mention(: :lol:
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Ouch...maybe her mom was never good with hair to begin with? Yea and people were so harsh in some of the comments (both on here and YT) as a person who subscribes to a HAIR BOARD as in a place where all we talk about is hair, you would think a set-back like this would sadden our hearts, not make us roll our eyes and tell the person to "get it together" (I mean that was mad uncalled for) she is sad, she obviously has been taking steps to take care and grow her hair and that takes time, months and she has a right to cry and feel sad...what is her mom about though? Like Seriously.


Personally, I think if you are in this section the comments should be as non-offensive as possible. It's not just hair, if it was we would not be on this board to begin with.

I know I am a hard-butt when I post but I keep it PG-13 in this section because I know hair is very important to all of us... Well most of us and I don't want to offend ANYONE that comes here in hopes of taking care of their hair. Some people on here just need to learn the time and the place!
OMG! I just watched it and I am mad for her. The first snips was 2inches and when she went in to clean it up she got her for another 1in and a half. Naw son! :nono: