So0o0o0 when did YOU first realize you had a problem??


New Member
So ladies when did YOU first realize you had a problem?....When did you first realize that the hobby of takng care of your hair has turned into a OBSESSION?

Was it when you cancel plans with you friends because you have plans to do your hair that night?

Was it when you got the protein and moisture levels jjjjuuuuussssstttttt right and your curls were popping and you couldnt keep your hands out of your hair??

Was it when you started to pass by store windows or anything with a reflection really slow so you can see you hair?

Was it you up at 3am in the morning in your bathroom mirror performing a S&D?

Was it when you bought the 30-11th conditioner for your hair?

Was it when you took a shower for the 4th time that day just to co-wash your hair?

Or was it when you were too busy taking pictures of your hair after a really good relaxer/blowout to hear you kids tearing your house apart outside the door?

I knew I had a problem when I realized I was a member of 5 different hair forums and I noticed that I wasn't the only one obsessed when I saw the same people here on those other forums. :grin::look:

Even though I have enough hair products already I can't resist going in the hair aisle of any store just to see what they have. I might catch a sale.(V05 moisture milks on sale at Rite-Aid for $.79 this week.) :spinning:
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Girl, I have to think way back. I've been struggling for a long time, ya hear? It just be calling me...

:) On the real I have to say in Middle School. I've always loved long, thick, pretty hair. It was impressed on me. It's not my fault.

I believe it was when I started sounding gay. " Oooh, her hair was so pretty."
And I started interrogating the girl's with long hair about shampoos thinking that it was shampoos that made there hair long. So instead of buying candy or a t shirt I would buy hair care products. I was a sucker for hair grease because they always claim to make your hair longer.

Also you know girls who pretend the black t shirt is their hair....I did that too.
i first realized i had a problem when my mother told me we might be going to Jamaica for a weekend. My fist reaction wasn't yea i get to go and see my family...or excitement to eat authentic JA food...or even the beach.

No my first reaction was..." yes, maybe i can get a good gowth spurt".....smdh
When I caught myself performing a search and work...(I'm in a secluded cubicle and there aren't too many people around.... LOL!)
GiiiiiiiRRRLLLL i am GUiLTY


I knew I had a problem when I realized I was a member of 5 different hair forums and I noticed that I wasn't the only one obsessed when I saw the same people here on those other forums. :grin::look:

Even though I have enough hair products already I can't resist going in the hair aisle of any store just to see what they have. I might catch a sale.(V05 moisture milks on sale at Rite-Aid for $.79 this week.) :spinning:

^^THIS!! OMG i can't stop idk what to do with my life.. and when the Skala craze hit :nono:... i have so much conditioner.. i know i am addicted

&& when my BF's mom called me Miss I'm-Always-Doing-Something-to-My-Hair:rolleyes:
When i started having hair dreams. I am a member of 6 hair forums. And like 2 more half forums, they do articles and so they're not proper forums. I've lost count of how many hair blogs i look at.
@Miss Keciia: lol at your bf's mom knowing your hair

Everryone keeps saying they are apart of like a million hair boards...what other hair boards are you ladies apart of?
I've always known, but I recently accepted it...especially since I've been on my healthy hair journey. It's all become a little more clearer. My fam/close friends know that if I say I'm on the Interent, I'm on LHCF or YouTube looking at hair related vids...PERIOD. I can spend HOURS on YT looking at "Natural Hair Journey...Update" It's that serious.

I just love hair...always have. My mom STILL thinks I need to go to hair school (I'll pass) so some of my time can count for school credits..LOL. My friends say I have an obessive complusive hair disorder... that I need to go seek professional help. :look: SO!!

I AM addicted...but, I could be addicted to so much worse.

...When I would walk in a store for one thing, and walk out with at least hair product, after the mandatory 15 minute "browsing" of the hair aisle...

...When I added LHCF to my bookmarks, and so can never resist clicking it open whenever I open Chrome...

...When my first thought when thinking of an upcoming event shifted from "what am I going to wear?", to "what am I going to do with my hair?"...

...When I have a warm, fuzzy feeling on the rare occasion that I straighten/wear my hair down, and everybody can't believe how "long" my hair is getting...
i knew i was hair obsessed when i straighten my hair and its hanging down my back, all i can see in my mind is my little itty bitty strands screaming out in agony of being rubbed against my clothes and collar...and then i immediatly have to put it up, even if i JUST stepped out the salon

Or when i stretch my relaxer for 9 mo.. i fight with my natural hair and i curse it every chance i can get, get it relaxed and then miss up curls and waves immediatly..and i start counting down the day/weeks/months til i can get them back.

I stretch my relaxer, and i cant wait to get a relaxer i finally do and i cant stand it...i immediatly want tocowash my hair and put it in a bun.

I take the Subway and i want to Co-was my hair even if i just cowashed that morning...

Guys im telling you, this is getting ridiculous!!!
I though maybe we weren't allowed to mention the names of other sites. But i'm a member of Lchf, bhm, k.i.s.s, naturally curly, napptruality(sp), curly nikki, black girl with long hair. I'm sure there is one more forum but it has slipped my mind for now
When I started spending 6 hours every Friday redoing my crochet braids that could actually last 2 months just so I could try a new DC on my hair and play in it.
When I realized I cannot pass a BSS without going in, and browsing for at least 20 minutes. Even if I was in there the day before :look: I could spend the whole day going from store to store, looking at hair products.
When I regularly started staying up till 3-4am teaching myself to do a new style:look:

I have such a vast skill base because of it but its sorta consuming my life:ohwell:

I'm really glad to have found my life's passion though:love3:
i started my hhj in january. i have spent hundreds of dollars on hair products.
today i went into aveda and spent 40 dollars in conditioners and i dont even have anything to eat. today i realized i have a problem...
I realize that I love buying hair products. I just received some products and I'm trying to resist the urge to use them. I need to buy some clothes but I rather use my money on hair products. I spend my friday nights not going out but washing and dcing my hair. My friends and family comment on all the hair stuff I got and the lack of actually food in my refrigerator. My sister wants to have an intervention w/ me about all the spending I do on my hair product but I feel if I pay all my bills, let me spend the rest on my pleasure.
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I have been hair obsessed since I was able to style my own hair. I love hair!

When I got my first job I would save half of my pay, buy a new outfit, and spend the rest on hair products, and sometimes that new outfit would turn into a new blow dryer or curling iron, hot curlers, product, or even just new combs and brushes. Those were the days.

Before there were hair boards, I would spend hours reading and re-reading Black Hair Care and Sophisticate's Black Hair (before it had more pictures than articles, and BHC published all black and white pics).

My grandma would always make fun of me. I used to stay in my bedroom either playing my flute or styling my hair. It paid off, I was first chair flute throughout high school and I had hair that was just about MBL by the time I was 17. :grin: 2..i think i have found my true joy. To put so much work in something and then have it pay off in a way that you can see and measure. My sister asks me all the time if when i reach my goal what do i do like there is no once i reach my goal relaxed HL ima cut it off and reach HL

Bumidy Bump
I realized it when. . .

-I started having dreams about my hair.
-I can't keep my hand out of my NG
-Every time I get on the phone with my mom, the conversation eventually switches to hair. . BUT I did get her to start using a heat protectant finally and DC'ing.
-Every time a strand of hair comes out of my head now I check to see if it's broken or shed. Then I do an elasticity test and make a mental note.
-I read the ingredients of every hair product now and tsk tsk in the store whenever something has bad ingredients. The employees at Target think I'm crazy :lachen:
-I finally bought a satin bonnet!
@Yanira Naturally:..YES!!! everytime a strand of hair comes out i check to see if its shed or broken..if its broken i freak out and plan a DC later that day...If its shed im happ its not broken but i wonder y it i check elasticity and make a mental note...lo
I realized i had problem when i would get nervous when i was holding my baby because i was scared she was going to pull my hair lol:lachen:
i started my hhj in january. i have spent hundreds of dollars on hair products.
today i went into aveda and spent 40 dollars in conditioners and i dont even have anything to eat. today i realized i have a problem...

bell that's awful LOL:lachen:

I realized I had a problem when I am driving miles for "certain" products. You have no food, and I have no gas.