so your dating mr.popular but you aint


Well-Known Member
this is a situation my friend is in. she is a quiet shy type of girl. for the past couple of months she has been talking to this very popular guy on our campus and now he wants to meet her friends i.e. get her friends and his friends to hang out together, i believe. she is terrified because she only has 2 people she considers friends on campus(me being one of them) and she is not popular. she tells me she doesnt want to look like a lame and does not know what to do and she is also terrified of meeting his friends. what do you ladies think, will there relationship even work?
Personally, I think the relationship can still work out. Not everyone in this world is going to have a group of friends and there's nothing wrong with that. Heck, I only have 2 friends and I don't see a problem with it.

She can explain to him that she cares more about quality than quantity when it comes to friendships. If he doesn't understand then she needs to break up with him.
Personally, I think the relationship can still work out. Not everyone in this world is going to have a group of friends and there's nothing wrong with that. Heck, I only have 2 friends and I don't see a problem with it.

She can explain to him that she cares more about quality than quantity when it comes to friendships. If he doesn't understand then she needs to break up with him.

I agree with the bold. I think he's probably attracted to her novelty (uniqueness) and she's not another wild, party going chick on campus. I don't think it will be a problem for him and he'll respect it.
She should just tell him she chooses her friends carefully, so while they can get together don"t expect her group of friends to be a squad of people. He and they should be ok.
thanks yall, she is a really unique, smart girl...but i wasn't sure what to tell her, the dude is in a fraternity and knows everyone on campus and it is a pretty large campus, so i guess she was feeling insecure.
^^^ Now, I can see his friends and other people around campus trying to figure what he sees in her. Their entitled to their opinion but at the end of the day, it's his choice to be with her and that's all that matters.
she shouldn't feel insecure.

i think if he's dating her he probably already knows that she's quiet and shy and probably thinks its cute.
in highschool i dated the most popular guy in my class[he won prom king] as for me, i wasnt "popular" i mean everyone knew who i was but i pretty much kept to myself and i only had 4 close friends. Our relationship lasted 2 years,when we first started dating ppl would always ask him why was he dating me because i wasnt in the "cool" crowd but he liked me so much to the point where he didnt care what anybody thought. So if that guy really likes her then he wont care at all because after all hes talking to her because he likes her so popularity shouldnt even matter
Thanks, I'm going to show her this thread when I see her tomorrow. My silly self was telling her she should branch out and make more associates lol

I am sort of the same way though I have 3 close friends and the rest are all associates, but I do a lot of community service so at least people know my face.
Thanks, I'm going to show her this thread when I see her tomorrow. My silly self was telling her she should branch out and make more associates lol

I am sort of the same way though I have 3 close friends and the rest are all associates, but I do a lot of community service so at least people know my face.

yeaa i dont care about the quantity of friends i care about the quality. Sometimes its the people with the most friends who really dont have any at all.As for me im fine with my 4 friends i dont need anymore,like you said the rest are all associates. If dude really likes her then she should be ok,i hope things go well 4her :)
don't know if their relationship will work out or not, but either way she has to be who she is.

tell your friend to talk be straightforward with her man and that she can't pretend to be something she's not. no future in fronting.
Awww she said thank you from the bottom of her heart and that she might join LHCF now (which I have been trying to get her to do for months, lol) ladies! She just wants everything to go right because she has never liked a guy like this before
My DH has always been more outgoing and is more "known" than I am. I'm just not an extraness type of person. I have one friend while DH has "many". Although I have told him that he needs to learn the difference between a friend and associate...everyone he talk to is his "friend". Not safe.

We have never had any issues with our different personalities. Even though he has more friends/associates than I do, and get invited regularly to do various things/events...he prefers to hang out with me. I do try to talk him into doing things w/ his friends but he always says "...if my baby ain't there, I ain't there...". So, on ocassion, I do give in and join him at some event or another...just to do some balancing.

I think it just depends on the two individuals in the relationship. If they click and want each other bad enough, they'll make it work. Something as trivial as how many friends one has surely will not break something special.