So, you grow your hair so you don't wear it out???


New Member
My sister and my mother have been growing their hair out for years and they have worn PS like crazy. My mother is WL and my sister is APL, and they are both natural. Now I am growing out a pixie cut, that I loved so much. I have no idea what style I want when I grow it out, but I do know I want to wear it out. Anyway my sister insists on wearing weave to cover her really pretty APL hair and my mother wears her wig 99.9% of the time to cover her WL hair. And when I asked them why they don't wear their own hair own, considering they have achieved more length than many women could dream, they said it is too much work:perplexed??? My sister says my hair is making progress, but she finishes by saying, "It's growing, but what are you going to do after you get your length? There is nothing to do to it.":ohwell:

Anyway I know some will say that is why I don't have hair:giggle: because I want to do too much to it, but why grow hair if you plan to wear nothing but PS 99% of the time? I mean isn't part of the appeal of hair or longer hair to show it off and wear it?:look: I could be wrong, but life is to short to not enjoy what a person has been blessed with. Does anyone feel like this? Or what are your takes? Okay done venting!:grin:
Well when my hair was at its longest I wore it in 2 Pocahontas braids lol. I like to style my hair and try new things so I'm not growing my hair to put it up :nono: When I can't/don't want to style my hair anymore, I'll keep it at APL or BSL. At those lengths I will still be able to enjoy my hair :yep:
I want to enjoy my length so I plan on wearing my hair DOWN...okay, maybe not all of the time but at least twice a week....:rolleyes:. But, I understand moms and sis point of view, natural hair is a lot of work and sometimes I do a ponytail that has nothing to do with doing a PS, it's more me just not wanting to fool with it :yep:!
but why grow hair if you plan to wear nothing but PS 99% of the time? I mean isn't part of the appeal of hair or longer hair to show it off and wear it?

Well, personally, I'm growing my hair so that I can wear protective styles. Huge buns and intricate updos are really gorgeous and they look great on me. Right now, my hair is too short to do that. I'm natural so with shrinkage my hair needs to be super long to do a lot of things.

I completely disagree with your sister, there are a million things you can do with longer hair that you just can't do with the shorter. That's another thing I like about being natural, no matter how long my hair gets, with shrinkage it will always appear short.

Remember, everyone doesn't want long hair for the same reasons you do. Maybe your mom and sister like knowing that they have long hair but it's easier for them to keep it protected. WL natural hair is a lot of work I'm sure.
This is a BIG pet peeve of mine on this hair board and IRL.

It still makes no sense to me.

I agree with you wholeheartedly!!! Makes no sense....:nono:. Long hair should be enjoyed and's part of the deal for the hard work that goes into it :grin:.
I never really noticed the women here not wearing their hair out actually...
All the BSL and WL women on here I thought did wear it out just not all the time and there could be a bunch of reasons for this. It could be because managing the hair (style and hair care) is too much work, it could be because now they have to maintain the length and IF for them PS is what got them there then...also, it could be one of those things where now that you've achieved the length, it means nothing to you anymore and you're bored (kinda how some people feel in relationships, the chase was the most fun)....on to the next challenge!
I would like to grow my hair to at least waist length straightened. I plan on wearing my hair in protective styles often (not 99% of the time though) to protect my hair and probably sometimes I just won't feel like bothering with my hair. I feel that long hair looks better even in protective styles, so I don't feel as though I would be hiding my hair (i.e., I think the simple big cinnamon bun with one's own hair is beautiful). I think it's worth having long hair even if I don't wear it down a lot. I guess it's just knowing that if I want to, I can.
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I don't wear protective styles and don't think there would be much benefit for me, but I can't knock someone else for it (not saying you were doing that, OP, at all--just asking questions). I guess they have their reasons.
I think old habits are hard to break. I don't wear weave or wigs, but I do where my hair up in a clip. I was doing that before I knew about protective styling. I think the point is to just have long hair not have long hair to show the world that you have it. But I do look forward to having long natural butt length hair.
the reasons i mostly wear my hair in a bun:

when its frizzes and tangles
when its frizzes and tangles
when it frizzes and tangles
when its frizzes and tangles
u name it! frizzes and tangles :lachen:

not to mention random strangers constantly comment on it and want to touch it..which sometimes irks me lol

i don't each his own i guess
My sister and my mother have been growing their hair out for years and they have worn PS like crazy. My mother is WL and my sister is APL, and they are both natural. Now I am growing out a pixie cut, that I loved so much. I have no idea what style I want when I grow it out, but I do know I want to wear it out. Anyway my sister insists on wearing weave to cover her really pretty APL hair and my mother wears her wig 99.9% of the time to cover her WL hair. And when I asked them why they don't wear their own hair own, considering they have achieved more length than many women could dream, they said it is too much work:perplexed??? My sister says my hair is making progress, but she finishes by saying, "It's growing, but what are you going to do after you get your length? There is nothing to do to it.":ohwell:

Anyway I know some will say that is why I don't have hair:giggle: because I want to do too much to it, but why grow hair if you plan to wear nothing but PS 99% of the time? I mean isn't part of the appeal of hair or longer hair to show it off and wear it?:look: I could be wrong, but life is to short to not enjoy what a person has been blessed with. Does anyone feel like this? Or what are your takes? Okay done venting!:grin:

This is part of why I hacked off 5-6 inches of my hair. My hair was very close to brastrap, but b/c my hair was so fine I couldn't leave my hair out with out worrying about it getting damaged. I miss my longer hair but am more amazed that I cut my hair so well lol
I can understand where you are coming from...being mostly a lurker here I always wondered why some prefer to 'hide' their hair especially when its gorgeous and healthy and long...but with that said, I also know that the gorgeous, healthy long hair comes to a certain degree from PS.
personally, I don't plan to let mine grow longer than APL (maybe) BSL b/c I know it gets tedious to style hair, esp. thick natural hair when it gets past a certain point. I do like flaunting my hair (always have) although I am re-training myself to begin incorporating PS regularly especially once my hair gets shoulder length where I always had the most trouble growing beyond!
Sometimes when you're natural, it's easier to just put your hair away. Half the time I don't even know what to do with mine and it's not even long yet. Natural styles sometimes take a process and could take a whole day or overnight to do a cute style. It might just be easier to wash it and bun it or something. Relaxed hair is different in that regard.
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Redliz, I completely understand where you're coming from. I often wonder the same thing.

I just don't see the point of having long hair if you never wear it out. Or if its too hard to maintain why not just keep it shorter.

I don't get it y'all.
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I also think that a lot of ladies grow their hair with the intention of wearing it out quite often, but then worry so much about damaging their hair that they almost always put it up.

I can understand this feeling because I feel this way now. Could you imagine having your BSL/MBL/WL hair out all the time and it getting so damaged that you have to cut it and watch all your years of hard work fall to the floor?

I would cry for days.
I can barely wear PS all the time now. :grin: I can see how people with long hair want to rock a really long braid or something though, so I can see it. It doesn't have to be typical Beyaki-style loose and flowing to look & feel fabulous.

But me, I know I like to change it up and wear differnt styles. The only time i've worn the same style day in and day out was when I hated my hair or was tired of it; but those weren't time-consuming protective styles I wore either.
the reasons i mostly wear my hair in a bun:

when its frizzes and tangles
when its frizzes and tangles
when it frizzes and tangles
when its frizzes and tangles
u name it! frizzes and tangles :lachen:

not to mention random strangers constantly comment on it and want to touch it..which sometimes irks me lol

i don't each his own i guess
My mom has said the same!
It's a lot of trouble. My longest layer is now waist-length stretched, but it's a lot of hassle to deal with it. I rarely get excited about washing it or detangling it anymore, it's just something I have to do.

I'm natural and I just wear my hair curly and pull it into a ponytail or a bun a lot. Even when I do wear it down (whether curly or straightened), I keep it in a ponytail or bun when I'm in the streets and take it down when I get into the office. Coats and scarves are bad news IMO. But I still love my hair and I do like having long hair- it's just a different set of issues from when it was shorter.
I am juuuuust like your mom and sister :yep: JUST LIKE 'UM. My hubby jokes me by saying that "doing my hair" is putting a wig on. It is much eaiser but most importantly it's less potential damage to my real hair which in turn will lead to more growth/length retention.
I don't wear protective styles and don't think there would be much benefit for me, but I can't knock someone else for it (not saying you were doing that, OP, at all--just asking questions). I guess they have their reasons.

Uhm....ur hair looks goooooooood....:spinning:
I am on the fence. Part of me wants long hair to flaunt it, but as others have pointed out, I would be too afraid of losing progress.

I am in love with my SL hair now, but I keep it covered 24/7. I may let it out for a couple of days a week. I am not even sure what I am going to do this summer when I can not throw my satin bonnet and hat on, lol. I guess it will be braids, braids, braids.

I think the whole point is with long hair, you have the choice to flaunt it or hide it.
I get this all the coworkers always asking me to leave my hair down (for them to look at I guess). I pin it up when I get to work or just wear a wet bun most days. The enjoying it part to me, is when you do wear it out and flaunt it people are truly shocked/surprised that you have that much hair.

The longer my hair gets, the more I'll wear it protected...this is what's gotten it to this point now!!
My sister and my mother have been growing their hair out for years and they have worn PS like crazy. My mother is WL and my sister is APL, and they are both natural. Now I am growing out a pixie cut, that I loved so much. I have no idea what style I want when I grow it out, but I do know I want to wear it out. Anyway my sister insists on wearing weave to cover her really pretty APL hair and my mother wears her wig 99.9% of the time to cover her WL hair. And when I asked them why they don't wear their own hair own, considering they have achieved more length than many women could dream, they said it is too much work:perplexed??? My sister says my hair is making progress, but she finishes by saying, "It's growing, but what are you going to do after you get your length? There is nothing to do to it.":ohwell:

Anyway I know some will say that is why I don't have hair:giggle: because I want to do too much to it, but why grow hair if you plan to wear nothing but PS 99% of the time? I mean isn't part of the appeal of hair or longer hair to show it off and wear it?:look: I could be wrong, but life is to short to not enjoy what a person has been blessed with. Does anyone feel like this? Or what are your takes? Okay done venting!:grin:

Doesn't sylver2 wear her hair out all the time and she's pretty much waist length. right now I'm in braids because like you said, it's really tiring doing natural hair after a certain length. But usually I wear it out 50 percent of the time and up the rest. It's past MBL right now on it's way to waist length (cross fingers) in a matter of months hopefully.
I plan on wearing my hair completely out when I get to mbl or wsl, probably in natural styles. The weight of my hair would keep it stretched and I would have to worry less about single strand knots and split ends. I only want really long hair so that my braids and ponytails will be long and so that my wash n gos will have some hang-time
Protective styles are what grow my hair. Before LHCF, I've noticed that whenever I wore my hair, it began to break. I think it was because of manipulation and heat. I always get the same question when I wear my hair down: "Dang girl, I didnt know your hair was that long! Why you always wearing weaves?" Simple, they give my hair a rest and allow me to wear bunches of different styles and lengths without changing my hair.
I want to enjoy my length so I plan on wearing my hair DOWN...okay, maybe not all of the time but at least twice a week....:rolleyes:. But, I understand moms and sis point of view, natural hair is a lot of work and sometimes I do a ponytail that has nothing to do with doing a PS, it's more me just not wanting to fool with it :yep:!

i agree. i mean sometimes u just dont feel like doing anything to it, ie my hair was in a bun Mon-Thurs, its been cold and i've been exhausted. but i do not understand people who have achieved bsl or longer and wear PS (not including braids) 360 days of the year. i just dont see the point of having the hair then. just to say u have it?