So why did/do you want to grow out your hair?

I want long hair because I look and feel great with it. I wear WL wigs and it keeps me motivated. I can't wait to wear a large elaborate high bun. I want to do fish tail braids, I want to do braid outs, roller sets, and so many more things to my hair. Its not that I can't do those things right now its just that I look not so wonderful with short hair. I just don't love it like I love long hair.
I'm just curious. I know everyone has their reasons. Others like having short hair *shrug*. For me, I have a number of reasons why I decided to start this journey:

-I want to stop being reliant on weaves. You know how short hair suits certain people? Yeah, I'm not one of those people. Long hair suits my face better I want to be able to have that without spending extra time and loads of $$$ on fake hair.

-You can do cuter things with longer hair. Ponytails, buns, braidouts, etc look really nice on longer hair to me. If I could effortlessly pull my hair into a full high bun, I'd wear it all the time. Bantu knot out? Every d*** day lol. I almost feel like it would be easier to wear protective styles if my hair was long.

-To prove my family wrong. I've had multiple people tell me in my family that I can't do it. My father especially. He says that since none of the women in our family have long hair, it's not in our genes to have long hair and I should accept it. I want to show him that I can. When my mother was in middle school, she had APL hair. I know that may not seem long to some people on this bored, but it is to me and is where I want to be. Ever since she cut it off, she has never been able to fully grow it back. But then again, my mother is extremely experimental and edgy with her hair. Many women in my family have bad hair practices....I want to change that.

-Dang it I just wanna be sexy lol. You can't sit there and tell me that there is nothing sexy about a woman with long, thick, healthy hair. There's some kind of confidence in that......

So what are your reasons?

cutiepiesensei can you tell me how long your hair is now? How long have you been growing?

I want long hair because All my life I wanted to grow my hair out to waist length or longer but some how I let other things get in my way like wanting a hair cut or dyeing or jerri curl lol.

I can not change the fact that my hair is thin because it is genetics but I can changed the length and health.
I just love the way BIG hair looks. I love the way it frames my face. I love the fluffiness of it all. Just makes you want to put your hands in it and grab a puffy slice like cotton candy. I love everything about it and I want MORE! Im only APL now so I can't wait for all the hair in store for me. I really hope to be WL straight one day but my love for big hair just doesn't compare for me.
1. My number one reason for attempting to grow my hair is that I've always wanted to be able to look down and see hair. I've never had that. My hair has always gotten to shoulder length and stopped.

2. I want shoulder length twists and twist-outs. I think that they look best at that length.

3. My grandma's hair was TBL and I wish I could get there. I know now that it's because she wore it in buns daily all her life. I wish I had realized that long ago.
Shadiyah NL, really close to SL. EL in the front. I've never been past SL. I've been trying for a year, but this past month is the first time I have been putting techniques and advice from here to practice (which that, along with a haircut has made a huge difference)
I want to put it up and forget about it. I want to stop worrying about how frizz is ruining my style.
Shoot--long hair is sexy, exotic, fun and beautiful, just like me. It's my crowning glory and I'm gonna work it. My goal is waistlength and Lord have mercy help me if I aint gone act the fool when I get there!! Y'all pray...
Long hair for me is like the forbidden fruit. I was always told you could only have long hair if you were blesses with the good hair genes. People would say you dont have that type of hair.
So im off to prove them wrong. Ive been wanting this for a long time and i am surely approaching my goal.

Plus its just something exra sexy about a woman with long hair and its all real.
I want to grow my hair out for more versatility. My TWA can now be converted to a BAA which is what I've been wearing for the past two weeks :grin:, but for the first time just the other day I was nervous about it getting wet and shrinking or looking lopsided! Once I reach my ultimate goal of APL I think it'll be easier for me to just put it up in a bun, pin it up or something during rainy or humid weather.

There are sooo many things you can do with long hair. I want to be able to do all the things that long haired girls can do!
If I were relaxed my hair would be short. I always wore my hair short because it was just easier that way.

But now that I'm natural I want to grow out my hair because I feel it will be easier to style. I also think it would take less time to style. When NL hair I had to make sure I set aside a certain number of hours to finish my wash day regimen. As my hair grows longer I will be able to shorten this time. I am looking forward to being able to cowash in the morning and put it up and go. Looking forward to bigger twists and being able to wear some buns. I am hoping that as it gets longer I won't be a nervous wreck on special occassions because I'm not sure how my hair will turn out.

So short answer: Easier to style, takes less time and more styling options.

I don't care for long relaxed hair, but I LOVE short relaxed cuts. I have gone by my hair motto "Short and relaxed or long and natural". Considering I don't relax anymore, I prefer long and natural.

I agree. IMO, longer hair looks better when its messy than shorter hair. I can have a somewhat sloppy bun and have it still look cute vs. skimpy looking with shorter hair.
I think healthy, long hair is beautiful. I feel more feminine with my hair long. I like the styles I can do. It's fun graduating from one style to another as the hair grows out.
Shadiyah NL, really close to SL. EL in the front. I've never been past SL. I've been trying for a year, but this past month is the first time I have been putting techniques and advice from here to practice (which that, along with a haircut has made a huge difference)

cutiepiesensei That really is not a long time so do worry it all will work out. Just don't get scissor crazy and really pay attention to your hair to make sure it likes what you are doing to it. Baby Baby your ends. They are very very important.

Which style do you wear the most. Sorry if you already told it I will look at the first post. Oh are you trying to on natural hair?
Shadiyah I'm relaxed. Since I actually started paying attention to my hair its been doing much better. Strands feel stronger and not much breakage. I make use of clip in extensions. I use them to make my buns and French twists easier. Normally I wear those styles or up in a clip. I DC every week and blow dry as well. I know people think that a blowdryer is the devil, but my hair has genuinely been doing tons better even though I'm using it. Trying to manipulate my hair while trying to do rollersts gives me breakage. I do wear my hair down sometimes, but my actual hair doesn't touch my shoulders yet and I moisturize nightly
I've wanted long, flowing hair since I was a child.:look: There's just something I find beautiful about long, healthy, flowing hair.:grin: Practically speaking, longer hair is easier to style and has more versatility. As my hair's gotten longer I've noticed I don't have to fuss with it as much for it to look halfway decent.:yep:
I think longer hair frames my face better and I'd love to offset my long neck in the process :lol: My hair is currently NL, but it grows in layers-the front and sides are shorter so currently I'm unable to frame my face. Just having enough hair to do that would make me happy, but I aim for an ultimate of WL because I think it's beautiful. Also on a random note I Love to :bdance: and I think the movements would just come along so much better and graceful on my slender body when I've got swang with it. :grin: :yep:
Good question.
I always had long hair and never really considered cutting it short.
I think I look better with longer hair.
After damaging it as a teen and in my 20s I decided to learn and let it grow, finally deciding to go natural.
I want to prove myself right! I know I can do it, and I know I will have a better self image of myself the longer it gets and I will stop comparing myself to other races. Beside guys are loving my new found length. one boy told me he loved how long and flowy my hair was...I was shoulder length...Killin em! :boxing: :yay::lachen:
I also want long hair to prove to myself and others that I can grow my hair to longer lengths. I've never had hair longer than NL. As a matter of fact, no one in my immediate family (mother and three sisters) has had hair longer than NL (unless they bought it.)

I was so self-conscious of how short my hair was my whole life. I used to be in awe of all the black girls with long ponytails in grade school. It was even worse in middle and high school. I just resigned to the myth that my family got the "short hair gene". I finally came to terms with my short hair and just started rocking pixie cuts in college. I'd been doing this up until finding LHCF in 2011 (about 20 yrs. later :ohwell:) I'm NL now, but I've learned the truth and I'm going to let my hair grow as long as the good Lord will let it grow! :yep:
I look like a totally different person with long hair. My face shape doesn't do well with short hair.
xu93texas said:
I also want long hair to prove to myself and others that I can grow my hair to longer lengths. I've never had hair longer than NL. As a matter of fact, no one in my immediate family (mother and three sisters) has had hair longer than NL (unless they bought it.)

I was so self-conscious of how short my hair was my whole life. I used to be in awe of all the black girls with long ponytails in grade school. It was even worse in middle and high school. I just resigned to the myth that my family got the "short hair gene". I finally came to terms with my short hair and just started rocking pixie cuts in college. I'd been doing this up until finding LHCF in 2011 (about 20 yrs. later :ohwell:) I'm NL now, but I've learned the truth and I'm going to let my hair grow as long as the good Lord will let it grow! :yep:

Ok you and I have the same story except most of my family has reasonably long hair (APL, BSL, and one WL without much effort) lol. We can do it ladies!