I'm just curious. I know everyone has their reasons. Others like having short hair *shrug*. For me, I have a number of reasons why I decided to start this journey:
-I want to stop being reliant on weaves. You know how short hair suits certain people? Yeah, I'm not one of those people. Long hair suits my face better I want to be able to have that without spending extra time and loads of $$$ on fake hair.
-You can do cuter things with longer hair. Ponytails, buns, braidouts, etc look really nice on longer hair to me. If I could effortlessly pull my hair into a full high bun, I'd wear it all the time. Bantu knot out? Every d*** day lol. I almost feel like it would be easier to wear protective styles if my hair was long.
-To prove my family wrong. I've had multiple people tell me in my family that I can't do it. My father especially. He says that since none of the women in our family have long hair, it's not in our genes to have long hair and I should accept it. I want to show him that I can. When my mother was in middle school, she had APL hair. I know that may not seem long to some people on this bored, but it is to me and is where I want to be. Ever since she cut it off, she has never been able to fully grow it back. But then again, my mother is extremely experimental and edgy with her hair. Many women in my family have bad hair practices....I want to change that.
-Dang it I just wanna be sexy lol. You can't sit there and tell me that there is nothing sexy about a woman with long, thick, healthy hair. There's some kind of confidence in that......
So what are your reasons?