So why did/do you want to grow out your hair?


New Member
I'm just curious. I know everyone has their reasons. Others like having short hair *shrug*. For me, I have a number of reasons why I decided to start this journey:

-I want to stop being reliant on weaves. You know how short hair suits certain people? Yeah, I'm not one of those people. Long hair suits my face better I want to be able to have that without spending extra time and loads of $$$ on fake hair.

-You can do cuter things with longer hair. Ponytails, buns, braidouts, etc look really nice on longer hair to me. If I could effortlessly pull my hair into a full high bun, I'd wear it all the time. Bantu knot out? Every d*** day lol. I almost feel like it would be easier to wear protective styles if my hair was long.

-To prove my family wrong. I've had multiple people tell me in my family that I can't do it. My father especially. He says that since none of the women in our family have long hair, it's not in our genes to have long hair and I should accept it. I want to show him that I can. When my mother was in middle school, she had APL hair. I know that may not seem long to some people on this bored, but it is to me and is where I want to be. Ever since she cut it off, she has never been able to fully grow it back. But then again, my mother is extremely experimental and edgy with her hair. Many women in my family have bad hair practices....I want to change that.

-Dang it I just wanna be sexy lol. You can't sit there and tell me that there is nothing sexy about a woman with long, thick, healthy hair. There's some kind of confidence in that......

So what are your reasons?
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Everyone has their own definition of long. What I want is APL in the front and BSL in the back which is not long for many here.

I just want to do more with my hair.
I've only ever had short hair twice in my life, once when i was 21 and i joined LHCF because i had major damage from a bad relaxer and then when I BC'ed on NYE 2010. I've always had hair (between APL and just shy of BSL). I wanted long hair when i was relaxed cause i thought it was more versatile even though to be honest, I felt that i looked so cute when i was in the bob phase of growing out my hair. But now as a natural, I feel that long hair is necessary to be able to do the styles that I want and to offset the shrinkage
I honestly think I look better with longer, fuller hair. Being that I'm curvy (at fit), the hair balances out my body and frame more. If I was slender by nature, a shorter hair style would probably be OK.
I want to flip my hair and have it all be mine. I've always wanted to take down a bun and swish my hair around. I WILL have Reneice Bun Reveal Hair, Dagnabit!
Honestly, I look better with longer/ fuller hairstyles. So yes, I feel that I will be more attractive with longer hair

And as an added bonus, I can say it's all mine :grin:
If I were relaxed my hair would be short. I always wore my hair short because it was just easier that way.

But now that I'm natural I want to grow out my hair because I feel it will be easier to style. I also think it would take less time to style. When NL hair I had to make sure I set aside a certain number of hours to finish my wash day regimen. As my hair grows longer I will be able to shorten this time. I am looking forward to being able to cowash in the morning and put it up and go. Looking forward to bigger twists and being able to wear some buns. I am hoping that as it gets longer I won't be a nervous wreck on special occassions because I'm not sure how my hair will turn out.

So short answer: Easier to style, takes less time and more styling options.
I love the drama of long thick natural hair. I've really been enjoying my hair at MBL, I swing it, it falls really low on my body and really compliments my features. I just did a Bantu knot out and it was HUGE lol I'm only 2-3 inches shy of WL and I can just taste it! Lol WL is a goal I set for myself that I look forward to achieving. I may even go longer but it really seems like I'll need to be disciplined to achieve these final inches and really moisturize to the max.

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I look different as my hair grows little by little. I like it. Also, I just want to see myself with something beyond a pixie cut or short bob.
I like hair and the more the better! If I ever get to the point where my hair is a burden and no longer fun I'll change it up/cut it. But since I've never been past APL that's a long ways off.
I think long hair frames my face better. Plus I like how updos and buns look with hair longer hair.
I look cute with short hair (NL to SL, never had ear length hair or shorter in my life so idk lol) but I think longer hair would compliment me more.My goal is for BSL or maybe even MBL. I just want to regain what I had 2 years ago when my hair was BSL. Now that I know what to do to get my hair healthy and beautiful again there is no doubt that I will reach my goal. My family already knows we have the "genes" to grow long hair so that is not an issue. I want to be an inspiration for other woman so that they can too can have healthy beautiful and/or long hair just like you ladies are here. I am so glad we have LHCF.
My whole life my natural hair has run between NL and EL. Half of that on purpose and half from various damage. I also never thought it a possibiklity. Have only know maybe 5 AA women who were APL. Freaks of nature I thought then! Now I know better...

Dernit I am determined to have bsl for the first time in my life on my 40th bday. Gives me 1.5 years to get it together. Its way harder than I thought! But rewarding too
I want to grow my hair because its something I have always wanted...long hair is beautiful and so feminine IMO. When I realized that I too can have long hair I became determined to grow mine as long as i can :)
I find long hair very feminine, I'm one of those annoying people that plays in my hair when I'm bored and I actually wanted longer hair for that reason. I don't know, I just wanted to fiddle with it, flip it around and have it blow in the wind - I guess I'm superficial that way. I WOULD also say I wanted to try different hairstyles but I rarely do anything to my hair other than leave it down.
Because I can.

I loved my hair when I was mostly bald. I loved my hair when it was a TWA. I loved my hair at every step in between bald and BSL. I've always been natural and I love that too. But the truth of the matter is that I never really noticed my hair until now. I've noticed, of course, if it was long or short, or blond or red, but this is the first time in my life that I'm actually paying attention to my hair. To the health of my hair. And to be honest, it's pretty stressful! I know that it will grow, it always has, but now, I wonder......has it always shed this much??!! I MUST be going BALD, because you can't lose that much hair every week and still have some on your head! But come next week - I still have hair. Oh. So I guess you can.

What about that split end!! OMG, I have a (one) split end! How will my hair ever survive this!!!??? Snip go the sissors and with it the split end. Whew! I guess I didn't have to cut off ALL of my hair to get that one split end! LOL.

Because I can. And if I don't go batty in the process, I'll really enjoy it when I reach my goal of WL.
It never occurred to me that I could choose to have long hair. When I found this sight and saw that ladies were choosing to grow to WL and longer, I decided I wanted to too. At that point, it seemed that it was just a matter of choosing that you wanted it to be longer and then going for it. And so here I am.
Because I LOVE updos, hair sticks, combs, etc. I like waking up and deciding how to style my hair.

I mainly wear buns...except for the weekend. I throw on a wig.
i cut my hair from mbl to apl-bsl.i want to grow my hair back to mbl because now i dont get any "are you mixededed" questions.boooooooooooo. thats no fun people think im just a regular black chick now im no longer exotical :( lollol jpjp:look:
I BC`d to go natural. I wanted to grow my hair out so that it would match the length before the BC. After that, I wanted to challenge myself to see how long my hair could grow. I finally stopped believing the "black women can't grow long hair" crap. Also, I like it. I feel softer, feminine, and just plain love my hair.

ETA: My goal is classic length :look: But I could be happy with WL. :grin:
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I look better with longer hair. I only know this because I've worn weaves and extensions and I always felt more confident with them in.

And..just to see if I can do it. No one in my family has long hair and I want to know if it's possible.
I have always wanted long hair ever since I was a little girl wearing a T-shirt on my head and singing Tina Turner songs into my hair brush/ microphone.

And since I cannot be a professional Singer, I will settle for the dream of long hair.

But I make this promise when I get to my goal I will make a video of me singing in my hair brush to a Tina Turner song, but this time I will be whipping my real hair back and forth!!!!!
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I'm growing my hair back out was fun! Long hair is simply FUN!:grin: I love doing the buns, you can do soooo many different styles with long can put curls in it, braids...and pin it up all different kinds of ways:yep: Hairsticks and Ficcare clips, Flexi-8's...etc

Long hair makes me feel feminine. The longer my hair gets i feel more "womanly" lol...(also, the weight of my hair now, also gives me the same effect as it is starting to become heavy).

It's just so much easier! You can choose to wake up and just throw it together....or you can choose to take your time to style it.

And does add an "exotical" effect.
I want to grow my hair to full MBL or waist length because I have never had those lengths in my adult life. I'm hoping when my hair gets to waist it will shrink less when I wear it curly.
niqu92 said:
i cut my hair from mbl to apl-bsl.i want to grow my hair back to mbl because now i dont get any "are you mixededed" questions.boooooooooooo. thats no fun people think im just a regular black chick now im no longer exotical :( lollol jpjp:look:

This is funny lol! :)