Long Hair and Vanity

I've never worn weaves but I want long hair because I know it can get long, if that makes sense. I preferred my hair longer. Plus, I want to do one of those Traycee buns one day.

It's just a preference. The last time I've worn my hair on the shorter side (above shoulder length) was as a young child when my hair was just growing out.
I like being the black chick with the long hair :look:. I don't do weaves. I do wear braids with extension hair, cornrows, not micros/box braids.
I've always loved long, big hair--maybe b/c my mom has always had it? (she's always been mbl or wl). And my hair has always been thick. It's just the norm for me.

I'ver never worn weave or wigs or braids. And I've gone through stages where I preferred my hair APL or shorter (I have very old pics in my album to illustrate this).

I don't think it's vain to like how long hair looks on you.
I have had longer hair and the past and tried to get over the SL hump. Then one day I cut it to a bob, than another day, I cut it to a pixie. I LOVED the way I felt in short hair, and it exuded so much that people often complimented me on it. NEVER did I feel inferior or less feminine because of it. In fact, I felt a heighten sense of femininity. With that being said, I clearly am not growing my hair for only vanity reasons, because I am full aware that hair doesn't make me. I think I am at a stage in my life where I want to grow my hair out. If it leads to APL or BSL than oh well. But so far, I like the journey I am on.:)
Long hair or a head full of head is just another accessory to me. :look: I'm not that obsessed about having long hair but it is a nice addition. I'm still da ish with or without it....

I'm tryna reach that level of confidence! I'm so no where near it yet!
i want long hair probably only because I was indoctrinated that my kind of black hair couldn't grow. it would be a personal accomplishment. however, i know that when it probably reaches atbeyond apl, more than the likely I'll cut (if relaxed) but if i stay natural...who knows if i'll continue letting grow or cut- depends on what I perceive are my styling options. but basically its all about proving something to myself.

i must admit, there is *something* about long hair to me, although most of that *something* stems from a messed up belief system that I am trying to overcome. i grew up with a father who is militant about a woman's hair being her 'crown and glory' almost to the extent that women with short hair are not beautiful or less beautiful which is so not true! also I remember (when i was a child) snickering at the little girls with short 'bad' hair..so I guess i've come to equate long hair with 'good quality' and short hair with 'bad'. yup..messed up. but I'm re-learning myself!
I'm growing my hair longer bc like the other ladies, I've never had it. I don't think it's vain at all to put weave in your hair to make it longer. I mean what a/b the people who have long hair who don't want to cut it off? They throw on short wigs. Does that make them vain? I don't think so. They just want to change it up a bit. Especially when the white folks get a makeover...what's the first thing they usually do? Chop off their hair. It's smthg that they probably never had...
Just like you OP I want to see what my natural texture looks like in abundance and I want to see how long my hair grows. Plus I'm madly in :love: with nappy, kinky, cottony hair and I want more and more of it.
a girl said something interesting to me today and we didn't get to debate but she said, why would someone want long hair, its too heavy and you can't do anything with it, and I went to say, noooo that's not true the ladies on LHCF are very stylish with their long hair, and it was like a dead issue because she wasn't hearing me.....LOL

But she also said, well its gonna grow long, but you just gonna cut it off again, which is true for me. I'm the type of person that will do everything to my hair and eventually get bored and chop it off. That's just who I am. I would grow my hair MB, wear it natural, wear it straight, roller set it, twist outs, braid outs, big and volumne, then I'll get to the dyes, red, brown, and one day I'll be bold enough to dye it light light brown like copperish with gold highlights just to see what it would look like, then I would eventually get bored and chop it off.... LOL

but until then I'm just trying to get it to grow!!! GROW!
I've had really short hair and medium length hair (APL). I look better with longer hair. Full APL is my goal.
I don't think wanting long hair is a vanity issue for me. I got plenty of compliments on my healthy short hair. I think long hair is pretty & I want to prove to myself that I can grow the long hair that I desired when I was little girl.

The only problem I have with weaves is that sooooo many black women, and only black women, seem to be dependent on them & that dependence keeps us from learning how to care for & grow our own hair.
For some it is vanity. But for me it is its moreso the fact I never had hair past shoulder length and it would be very exciting for me if I were to reach my goal of MBL. But like a previous poster said if I were to be honest and not give just a PC answer, I think it may be a little vanity there too :look:
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I loooved my short hair!! I was able to rock in several styles. Curled,spiked, wet & wavy. I never actually tried to grow my hair past SL, so this will be a personal challenge to see how long I can get it. As far as vanity...... Girrrrl don't let me mess around & get some WL hair!!! I might be hard to deal with:lachen::lachen:
I want long hair, because I have always had a decent length. I want to reach my hair goals. Before I cut more than half my hair off in September, I was at BSL. I am in the process of transitioning (or giving it serious thought) and I want to have healthy, natural?? (hopefully) hair first, then long, luxurious hair second.

Your hair looks gorgeous in your siggy.
I look better with long hair. It is like night and day. Literally men trip over themselves trying to holla at me. People start asking me for my ID when I buy alcohol. I have a round face and look hair elongates it and it makes me look more youthful. It is just the reality of it.
Vanity is a part of it. I also think I look better with longer hair and it gives me more styling options. I also want to do it so I can swing it in the face of my critical family members, especially after the way they belittled my hair practices over the holidays.:wallbash:
Vanity is a part of it. I also think I look better with longer hair and it gives me more styling options. I also want to do it so I can swing it in the face of my critical family members, especially after the way they belittled my hair practices over the holidays.:wallbash:

:lachen:So true!!!!
I've always had like APL/BSL ish hair...but i want it LONGER because i like the way i look with long hair...short hair on me makes me look older....i don't really like that.

And plus....i love the way the wind feels when you just gortit flat ironed and its just ablowin'.......! Ain't nuthin like it!!
Vanity is a part of it. I also think I look better with longer hair and it gives me more styling options. I also want to do it so I can swing it in the face of my critical family members, especially after the way they belittled my hair practices over the holidays.:wallbash:
I do have some family members that I want to do this to:giggle:.
Long hair or a head full of head is just another accessory to me. :look: I'm not that obsessed about having long hair but it is a nice addition. I'm still da ish with or without it....

Lol....I HEARD that....go' head girl! :grin:

cause I never had long hair before. Honestly I just want APL and thats it. Anything more than that would be too much. I dont want really long hair.

Yay...I'm not alone!! Welcome to the club! But we're definitely in a minority here..lol:grin:

i want long hair probably only because I was indoctrinated that my kind of black hair couldn't grow. it would be a personal accomplishment. however, i know that when it probably reaches atbeyond apl, more than the likely I'll cut (if relaxed) but if i stay natural...who knows if i'll continue letting grow or cut- depends on what I perceive are my styling options. but basically its all about proving something to myself.

i must admit, there is *something* about long hair to me, although most of that *something* stems from a messed up belief system that I am trying to overcome. i grew up with a father who is militant about a woman's hair being her 'crown and glory' almost to the extent that women with short hair are not beautiful or less beautiful which is so not true! also I remember (when i was a child) snickering at the little girls with short 'bad' hair..so I guess i've come to equate long hair with 'good quality' and short hair with 'bad'. yup..messed up. but I'm re-learning myself!

Glad that you are re-learning...our parents and elders have often passed some really poor " hair-esteem" to us.