So who deep conditions with cheapies?


New Member
I'm STILL trying to get my regime in place, so I've been trying new methods. I really want to be consistent starting in October. Okay, so does anyone deep condition with cheapy conditioners like V05 or Suave? My hair hates Suave, and most V05. The only V05 conditioner that my hair likes is the Strawberries and Cream Moisture Milks. I deep conditioned with it today. My hair isn't dry yet, so I can't tell how good it was. This is the only cheap conditioner that feels remotely moisturizing. So are these OK to deep condition with, or am I going to have problems over time?
I cannot use them alone because they are not moisturizing enough. All they do is get my scalp extra clean if I let them sit longer than 15 minutes. But they are a good base to use if you experiment with various mixtures.
I do!!

I used to DC with just the cheapies only (left on for several hours) but now I add honey to them (about 2parts conditioner to 1 part honey) and my hair LOVES it. I've used V05, Suave, and White Rain - personally, I think I like the White Rain the best.
I do...with Suave conditioners. I add oils on my ends and sit with a plastic cap & towel on my head for 30 mins to a hour. Works great for me and I haven't had any problems with it.
I do. I use V05's with a heat. I usually have to do it a little longer, but I don't mind, the results are the same.
mkstar826 said:
I do...with Suave conditioners. I add oils on my ends and sit with a plastic cap & towel on my head for 30 mins to a hour. Works great for me and I haven't had any problems with it.

Hi MKStar, is that a picture of your hair? Because that's how mine looks when it's virgin... You have coils? I think it's 4a right? Just curious, still trying to figure out my hair type, it would great if they had a picture guide to go along with each that would be a helpful chart.
AtlantaJJ said:
Hi MKStar, is that a picture of your hair? Because that's how mine looks when it's virgin... You have coils? I think it's 4a right? Just curious, still trying to figure out my hair type, it would great if they had a picture guide to go along with each that would be a helpful chart.

hi :) yes that's my hair. i do have coils. in that pic my hair had just been finger detangled and was still wet so the coils are stretched out but once it dries they get tighter. if i had to type my hair i would say mostly 4a/b with a random patch of 3c in my crown...
I do!!

I make a mixture of some type of a cheapie conditioner (Suave, VO5, etc.) and mix with olive oil, honey, or either an egg (depends on if i need some protein or not). I had purchased a deep conditioner from the store once and when I got ready to use it, I couldn't find it (was under the cabinet amongst all the other stuff). Not being able to find it right away was what caused me to actually try this concoction (also from other members posting that it worked well for them).................I use a plastic cap and sit under the dryer for about 30 minutes or either I will just leave it on overnight.
Thanks for the replies, ladies! I think I'll try adding EVOO to the cheapies, too. My hair hates honey, so I can't use it. Thanks again!
LeKair works great for deep conditioning and even better when spiked with an ORS RP and some oil. I gotta get back to doing this under the hood dryer. :cool:
hmm i just bought some CON nourishing conditioner to replace my usual nexxus humectress. i'm hesitant to do that cause i've only used this product once before followed by humectress. if it doesn't work then i'm running back to nexxus.
I deep condition with VO5 Strawberries and Cream. I like to use this cause its thick and I love thick conditioners. Sometimes I will add oil or honey but most of the time just the conditioner under a plastic cap and towel for and hour no heat.
nappywomyn said:
I do!!

I used to DC with just the cheapies only (left on for several hours) but now I add honey to them (about 2parts conditioner to 1 part honey) and my hair LOVES it. I've used V05, Suave, and White Rain - personally, I think I like the White Rain the best.

White Rain Tropical Coconut is my shiznit....that is my tried and true staple right alongside my NTM DDC:D
None of that cheap stuff works for my hair. I was using Miss Key 10 en 1 and that was cool, but I just switched back to ORS Hair Mayo. $10 a jar is expensive to me, but nothing else works as well.
I DC with cheap conditioners all the time .I never use heat just my plastic cap.
I usually start in the morning and wash it out in the evening.
I even go to the mall with my little pink showercap on.:)

Lol,I'am just kidding,I don't leave the house like that.:lachen: