Battle of the Cheapies: Suave, Vo5, or White Rain?

Which Brands Rules all for you: White Rain, Vo5, or Suave?

  • Suave, is my brand!

    Votes: 231 46.8%
  • White Rain takes it!

    Votes: 24 4.9%
  • V05, is my heart!

    Votes: 239 48.4%

  • Total voters
I love Suave Cocunut, Daily Clarifying, and Milk and Honey. If I am going for scent Mountain Strawberry, Cucumber Melon. I have not had too much luck with the professionals line though.

As far as v05 moisture milks .... I really felt like I got what I paid for. :sad: It really didn't have much effect on my hair. I was real disappointed because of all the reviews. I have two bottles that I am trying to give away .

I haven't tried White rain. I think I will pick up some on my next trip out.
Um, Suave. Hello?!? :hammer:

But I actually bought some White Rain at the dollar store, so I'm working on using that, and about 3 other bottles of pre-poos before I buy anything else.

I mix it with at least olive oil and castor oil. It's always a good time!
I have never tried White Rain- I guess it never came up in my radar!
I like suave- Coconut and Milk and Honey for co-washes- cheap and moisturizing! Theres a Vanilla one thats pretty good too. They are one of the few conditioners I have that I use till the bottle is empty!! ( For me thats a lot! I have commitment/pj issues!)
For clarifying VO5 kiwi and Lime is pretty good. But I learned that if i keep it simple- I dont have to clarify until it's time for a hardcore protein. So it sits in my shelf waiting ... and waiting!
I haven't tried White Rain, I want to try WRTC, but can't find it anywhere

I voted for Suave. Suave Naturals Aloe and Waterlily is the BEST for co washing, so much slip, softness and moisture

I tried V05 Strawberries and Cream for co washes. It was really good..... Until I discovered Suave.
OK ladies....I'm going to keep it very real & state that TRADER JOE'S NOURISH SPA CONDITIONER is hands down the BEST cheapie conditioner out there!!!!

I used to be a Suave & VO5 girl until I used TJ's ....whoa...all I can say is AMAZING!!:cloud9:

It's waaay better:
thick consistency...
smells sooo good but not overpowering at all....
organic & natural ingredients...
no cones...
cheap....what else can I say

Since it's thick & creamy I dilute mine in a spray bottle...this causes my bottles to last waay longer than the watery Suave & VO5 conditioners

The ONLY downside is that you can only purchase it at Trader Joe's stores


Ingredients: Purified water, organic rosemary oil, organic valencia orange citrus, organic mango, organic lemongrass, organic ginko biloba, organic echinacea, organic willow bark, organic sea kelp, organic chamomile flower, organic textured soy protein, organic lavender, organic grapefruit citrus, tocopherol (vitamin E), acetamide MEA, cetyl alcohol, ctric acid, methylparaben, propylparaben, botanical fragrance
I have Suave Professional shampoos and conditioners.

I have VO5 conditioners as well.

I finally used the Suave BioBasics Shampoo. However, I noticed one thing--and that is--it has a slight ammonia smell to it. :nono2: This smell was not there the night before nor was it there when I bought it from the store. So I read the ingredients. It has ammonium lauryl sulfate, ammonium laureth sulfate, ammonium xylenesulfonate, and ammonium Chloride. Maybe that’s why it smelled.

I didn’t want my stylist to notice the smell while he was washing my hair, so I diluted it with Trader Joe’s Peppermint Castile soap, which I normally carry in my purse to wash my hands. I shook the shampoo bottle vigorously. I didn’t want the ammonia to burn my scalp, but I wanted to try it anyway for the first wash.

Well, everything worked out fine. No complaints from my stylist, and it did a good job. The funny thing about it is that the whole bottle of shampoo did not smell like ammonia. For this reason, I’ve made up my mind I won’t be replacing it; but in the meantime, I will just dilute it with the castile soap or any other shampoo that doesn’t work well on my hair such as Nexxus.

I have yet to try the VO5 conditioners.
I'm glad to know you ladies have enjoyed using all of these products. I see them in the store and wonder if there's a difference. I usually use Suave b/c that's what many members talked about, but I will try the others!
The only WR I like is the Coconut cond.
I love the V05 clarifying and all of the ones with protein...
....but my hair loves protein..:yep:
I pull out a bottle of Daily Defense Tender Apple Conditioner today for a co wash and my hair was in heaven,grreat slip and moisture,tangle melted away
I know why I stocked pile 200 bottles.:yep: 100 left.
my vote goes to Vo5 for being the best!!!

but suave is ok too. i like it, but i don't LOVE it, lol ;)
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I pull out a bottle of Daily Defense Tender Apple Conditioner today for a co wash and my hair was in heaven,grreat slip and moisture,tangle melted away
I know why I stocked pile 200 bottles.:yep: 100 left.
If you ever, EVER, EVER want to sell any (and I know you don't), please, PLEASE, PLEASE PM me.
I like Suave and VO5. I have never tried White Rain. They came in real handy when I use my ayurveda powders and henna. Makes my hair a lot more manageable.
I love love Suave Strawberries and Cream for Cowashing. We have a lot of hair in my house and this is a great product for detangling, slip and basic conditioning. It also works great as a leave in.

Another great, great cheapie is Activate Shampoo and Conditioner. It has been discontinued but you can find it for $1.49 at Big Lots sometimes and it is very much like Elucence.

Trader Joe Nourish was just okay to me. We don't have those stores in my state (Texas) but someone got me a bottle and I wasn't impressed.
I tried White Rain Tropical Coconut for the first time last week. It made my scalp itch really bad. I had to quickly wash it off of my scalp. I love the Suave and Vo5 conditioners though especially Suave Tropical Coconut and Vo5 Strawberry and Cream.
I will have to look into using one of these, the cheap stuff usually makes my hair hard tho. Can anyone tell me which is moisturizing & which is a protein conditioner for fine 4b type hair?
My first love was VO5. :love: They used to have this green aloe shampoo and conditioner. I loved that stuff. Long before I knew what staples were or how important moisture was or anything I fell in love with that stuff. It was 97 cents a bottle at the local supermarket. Then one day they stopped selling it. I was only a teenager so once that happened I couldn't use it anymore. I thought it was discontinued. My hair really went down hill from there. I hated suave but it did seem like a line my hair had to get used to by the third wash it was okay. White rain always sucked ***. Then one day I was in some store and saw my beloved aloe VO5 shampoo and conditioners so I bought 6 bottles. I meant to go back but never got a chance. Anyway once that stuff was done it was officially over. I haven't seen the stuff again even in the new skinny bottles. :crying:

I don't use cheapies anymore but if I ever did I'd find something in the VO5 line up because that stuff is still one use and my hair loves it. No getting used to that stuff.

I miss my aloe :(
Wow! White Rain got the lowest vote!!! :sad: Whats up with this!!! White Rain is MY FAVORITE....the conditioner is great!!! $1 and it makes me think of my granny....cant get mych better than that!!!! Hmmm Suave is good too tho...they actually have a larger selction of scents now that i think about it....well those are my top 2...
back when vo5 was going for 66 cents i bought a whole bunch only to let it sit for two months because when i first used it it was watery like and i like my conditioners to be thick. yesterday i decidedto go ahead and use it again and mannnnnnn it was the best decission i could have made. it ffelt so thick and good on my hair:lick:
I will have to look into using one of these, the cheap stuff usually makes my hair hard tho. Can anyone tell me which is moisturizing & which is a protein conditioner for fine 4b type hair?
the vo5 moisture milks are very moisturizing:lick:. the suave coconut and vanillia floral are also very good conditioners. i mix my suave with honey and castor oil.
Wow! White Rain got the lowest vote!!! :sad: Whats up with this!!! White Rain is MY FAVORITE....the conditioner is great!!! $1 and it makes me think of my granny....cant get mych better than that!!!! Hmmm Suave is good too tho...they actually have a larger selction of scents now that i think about it....well those are my top 2...

Girl I love me some White Rain especially now on the bottles I buy it's like 33% more for free or something like that, and for a dollar hey you can't bet it. :)