So I got a retouch after my first 12 wk stretch and...

Empress Yahudah

New Member
I have to say the process was nerve recking for me It kinda has me a bit hesitant to do anoth 12 week stretch :ohwell: .....I had alot of new growth for me that is and before I went to the salon I combed through my hair and oiled it. Went to the salon mind u I havent seen her in 3 months cuz since joining the board Ive gotten tips and stuff and started doing my own hair. My hair has been realy strong lately and ive realy been proud of myself .So I sit in the chair and warned her that I had about 2 1/2 inches of new growth she laughed and said she will work with it ..Then all of a sudden she starts tearing through my hair parting it to apply the relaxer im like dang whe the hell :angry2: . She says "2 inches of new growth.... u have like 4 inches!" :perplexed .. Mind u this is truley not the case and if it were I'd be arm pit now!..Some people dont know what an actual inch is! So she's applying it then she combs the relaxer through it to I guess straighten it which I dont like :mad: but I bared with it. She told me to go to the sink and she was like ur hair is realy weak and shows me all this hair in the comb and on her hand! :eek: She said it was because I waited so long "12 weeks" for a re-touch but im thinking its because of how she was ripping through my hair puting the relaxer on then combing it through to smooth it.,..
" 3 times"!!! :whyme: .. At this point Im scared that my progress has been shot to sh**. She preped my hair for the dryer when she left I ran and looked in the mirrow but it was hard to tell cuz my hair
was wet :perplexed ..But after it was all said and done It didnt look damaged to my surprise :) I was happily shocked cuz I truley thought my hair was done for.... So thats my rant.... I want to learn how to do my own relaxer I've read tips from ladies in the threads and Ill practise with conditioner. Im just scared to go back in 3 months when its time for my next re-touch. So ladies i'll be leaning on u guys for tips and what not so I can feel confident to do it in 3 months..Or am I just being a nit pick.. there wasnt any damage im just kinda scared for the next time...what do u all think?
I was wincing as I was reading that...that is terrible.

But, I think you'll be able to do just fine. Sometimes people underprocess the first time out because they're trying to be careful. It does take a bit of practice. Even I get anxious when I relax and I've been doing it for quite a long time. The longer my hair gets, the more prep time I need I find.

There's a few ladies on here you have some really great tutorials that can help those new to self relaxing as well as a few of us old heads.

Its quite a liberating (and nerve wracking) experience to be able to self relax.:D

When I read these it's like my nightmare come to life. At least yours was a fairly happy ending. When I take these micros out, I'll be 18 weeks post and I'm contemplating touching it up myself with Phyto, then going back to my stylist a week later for a trim/dusting and start my DC's and treatments again, maybe... I did love the results of a professionally done lye relaxer and she was all about my hair care and thought it was great to stretch my relaxers, and I'd hate to try Phtyo and it doesn't work for me, Ugh!..I'm so torn, I got two months to think about it and I'm gonna pray that God leads me to do the right thing.
Im so sorry about that girl. I have not seen my stylist in a month for that smae reason cause i did a long stretch. I have been doing my hair myself relaxing included.. Im happy to say my hair looks and feels healthy and even my mom and friends noticed.
Ooh girl, I was scared for you when I first started reading. Glad things turned out fine. Make sure you baby that hair. Your hair looks great and you've made tremendous progress! Keep it up:)
the same thing happened to me. i recently moved to atlanta and found this girl on the boards. the hair came out fine but she did rip thru the hair...and she went on and on about how i waited too long and how my hair was damaged. but it was not. it was a bit underprocessed and i had told her that already. anyway, most stylists want you to relax ever six weeks, so it'll be easier on them... glad it worked out for you.

i am in the same shoes you are in. i am on week 13 and i plan on relaxing next friday but i am scurred girl. i relaxed twice by myself and both times, i under processed.

so, since my last visit with her turned out fine, i may go back to her. she did a decent job overall....but, i am still scurred.
Thnx Ladies!!
Aliajp- Yeah ive seen Sourhern girls relaxer tips I have it saved,Ur right ill just judge it as times goes on ,Thanx :)
Aracadian-Thnx for the pep talk I think ill be cool I just have to work my way up to it,practice makes perfect ;)
Malice- I know riiiight!! im thankful it didnt turn out as bad as I thought but I dont know about the next time. :ohwell: I feel u on being hesitant like u said just pray on it and good luck let us know how it goes and what u’ll do
Closer1-yeah I wanna be able to just rely on my self for it as well Im glad ur hair is healthy :)
Nell1711-Thnx girl :) yeah ill be babying it to the utmost
LadyEsquire-Im glad ur hair turned out well, :) U prob wont have a problem since she was good doing ur retouch but I feel u on the scurred part :p
What great progress! I too was wincing when I read your post. For this reason, I will continue to relax my own hair and deal with the various textures.:D
Sorry, she was so horrible. Nope, stretching isn't for everyone. Your hair will tell you what it needs. And you can DEFINITELY relax your own hair and probably better than she can...:D
My hair is very fine and delicate. You have to treat it like a baby's arse or it will break. I find it very hard to trust anyone to it, especially relaxers. I'd rather do it myself. I'll go to stylists who know about and strive for healthy hair. You just have to do what's best for you. Nobody knows your hair like you do. Thank God she didn't damage it. If someone tore a comb into my hair, I'd be ready to fight. Not only am I fine, I am VERY tender-headed and sensitive. You just can't tear combs through people's hair like that. That's awful!

I definitely think that you'll be able to self relax when you want and we're here to support you in whatever you decide to do!

GOD luck and take care!;)

I'm glad that is did work out for you....myself I cannot stretch more than 8 weeks without having shedding.

Your hair is pretty and thick!!!1
Matuncks- Thank U :)
Moch5-Ur right :cool:
Serenity Peace- Im glad it wasnt damaged either,,Thank u for the support ;)
Cat Eyes-Thank u ,maybe im like u ..not ment to stretch,thnx for the complement :)
Whew! You had me nervous. I thought you were headed for disaster but I'm glad it turned out well. But I'm wondering why would she comb through the relaxer. In all my years of stylist doing my hair, they always smooth the relaxer through with the back of the comb, never combing it through. So you lost hair because of that small rattail comb pulling through your hair. My stylist did my hair after my first 12 wk stretch and I must admit it was smooth sailing. He even commented that there was not hair lost during the process. I must admit that I was a little nervous because I had never gone this long and was afraid that he wouldn't know how to handle it. I think that as LHCFers we all are a bit nick picky when it comes to someone else handling our hair since we now no the do's and the don't's. I know that since I've been on this forum, I found myself scrutnizing my stylist every move when he is relaxing me now. I'm now 7 wks post and can't wait to get 12 wks ng to get my relaxer. I'm glad to know your stretch went well, but I might would consider getting another stylist to apply my relaxer since she's combing it through.
MissMadaam said:
I have to say the process was nerve recking for me It kinda has me a bit hesitant to do anoth 12 week stretch :ohwell: .....I had alot of new growth for me that is and before I went to the salon I combed through my hair and oiled it. Went to the salon mind u I havent seen her in 3 months cuz since joining the board Ive gotten tips and stuff and started doing my own hair. My hair has been realy strong lately and ive realy been proud of myself .So I sit in the chair and warned her that I had about 2 1/2 inches of new growth she laughed and said she will work with it ..Then all of a sudden she starts tearing through my hair parting it to apply the relaxer im like dang whe the hell :angry2: . She says "2 inches of new growth.... u have like 4 inches!" :perplexed .. Mind u this is truley not the case and if it were I'd be arm pit now!..Some people dont know what an actual inch is! So she's applying it then she combs the relaxer through it to I guess straighten it which I dont like :mad: but I bared with it. She told me to go to the sink and she was like ur hair is realy weak and shows me all this hair in the comb and on her hand! :eek: She said it was because I waited so long "12 weeks" for a re-touch but im thinking its because of how she was ripping through my hair puting the relaxer on then combing it through to smooth it.,..
" 3 times"!!! :whyme: .. At this point Im scared that my progress has been shot to sh**. She preped my hair for the dryer when she left I ran and looked in the mirrow but it was hard to tell cuz my hair
was wet :perplexed ..But after it was all said and done It didnt look damaged to my surprise :) I was happily shocked cuz I truley thought my hair was done for.... So thats my rant.... I want to learn how to do my own relaxer I've read tips from ladies in the threads and Ill practise with conditioner. Im just scared to go back in 3 months when its time for my next re-touch. So ladies i'll be leaning on u guys for tips and what not so I can feel confident to do it in 3 months..Or am I just being a nit pick.. there wasnt any damage im just kinda scared for the next time...what do u all think?

Good for you!:) The moral of your story is to learn how to do your own hair.:lol: I hate beauticians...:mad:
I just finished my first 3 month stretch as well however I do my own relaxers and noticed that my hair didnt become as straight as it normally does. I dont know if thats because of the stretch or the relaxer or what.

Did she use a fine tooth comb on your hair? That could be the cause of all the hair she claimed was in the comb and on her hands.

Glad it worked out for you though.
MissMadaam said:
.....Then all of a sudden she starts tearing through my hair parting it to apply the relaxer im like dang whe the hell :angry2: . She says "2 inches of new growth.... u have like 4 inches!" :perplexed .. Mind u this is truley not the case and if it were I'd be arm pit now!..Some people dont know what an actual inch is! So she's applying it then she combs the relaxer through it to I guess straighten it which I dont like :mad: but I bared with it. She told me to go to the sink and she was like ur hair is realy weak and shows me all this hair in the comb and on her hand! :eek: She said it was because I waited so long "12 weeks" for a re-touch but im thinking its because of how she was ripping through my hair puting the relaxer on then combing it through to smooth it.,..
" 3 times"!!! :whyme: .. ....

Girl...I'm so glad your hair is okay.....I got my friend to put my relaxer in my hair....I showed & told her the way I wanted it done. I love her cause she put up with my "NO NO NO YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG" and "DO IT LIKE THIS". Its also motivating to so the differnce before and after pics of a 12 week stretch I might had. Hope you have future great hair progres
Janeemat- She says she combs the new growth with the relaxer to smooth it or it wont get straight :ohwell: ...I belive u I Think all that hair that came out was from that..She is the first one that ive gone to that does that..Maybe she wasnt use to all the new growth I dont know ...I told her it had been 12 weks and her eyes almost bucket out of her head :eek: when i said that :lol: ...Dang i hate to try a 6 month stretch like I had thought before
Bosslady1-I kno das riiiight! ;)
Fedoralova-yeah she did use a fine tooth comb :perplexed ...I know thats prob why I ‘ll know next time u live and learn :)
WillyGWifey-Im glad u had a good experience :) ...and a good friend! :D ..Thank u
Hey MissMadaam--you certainly know how to keep a girl in suspense. You had me soooo scared for you. :eek: I'm relieved everything turned out okay!:D I don't know how the heck I'm going to self-relax this garden up on my head. I'm sweating thinking about it. I'm trying to stretch to 6 months mostly to achieve thickness. Why did you decide to stretch?

BTW--I'm loving your hair!;)
amwcah said:
Hey MissMadaam--you certainly know how to keep a girl in suspense. You had me soooo scared for you. :eek: I'm relieved everything turned out okay!:D I don't know how the heck I'm going to self-relax this garden up on my head. I'm sweating thinking about it. I'm trying to stretch to 6 months mostly to achieve thickness. Why did you decide to stretch?

BTW--I'm loving your hair!;)

:lol: Awwww Im sorry I had u scared ..Im glad it went ok too.....I give u props for going 6 months shoot 12 weeks was killing me!!!!..But I decided to stretch to reduce overlapping and Ive read from many ladies thats its good for ur hair...thickness,etc..And thank u for the complement