Hair stylist drama after 12 wk stretch (long)

Stank *** heifer wanted to prove a point. Thank goodness, you are through with her evil behind. Do not hesitate to find a new stylist with some ethical, low egotistical behavior. So many of us hesitate to find a new person then end up back with the old salon because we did not start an immediate search...get on it ...find someone new right now..wash and set there and observe like a tv show!!! Please...bring your shower comb.

Thankfully, it is the end of my journey with her. Hopefully, I can a less spiteful hairdresser in Japan.
I'm generally a sweet, mild-mannered, Southern genteel gal, but I'm sorry...I would have to get buck wild and whip somebody's a$$ if they ripped through my hair like that.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: I am very tender-headed, too. If someone started to get straight buck on me like that, my instincts would kick in, my reflexes would be a kick and a punch in someone's face, fo' sho'!!!:nono::nono::nono:
Hair stylists are just mad when they have to put effort in your hair? she was so made she had to deal with new growth but you've been dealing with your new groth all this time. A stylist did this to me when i was relaxing tell me oh girl its time for a relaxer, bump them do you, you paying find someone who can handle the work!

Good for you for finding someone new
Hair stylists are just mad when they have to put effort in your hair? she was so made she had to deal with new growth but you've been dealing with your new groth all this time. A stylist did this to me when i was relaxing tell me oh girl its time for a relaxer, bump them do you, you paying find someone who can handle the work!

Good for you for finding someone new

I was just talking to my mom about this very point. She rather work with 1/4 of new growth and overprocess my hair than work with 1 1/2 new thick roots. I never winced (head was on fire) like that when I was combing through it. Goodness gracious.:sad:
I'm generally a sweet, mild-mannered, Southern genteel gal, but I'm sorry...I would have to get buck wild and whip somebody's a$$ if they ripped through my hair like that.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: I am very tender-headed, too. If someone started to get straight buck on me like that, my instincts would kick in, my reflexes would be a kick and a punch in someone's face, fo' sho'!!!:nono::nono::nono:

I don't understand why stylist have boundary & power issues. :evil: It is your hair, not theirs, do do with as you please when you please without their unsolicited opinion or rough handling of your hair. After all, you are paying them to do your hair, not berate you. :angry2: They should be grateful for your business.:twocents:

Good luck in finding a stylist who cares about your hair & will partner with you in achieving your goals:sunshine:
I don't understand why stylist have boundary & power issues. :evil: It is your hair, not theirs, do do with as you please when you please without their unsolicited opinion or rough handling of your hair. After all, you are paying them to do your hair, not berate you. :angry2: They should be grateful for your business.:twocents:

Good luck in finding a stylist who cares about your hair & will partner with you in achieving your goals:sunshine:

Thanks! I don't get the power trips I need to become enslaved or something.:orders:
Why is it so unreasonable that she charged for extra product? :perplexed The extra product is part of her overhead and if your hair required it, what's wrong with that? What I do take issue with is the manner in which she spoke to you and mishandled your hair. You are better off without her.
Why is it so unreasonable that she charged for extra product? :perplexed The extra product is part of her overhead and if your hair required it, what's wrong with that? What I do take issue with is the manner in which she spoke to you and mishandled your hair. You are better off without her.

I don't think a patron should be charged for extra unless there is a stipulation stating such. If she knew about it before hand as being a regular policy then okay. But to spring it on someone is unprofessional if you ask me. Example: When I used to get my hair done at JCP, I knew I was going to be charged extra for the length of my hair. But if that were not part of their pre-set charges and they just decided to do so, then I wouldn't appreciate it.
I agree with the ladies' comments. In DC I have encountered stylists so creative, that will try to nickel and dime you for everything possible.Deep conditioners, hair length, charging for the experience of one brand of relaxer,then using drugstore /non professional products. I could understand the extra charge for "extra" relaxer if she had to use a large amount, but I am willing to bet the farm that it wasn't "that" serious.SM:censored:H!!! That's that bull:censored: !!!! I realize that it is stylists' choice to implement such charges, therefore, I only go to "higher end" salons now to avoid these types of things.I think those factors should be taken into consideration when setting prices. In DC I will definitely say you get what you pay for. Beware the stylists who tell you next time they will charge you more. RUN, DON'T WALK FROM THAT CHICK AND DON'T LOOK BACK!!!!
Why is it so unreasonable that she charged for extra product? :perplexed The extra product is part of her overhead and if your hair required it, what's wrong with that? What I do take issue with is the manner in which she spoke to you and mishandled your hair. You are better off without her.
I get your point if it had been a 6-12 month stretch. Even so, I've been charged more because my hair is longer, but never because I needed more relaxer.

With a 12-week stretch OP probably had like 1"-.5" more of new growth. What's the big deal? After all the manhandling and telling off, that extra charge adds insult to injury and seems really petty.
I get your point if it had been a 6-12 month stretch. Even so, I've been charged more because my hair is longer, but never because I needed more relaxer.

With a 12-week stretch OP probably had like 1"-.5" more of new growth. What's the big deal? After all the manhandling and telling off, that extra charge adds insult to injury and seems really petty.

Exactly! I had about 1.5 inches of new growth. She underestimated how much relaxer I needed and was pissed about having to wade through the new growth. She was not pleased about having 1.5 inches of new growth, so that $5 was about of pure spite.

You are right--I heard of being charged more if you hair is longer not because it was thicker? She was just making it up as she went prove a point of me not coming in every 5 wks as requested by her.:nono:
I'm not sure if you are talking about a larger charge for long hair just for GP or specifically for relaxer. If it is for the latter I totally disagree. Maybe I'm bitter b/c my stylists does charge me more for my relaxer b/c my hair is longer but I don't understand what the length of my hair has to do with my roots needing relaxed?? But.....I did sorta smile inside at the thought of being charged extra for long hair...I have issues.
I'm sorry that happened to you. I've dealt with my stylist smack talk, but never any physical rough handling. I hope you are truly done with her. If i were you, i would send a pic of my hair 5yrs from now, to shut her mouth.
Exactly! I had about 1.5 inches of new growth. She underestimated how much relaxer I needed and was pissed about having to wade through the new growth. She was not pleased about having 1.5 inches of new growth, so that $5 was about of pure spite.

You are right--I heard of being charged more if you hair is longer not because it was thicker? She was just making it up as she went prove a point of me not coming in every 5 wks as requested by her.:nono:

My fired stylist tried to push the five week thing on me. I never went anywhere near her at 5 weeks. Now I have a new stylist who told me I should wait at least 8 weeks& 1 inch of new growth. When she did my touchup, I was at 7. She didn't do any of the dramatic pulling with the comb, etc. and my hair was straight. I was so in shock that my scalp didn't burn and 48 hours later I was still tripping over the fact that my scalp felt normal. Like I told myself, just be glad that you were able to leave her with your hair.
My stylist has been doing my hair since I was 14, so she talks to me a bit crazy but nothing outrageous and even the crazy talk is all said in fun. She's like my big sister but she also knows not to touch my hair like the OP's stylist did. I've done three month stretches before where my stylist grumbles about my jungle of hair, but she has never mistreated my hair or b!tched me out about it. If there is breakage, she lets me know that maybe I shouldn't wait so long next time, but she never says come in every 5 weeks or even the average 6 weeks. She knows I will take care of my hair and come in when I feel it's time. I'd rather do 10 weeks, but she seems to like the idea of 8. So what I usually do is go in for a protein treatment at 8 weeks so she knows what she's in for in two more weeks.

As for the no henna when you're relaxed, I think I understand where this is coming from. According to my stylist, they were taught in cosmetology school that the make-up of henna reacts badly to the chemicals in relaxers. My stylist actually witnessed then experienced this first hand when a client lied to her about having henna in their hair. However, from everything I've read this bad reaction comes from not using body art quality henna, and the metallic salts in the henna reacts with the chemicals in the relaxer. I told my stylist I was gonna use BAQ henna and she said "that's fine, but I might have you sign something when you come in for a touch up saying that I'm not at fault if something goes wrong". I told her that's juss fine by me. If I mess up my hair, it is my fault. But I'm confident everything will be fine.
I can't believe she talked to you like that! I probably would have started crying.

I would not have cried! But I would have walked out the minute she started rough treatment. An angry person working on you hair can DELIBERATELY screw you up. It's sad. But the beauty business (salons) is a set up for this type of interaction. She thought she was in charge of your hair:perplexed.

It's in times like these, when we need that "walk out" trump card. It would have been a beautiful scene "Oh, excuse me, I'll justDO MY OWN hair at home, Thanks. And then proceed to SWITCH outta there like you were on a top model runway.:click::bdance:...
My stylist has been doing my hair since I was 14, so she talks to me a bit crazy but nothing outrageous and even the crazy talk is all said in fun. She's like my big sister but she also knows not to touch my hair like the OP's stylist did. I've done three month stretches before where my stylist grumbles about my jungle of hair, but she has never mistreated my hair or b!tched me out about it. If there is breakage, she lets me know that maybe I shouldn't wait so long next time, but she never says come in every 5 weeks or even the average 6 weeks. She knows I will take care of my hair and come in when I feel it's time. I'd rather do 10 weeks, but she seems to like the idea of 8. So what I usually do is go in for a protein treatment at 8 weeks so she knows what she's in for in two more weeks.

As for the no henna when you're relaxed, I think I understand where this is coming from. According to my stylist, they were taught in cosmetology school that the make-up of henna reacts badly to the chemicals in relaxers. My stylist actually witnessed then experienced this first hand when a client lied to her about having henna in their hair. However, from everything I've read this bad reaction comes from not using body art quality henna, and the metallic salts in the henna reacts with the chemicals in the relaxer. I told my stylist I was gonna use BAQ henna and she said "that's fine, but I might have you sign something when you come in for a touch up saying that I'm not at fault if something goes wrong". I told her that's juss fine by me. If I mess up my hair, it is my fault. But I'm confident everything will be fine.

You have a good stylist! Yes, my stylist said she was taught that in cosmetology school.
I would not have cried! But I would have walked out the minute she started rough treatment. An angry person working on you hair can DELIBERATELY screw you up. It's sad. But the beauty business (salons) is a set up for this type of interaction. She thought she was in charge of your hair:perplexed.

It's in times like these, when we need that "walk out" trump card. It would have been a beautiful scene "Oh, excuse me, I'll justDO MY OWN hair at home, Thanks. And then proceed to SWITCH outta there like you were on a top model runway.:click::bdance:...

Yeah, she waited until I was seated and tied down before the rough handling/talking smack. I did tell her to not talk to me like a child and she did back off.
Its great you can vent on this board and still be a lady in public!

I was thinking of my virtual support system and couldn't wait to relate my horrific experience. I still gave her a hug since it was my last visit--she gave me a fake pat in return BTW. I figure one should sow good seeds if possible. I just was shocked at how hateful she became in the end.:ohwell:
I would have sure told her something about talking to me like I am a child. And I would MOST DEFINITELY not paid for an additional relaxer. I'm glad you are able to do it on your own now chica! :grin:
I am sooooooo confused!:spinning::spinning::spinning:

I mean, unless your stylist is running the relaxer down the length of your hair(which I would surely hope she is not)...why is she charging you extra for having long hair? This makes no sense.

I could understand being charged more for a press or staightening...but more for more relaxer? What, is she charging my the length of your new growth?
I am sooooooo confused!:spinning::spinning::spinning:

I mean, unless your stylist is running the relaxer down the length of your hair(which I would surely hope she is not)...why is she charging you extra for having long hair? This makes no sense.

I could understand being charged more for a press or staightening...but more for more relaxer? What, is she charging my the length of your new growth?

I think it was due to needing more relaxer since there was more new growth than the usual 5 wk new growth she was used to dealing with.
How can a stylist charge extra based on the fact that you stretched? If you grow two inches in a twelve week stretch but another person has quick growing hair and grows two inches in six weeks will she also be charged more? Sounds like she wanted to make up for the $$$ she missed during your stretch.
How can a stylist charge extra based on the fact that you stretched? If you grow two inches in a twelve week stretch but another person has quick growing hair and grows two inches in six weeks will she also be charged more? Sounds like she wanted to make up for the $$$ she missed during your stretch.

Yeah, I was such a mark. She lost out on $140 over the summer, that's for sure.
My stylist has been doing my hair since I was 14, so she talks to me a bit crazy but nothing outrageous and even the crazy talk is all said in fun. She's like my big sister but she also knows not to touch my hair like the OP's stylist did. I've done three month stretches before where my stylist grumbles about my jungle of hair, but she has never mistreated my hair or b!tched me out about it. If there is breakage, she lets me know that maybe I shouldn't wait so long next time, but she never says come in every 5 weeks or even the average 6 weeks. She knows I will take care of my hair and come in when I feel it's time. I'd rather do 10 weeks, but she seems to like the idea of 8. So what I usually do is go in for a protein treatment at 8 weeks so she knows what she's in for in two more weeks.

As for the no henna when you're relaxed, I think I understand where this is coming from. According to my stylist, they were taught in cosmetology school that the make-up of henna reacts badly to the chemicals in relaxers. My stylist actually witnessed then experienced this first hand when a client lied to her about having henna in their hair. However, from everything I've read this bad reaction comes from not using body art quality henna, and the metallic salts in the henna reacts with the chemicals in the relaxer. I told my stylist I was gonna use BAQ henna and she said "that's fine, but I might have you sign something when you come in for a touch up saying that I'm not at fault if something goes wrong". I told her that's juss fine by me. If I mess up my hair, it is my fault. But I'm confident everything will be fine.

I'm not a henna user, but I just got a Mizani relaxer in the mail .I was so excited I actually sat and read the entire back of the package. It said not to apply the relaxer if you had henna on your hair. I was :perplexed because I know lots of ladies on here use henna and relax.
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I'm not a henna user, but I just got a Mizani relaxer in the mail .I was so excited I actually sat and read the entire back of the package. It said not to apply the relaxer if you had henna on your hair. I was :perplexed because I know lots of ladies on her use henna and relax.

Uh, oh...she used Mizani on my cassia henna'd hair. My hair is still here for now.