Distorted Barbie

Well-Known Member
It was unexpected and shocking and CUTE!!!! I was skeptical to let a lil' Asian woman cut it at super cuts, but it came out ok....I'm definitely not used to short hair, but it'll grow back :) You only live once....


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thats great i dont think i can drink that bowl of courage you guys drink because i cant imagine myself with a bc
congrats on your decision to big chop! best wishes to you on your natural hair journey! :woohoo:
Congrats!! I'm glad to see everyone getting up this courage to BC. Pass it my way in about 4 wks.
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Thanks again ladies....So I took the 1st pic on my phone...Here are some more pics and I included one of my wig too ;)


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I don't know how I missed this thread!

Your hair looks great. Congrats on your bc! Short hair really suits you.

Your wig is cute as well.
Congrats on the BC! You have such a cute face :)

Now that you have BC'd you get to try out all kinds of new styling techniques for your TWA...When I cut in Feb I was nervous because of the length, but now I have can two-strand twist in no time at all and I cowash my hair er'day...I love being natural.