So disappointed (it's not my man, it's a friends..soo wack)

Sui Topi

New Member
So, a friend and I both started dating these guys 3 years ago. They didn't know each other or anything, we just met our guys in the same year. Hers was this nice guy, smart, in University, engineering, he plays the violin, goes to church all the time, well versed in the bible doesn't drink, smoke. I know not all guys are perfect, but I thought that he was you know, really a good guy who loves my girl and could take care of her. Now, she had some scandal with him in the spring last year and they broke up. Then in november, I started hearing his name again, but when I asked her about it, she says they are just friends. I'm like, you can't just be friends with someone that you used to love like that, your feelings are going to run hot again. She says she can handle it, x,y,z.

Long story short, they ended up together again and then this weekend she calls me upset because he says that he still is not ready to be with her and he wants to work on his spiritual life because he is not there anymore. Which is fine, but what really made her upset is he told her this on thursday night and then on friday night he was already at the club with another chick...his explanation is he needed a distraction and he wanted to get away from his demons (so if you are trying to live right, why would you go to the club to get away from demons, aren't you then running right into their arms?). He also told her that in november he was with another girl (he brought her to church and our 3rd party in our bff trio saw them there and apparently this next girl is a replica of my friend, just a little taller:perplexed) and he had sex with her and he felt so guilty that he wanted to be her man, but this chick said she didn't want relationship. She then started getting mad over him still talking to my friend and they broke up.

So I know you are reading this like "okay so what he doesn't know what he wants yeah yeah" Well! Wait until you hear this! He was lying all that time, he was the one leading the replica chick on. He told her he loved her x y and z until she couldn't take anymore and had to leave. In his relationship with my friend they also got into something else because in his phone she saw these "hey baby" text messages, and he made up this story about how a friend and him and found this girl on the internet and they were just playing a game to see who could get her first (he wasn't going to meet her or anything though :rolleyes:)

So my friend was with this other girl and her "man-friend", being sad over what she thought was their little separation, and her friends man is like oh I know this girl and she says that shes been sleeping with your man (he knows the internet girl). So now shes freaking out because this girl apparently is so slack and she doesn't know if she caught anything, you know? Basically she is just so hurt. So I spent the day with her yesterday because she didn't want to be alone. The whole day she was getting calls, and she finally decided to call him at work since he wouldn't answer his cell (the secretary was so fasss she was just trying to get out whatever info she could lol). This cat is like how he is not admitting that he cheated because his confession is not going to change anything, and basically saying check her sources because the guy who told her about replica, he had a thing for replica so maybe he is just trying to get my friends man in trouble or something, and he wouldn't say why she should check out the guy who told her about "internet chick". So now shes like I won't check my sources, I will go straight to the source.

So she got her friend whos man knows internet chick to call internet chick (which is drama in its own because how does this girls man know this chick off the internet, so both of them are like chewing their nails). Long story short, he did sleep with her, she told them without details how he snuck her in the house and almost got caught, sexed her all about the place etc. My friend is like okay cool. Meanwhile!!!! (I know this is so long I'm sorry) She had this little admirer who told her her man is going to hurt her and she should leave him. She pretty much told him to beat it. Out of the blue he emailed her back the day her man broke up with her saying "oh I love you, I realize I can't be with no other girl, please". Shes like shes not even touching that right now. Well!!! Guess what! He calls her now like oh Im going to kill your man and shes like why and hes like how HE was talking to "internet girl" and she just called him a few minutes ago crying because she found out he was cheating!!!! (I was like damn that internet chick really gets around)

Now to the point! I am sooooo pissed offfff! I thought her man was like, if he was going to be a cheater, he's just weak or in the wrong place at the wrong time, he wouldn't have set out to do it, but no! He's been on this stuff from the jump just chasing a nut! He even was trying to get with this virgin but because she didn't want to give it up he said she was too controlling and left her. I feel so decieved! Shes even like he was pressuring her to have sex in the beginning but she wanted to wait and so hes like hmm okay maybe you can be wifey. She feels like if she had given it up, he would have just hit and split. If I catch this kneegrow I will smack the fire out of him!! I already was having fantasies about whooping his behind oh jeez. And he does not even feel any type of remorse! She tried calling him 2 days ago and he didnt answer because he had went clubbing with internet chick and slept over at her house and was being driven back downtown to his apartment by her and he didn't want to answer with her right there. Are you serious! Let me catch him! I'm going to start walking with my timbs in my purse because it will be hard to stomp him out in gladiator sandals :rolleyes:.
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its so long omg..sorry, I just had to get it out, its too much drama for one person to sit on, and I'm sure my husband is tired of hearing about it
Could you pretty please break up your post in paragraphs. I am getting lost.......But it sounds like he is a bit ole hypocrite.
Sui Topi... I just don't know what to say. :nono: You must be in quite a state of mind right now. How is your friend doing?
The story was long indeed and I got a bit confused while reading it:spinning: but I think I got the point that your girl man was a trifling dog. I hope she can get over him and move on.
Shes better now. She feels like she has the upper hand because he thinks that she is still under his little mind games but shes not. I think she should just let him know hes not fooling anyone and then be done. But she wants to tell the world and get him uncomfortable etc because he cares alot about what other people think about him. She was even talking about making a documentary with all the women he's scorned. I think she should chill out. I just feel like damn, I can't believe I mis read him, and I'm pissed off that he hurt her and is not even sorry.
The story was long indeed and I got a bit confused while reading it:spinning: but I think I got the point that your girl man was a trifling dog. I hope she can get over him and move on.

I had the nerve to write "long story short". lol! By the end of the day my head was spinning with the details.
I got so totally lost...THESE STORIES..r the reason I'm going to stay single, CANNOT deal with the nonsense and the emotions that come with it> Good Luck to your friend and tell, her that's just too much damn drama......
is that better lol. After I posted I looked at it and was like whoa

LOL! Yessss! Thank you! As a woman that put her own husband on blast in front of a lot of people to embarass him for his trangressions........I am not against the idea of her doing the same thing to him.........but then again he isn't her husband so its probably not worth the effort. I know she hates to think of the 3 years she wasted.
I feel so sorry for your friend... she's just lucky she is not stuck with him long term (in marriage or something). I hope she is able to get over it soon... she's lucky to have a friend like you.

Btw... you in Toronto too... let me just hope I don't come across that man's trifling @ss :nono:
I think your friend should just cut contact with dude & not give him another thought. Putting him on blast is expending too much energy and will probably make her look like the crazy one. :nono:
I feel so sorry for your friend... she's just lucky she is not stuck with him long term (in marriage or something). I hope she is able to get over it soon... she's lucky to have a friend like you.

Btw... you in Toronto too... let me just hope I don't come across that man's trifling @ss :nono:


I think your friend should just cut contact with dude & not give him another thought. Putting him on blast is expending too much energy and will probably make her look like the crazy one. :nono:

thats what I'm trying to tell her. She just said she wants to tell her pastor, but I'm like its not your place, its going to end up looking bad on you.
I think your friend gave him one too many chances... period.

It's messed up but she need to move on. Y'all need to quit tripping off this negro for real. He's a game player, and he's obviously a hoe. Everyone in this story (dude, internet chick) sound crazy, even the dude out the blue lmao.
Please take a HUGE step back and let your girl handle aaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll that drama. How old are you folks?? Sounds very young and\or immature. I just pray no children are involved.