So Any Interesting Thanksgiving Hair Convos or Experiences?


New Member
Just wondering..

Nothing too drastic on my end. Lots of compliments and my female relatives couldn't keep their hands out of my hair. I needed to wash anyway but I kept thinking about doing a protein treatment after all that fingercombing they were doing :lol:. One of my cousins told me I was cheating because I got a relaxer and my hair looked nice :lol:, her tone was light and I know she didn't mean anything negative by it. She and her sisters are often frustrated with their 4C hair, they also go swimming in a chlorine pool almost daily.. they seem to know some basic things but don't care enough to be diligent about their regimen.
Found out my second oldest sister has an afro under her weave!!. Its thick and red!! I was surprised, because she is usually the 'Say No To the Afro' type and tales care of her weave more than her natural hair. She proudly showed us a picture of it combed out. I'm a little jelly because her natural hair is red. :censored:
Then my oldest sister is transitioning since I wore my blowout to her place. Ever since I have been wearing my blowout around people, friends and family want to transition.
I congratulate them, but I don't think they realize what they are getting themselves into.
My husband has decided he's gonna "go to dreads". well yesterday after our meal he asked me to retwist his new locks. He has had them for two months.
He wanted me to do them just like the lady did at the shop. Apparently she uses Pump It Up Styling Spritz to hold her boyfriends dreads (and they are down his back)
I proceeded to explain to my husband that the dreaded people on my hair site do not use that or the young ladies other suggestion , bees wax ,to dread the hair. She also told him two months ago not to wash his hair for three months.
I feel bad for him, so this morning I got up; got on the net and got me some information to help him with his hair. Plus when we go to church sunday I refuse to be sitting by him looking like somebodies nappy a**.
He refused my offer to wash it for him and to retwist any that come loose and twist any new growth.
It is amazing what we will fall for when we are giving somebody our money,
My husband has decided he's gonna "go to dreads". well yesterday after our meal he asked me to retwist his new locks. He has had them for two months.
He wanted me to do them just like the lady did at the shop. Apparently she uses Pump It Up Styling Spritz to hold her boyfriends dreads (and they are down his back)

Spritz?!? How long has he been going to this woman??
my parents told me how good my hair used to look (i suffered a major setback the beginning of this year..and my hair is about 3-4" shorter). They also said that it was b.c. i stopped going to professionals (i decided to be a DIY relaxer this year).

It didn't bother me cuz its true. I got so lazy last year that i messed my hair up bad. I always think about what it could look like today. Oh well. My hair is 3x thicker than it was when my hair was longer last year. My beautician is great...but I prefer doing my own relaxers and texlaxing my hair. I love the thickness. Now all i have to wait for is my length again
My grandma said I had a mess of hair. Good ole Mom tried to smooth it over because she knew I was not feeling well and as fragile as glass emotionally yesterday. My mother is one of kind awesome!
I went out with my friends on Thanksgiving evening (oh, how I missed them!) and wore this bomb a** twist out! I've finally perfected them with the right combo of products! It looked so damn delicious! :drool: (Sorry no pics lol)

Anyway, enough about me lol. I found out that 3 of my friends are going natural! One wants to heat train and the other 2 want to wear it out! I'm so irrationally excited! :lol:

I visited my family in NC on Thanksgiving and found out that 2 of my cousins are natural! They have these cute lil afros! I couldn't believe it! So we talked about hair stuff for a long time and that was fuuuuuuun! lol And my other cousin (guy) has dreads that are almost down his back! I haven't seem them in like 3 years so I was shocked as to how big he was and how long his hair was! :lol: I thought he was somebody's man when he walked in with my girl cousins! :lachen:
My husband has decided he's gonna "go to dreads". well yesterday after our meal he asked me to retwist his new locks. He has had them for two months.
He wanted me to do them just like the lady did at the shop. Apparently she uses Pump It Up Styling Spritz to hold her boyfriends dreads (and they are down his back)
I proceeded to explain to my husband that the dreaded people on my hair site do not use that or the young ladies other suggestion , bees wax ,to dread the hair. She also told him two months ago not to wash his hair for three months.
I feel bad for him, so this morning I got up; got on the net and got me some information to help him with his hair. Plus when we go to church sunday I refuse to be sitting by him looking like somebodies nappy a**.
He refused my offer to wash it for him and to retwist any that come loose and twist any new growth.
It is amazing what we will fall for when we are giving somebody our money,

garciagirl I've had locks and I've started/maintained them for other people. I think it's kool that your husband has decided to take the lock journey. Lots of people think that products make locks - but actually it is about technique.

If he wants to start with the twists/palm roll method - and has 2" or less someone posted this info about a new tool for starting twist locks yesterday called NuDread.

The best natural holding product for twists is aloe gel.

If you can - get him interested in watching some lock videos on youtube - be sure to check out videos about "interlocking" or "latching". Interlocking and latching are more stable than twisting so you can wash hair as much as you want. Locks are supposed to be a healthy hair option, they should never be about not washing hair for months on end - that's not healthy.
Soon after starting this thread I was overcome by the urge for a Thanksgiving leftovers nap :look:.

My husband has decided he's gonna "go to dreads". well yesterday after our meal he asked me to retwist his new locks. He has had them for two months.
He wanted me to do them just like the lady did at the shop. Apparently she uses Pump It Up Styling Spritz to hold her boyfriends dreads (and they are down his back)
I proceeded to explain to my husband that the dreaded people on my hair site do not use that or the young ladies other suggestion , bees wax ,to dread the hair. She also told him two months ago not to wash his hair for three months.
I feel bad for him, so this morning I got up; got on the net and got me some information to help him with his hair. Plus when we go to church sunday I refuse to be sitting by him looking like somebodies nappy a**.
He refused my offer to wash it for him and to retwist any that come loose and twist any new growth.
It is amazing what we will fall for when we are giving somebody our money,

I feel like locs are the final frontier when it comes to widespread ignorance about proper care and technique..
I feel like locs are the final frontier when it comes to widespread ignorance about proper care and technique..

My grandma does not like my natural hair. At first all she asked was if I liked that hairstyle. I didn't know what she was talking about at first so I asked "What hairstyle?" and she said "The one you're wearing?" It was hot so I wore a wash & go. Of course I said yes, I liked it.

Later when I was sitting with her after Thanksgiving dinner she said "Baby, you need to do something to your hair." lol lol DH and I just laughed about it. She's old school and thinks a relaxer is the only way hair should be worn. My mom tried to save the day by saying how much she likes my hair.

It's okay though since I have been clear with my immediate family for a long time that the only person that has to like my hair is me.
My grandma does not like my natural hair. At first all she asked was if I liked that hairstyle. I didn't know what she was talking about at first so I asked "What hairstyle?" and she said "The one you're wearing?" It was hot so I wore a wash & go. Of course I said yes, I liked it.

Later when I was sitting with her after Thanksgiving dinner she said "Baby, you need to do something to your hair." lol lol DH and I just laughed about it. She's old school and thinks a relaxer is the only way hair should be worn. My mom tried to save the day by saying how much she likes my hair.

It's okay though since I have been clear with my immediate family for a long time that the only person that has to like my hair is me.

I'm sure your hair was cute regardless :yep:

I believe in respecting elders but the habit some have of repeating annoying statements over and over can test me..
My mom and her cousin were raving about how healthy and long my hair is (I'm grazing apl, but wore it in a ponytail). They started reminiscing about how when I was a child I used to suck my thumb and pick my hair out of my head (I had some kind of neurosis :nono:). Despite the fact that my hair was 2in thick and course, my mom used to try to nurture my hair to the best of my ability :yep:.

Now she's proud of me and it. It's funny that she feels that she has a hand in my current regimen, even though ive been diyer for 2 years now. :lachen:

I encourage all of the women in my family and assure them that my hair is not a matter of magic, and give them tips whenever they ask.
I wore my lacefront during Thanksgiving dinner, but as soon as certain family members left, I ripped that sucker off and proceeded to take down my hair which was braided under the wig! No perm since 7/15/10 and I am so pleased with the progress. Even if I do perm again, I love my hair! I had a wonderful, fluffy, squishy twist out! After a length check at the end of the year, I am weighing chopping off the permed ends and just wear it in the braidout. We shall see.

My cousin, with almost waist length, but dead dry looking hair, offered to shampoo and condition it. I let her even though I knew it would be tangle city. The water is soft in that state and my hair responded so well to it! So much so I am getting myself a shower filter for my early Christmas present.
One of my aunts is going natural so she decides to ask me a million questions in front of everyone. While discussing products and reggies,another aunt and my MOM decided to tell me I would look a lot better with a relaxer. Without skipping a beat,I looked at them and said "not gonna happen" and kept talking.gotta love family...right?lol

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My 19yo niece confessed to me that she relaxes her hair every two weeks. Of course I told her to stop doing that if she wants hair past your shoulders but her response to me was "my mom does it too". She also wants a CHI flat iron for Christmas. If she gets one then she will more than likely abuse heat too. I'm going to try to help her change her mind set but it's not going to be easy. She wants my hair but has no idea the amount of care I put into it.
My sister was intrigued that my wash and go is actually curly (she had not seen my fro) but she keeps pulling my hair out and letting it go to watch the curls spring back... She's evil!

not much interesting on my end-I was in long yarn twists and some thought i was locking and that i should go for it. there was more fuss about my nose ring, lol. which i finally got moms to admit that it was cute.
I just realized I always seem to protective style at home. I don't think most of my family has actually seen my hair in a while.
My 19yo niece confessed to me that she relaxes her hair every two weeks. Of course I told her to stop doing that if she wants hair past your shoulders but her response to me was "my mom does it too". She also wants a CHI flat iron for Christmas. If she gets one then she will more than likely abuse heat too. I'm going to try to help her change her mind set but it's not going to be easy. She wants my hair but has no idea the amount of care I put into it.

I wore my hair out in it's natural state for the first time around my boyfriends family. It was nice until one of his sisters couldn't stop touching my hair.If my hair is not being done I HATE having hands all over it. She said she couldn't stop touching my hair because it's soft and manageable and apparently most natural hair isn't soft or manageable, keep in mind all 3 of her nieces have natural hair. The oldest one (who is 10) has waist length hair when it's blown out! and curly or straight it's softer than a cloud! -_-
wish I had some stories to tell. I wore a wig. only comment I got was 'why in the hayle are you always in wigs when you got hair?!' sigh....they just don't get it. lol!

I'm actually shocked that there aren't more wonderful hair stories though.

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I protective styled too, lmao. We suck, guys.

I did get asked if I had long hair (wore a bun) by a distant cousin. My family sang out "yaaaas, & its starting to look like it did when she was younger. . ."

I will nvr live that down. -__-
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I strightened my hair for the holiday. :) i spent thanksgiving with my bfs family and i got so many weave checks by his aunts and cousins. They kept saying that they couldn't believe my hair grew so fast. ( bc'd last july to apl now)

On my android!
my grandmother asked me several times was my hair real. then she referred back to when she had pictures of me being a bald-headed baby. i guess she was amazed that i had a fade last year and now i have a little bit of hair on my head. i believe she is envious. every time she sees that i grew my hair out, she mentions how i used to have no hair and how i look better with short hair. then she will turn around and ask me to do something to hers..... yeah i see you grandma...
I got good comments on my hair. And I found out one of my cousins is (or is thinking about) going natural.
my grandmother asked me several times was my hair real. then she referred back to when she had pictures of me being a bald-headed baby. i guess she was amazed that i had a fade last year and now i have a little bit of hair on my head. i believe she is envious. every time she sees that i grew my hair out, she mentions how i used to have no hair and how i look better with short hair. then she will turn around and ask me to do something to hers..... yeah i see you grandma...


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