Sneak Peek of my hair.....


Well-Known Member
I am resisting the urge to flat iron tonight, but instead I will DC overnight with my Silk Elements dry hair, Poo and instant condish and then blow dry and flatiron.

Ok I wore a braid out today and coudln't resist trying this darn flatiron out. All I have in my hair is some Logistics (sp) spray and some JBCO. I didn't even blow dry and this flatiron got my hair relaxer straight in one pass...stay tuned I will have more pics tomorrow from after I flat iron, but for now a sneak peek.



Because my hair has some heavy products in it, it's kind of stringy looking but I can imagine the results once I do this the right way.

I am itching to try this flat iron out, I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and do my hair. I am thinking of keeping my hair straight for most of the colder months, since I won't have to worry about humidity. I hope all my hair comes out nice. I am so pumped! I am also excited because I think I may be grazing APL and my hair has never been this long. YAY!
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