Thanks for the support. Mid-Month Sneak Peek! (pics)

WOOT WOOT!!!! GO ON GIRL!!! shoot my new year's resolution is to be like you! amazing progress! keep it up!
If it hasn't been made yet, I foresee the challenge junkies making a sublimed sulfur challenge before the end of the year...ok, the week. Not to throw shade, but I really don't see her results being like that in everyone who buys this stuff. It's probably got something to do with the different facets of her regi done all in unison, and we all know how hard it is to duplicate something done on this board! (of course, someone is determined to prove me wrong as they read this, and I welcome that effort....what a great thing it would be for more people to have this kind of growth)

Regardless, I am still trying to pick my jaw up from OP's last thread, and now she does this to us! Your reveal once you relax is going to be the event of the year 'round these parts!
Lilsparkle 825: If the board would allow me, I would like to review the Sulfur Challenge 2010 to see what kinds of results ladies were getting in general. I think I might just have to live vicariously through NJoy as it is unlikely I'd get that kind of growth even if I ate, drank, swam, and anointed myself with sublimed sulfur. Don't get me wrong--I'll be purchasing some and combining with my regime, but I'm not expecting comparable results.
I first looked at this thread yesterday and on my drive to work today I found myself thinking about/envying your hair!!!
You ladies are the greatest!!! Thank you soooo much for all the kind words and support. The shock has worn off for me now that I'm back to my regular routine of hiding my hair from myself. Hair anorexia has once again reared it's ugly head so, I'm peeking at the pics to remind myself of how long it is. Funny thing is, it's up and when I try to imagine where my hair would be hanging if were all straight, I'm like, HUH?!!! :thud:

I haven't been thru all of the posts yet since the board has still been frustrating the stuffing outta me. Anyone who couldn't see my reggie, should be able to see my lhcf blog now. I also make lots of comments in the "8 inches so far this year" thread. Suddenly I'm rethinking how much growth I actually got. Not sweating it tho, just thankful for the growth received so far and look forward to reaching my final goal length, hopefully by my birthday in Jun. :pray:

HHG to us all!!