Slicked down hair question


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies,

I am puzzled by something that I have been noticing. When a lot of naturals pull their hair back and slick it into a ponytail with gel, they get a lot of smooth looking deep waves. When I do it, I get very little waving. I always wet my hair when I do it and have used gels, butters and holing creams with and without a scarf to tie it down....still nothing significant. :nono:

Does this have to do with what I've been using or is my curl pattern at fault?


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This is just a hair type thing. I could never get a slick, wavy ponytail either, even when I was relaxed. I've given up on this years ago and just go with what I got. It's easier on your edges anyway.
I think your pony/bun looks nice and neat:yep:
It really has to do with your curl pattern and how they lay when slicked down. I get really deep waves when I slick my a hair into a ponytail or puff without having to do anything to get them because that's just how my curls lay.
Totally hair pattern. I can get waves in my crown area, but my sides and edges are 4b all the way, and NOTHING will get a curl pattern out of them, even if I choked my scalp with metric tons of grease and gel. :ohwell:
Your hair is not clumping for some reason. Does it clump when you wear it loose (curl or wave clumps). Your curl pattern looks pretty loose-- like a 3b, no?
Is your hair very fine. I also find that fine hair doesn't have enough thick strands to show noticeable waves.

Almond Eyes
It's a texture thing. Some ppl just won't have them. Have you tried brushing the gel in several times. I get them and I am 4b. I don't like it because I have to use too much gel and more brushing than I like to do.
Try smoothing without brushing I find that brushing straightens out the curl pattern causing the waves to disappear but if I just smooth it into a pony with my hands and product the waves stay clumped together and are pretty visable
ya know, I slicked my hair down yesterday only to immediately wash it out. I did take pics. I guess I have a wave of some sort..I think it can also have to do with how you apply the gel. I didn't apply it in between my strands so the middle was puffing up messing up the wave.
Your hair is not clumping for some reason. Does it clump when you wear it loose (curl or wave clumps). Your curl pattern looks pretty loose-- like a 3b, no?

Truthfully, I have no idea what my curl pattern is...people have told me everything from 3A to 4A..... that's such a wide range that I just gave up on trying to figure it out. If I do a wash and go I don't get much clumping action in in the front top of my head but the sides and back do curl up and clump.... but my head all the way around looks the same.
Sorry, I really don't know how to use the multi quote function :drunk:

Ok, so this is what I did, I spritzed my hair with a little water to help gather it together, but I did not use a brush...I didn't seem to need it. I applied the gel on the outer or exposed layers of hair only since I already had plenty of gel in from yesterdays wash and go.

As for hair does clump but I do notice the best curl formation and clumping is about 1- 2 inches down from the scalp. Meaning my curls don't form at the root. But even though there isn't a curl, I can see an "s" pattern that eventually twists into a spiral.

My strands are mostly fine to medium (based on the thread test) and don't feel very bumpy but they are not a silky texture either. :spinning:

I'm curious about the ceramides....I thought those were only supposed to be added to relaxed hair. As far as protein goes, my hair reacts to them well except for when I do the Cherry Lola treatment. That seems to just straighten my hair like a mild relaxer.
I get some with ecostyler gel but they are not deep at all, maybe it is a texture thing because my coils are very small.
I tried using eco-styler in my hair today for a WnG, but I am still not getting any clumping around the root. Maybe I didn't use enough? But I am assuming then if it will not clump at root then I won't get the waves in my ponytail either :perplexed


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