Sleeping beauty

Sui Topi

New Member
Have you ever woken up and looked at your man in the night...they look so sexy when theyre sleeping jeez. Last night I couldn't fall asleep and when I saw him, it was all I could do to keep myself from waking him up so he could put me to sleep :grin:
Well aren't we a little frisky this morning...:rolleyes:...just kidding! But yes that has happen to me too...when I want to be "put to sleep" I just take it...:rolleyes:
Awww, I used to LOVE watching my Ex sleep. He looked so peaceful and sexy but when he sensed that i was watching him, i had to quickly close my eyes. Didn't want him thinking i was crazy.

I'm not crazy. You just look better asleep.
I watch him sleep all the time :cupidarrow:. There's just something about him being silent and serene...not getting on my nerves like he usually is::sigh:::

I admit to being a little...strangish LOL
but when he sensed that i was watching him, i had to quickly close my eyes. Didn't want him thinking i was crazy

I pull that too lol..I think they do it to us though too to be honest. I found a picture of myself on the camera but I was curled up with our son so the excuse was he took it because the baby looked cute I dont know what was going on