SL 2014

I'd rather it was separate.

IMO the SL thread ran fine last year.

I think it's nice for the people who may join and be ear length, or shorter to have a thread with just a goal that is attainable to them and have support from people who are in the same boat. Just thinking from the perspective of where I started last year I felt kinda bald headed (still do :look:) and it was nice to have a "getting to SL" community. Really appreciated it.
I'd rather it was separate. IMO the SL thread ran fine last year. I think it's nice for the people who may join and be ear length, or shorter to have a thread with just a goal that is attainable to them and have support from people who are in the same boat. Just thinking from the perspective of where I started last year I felt kinda bald headed (still do :look:) and it was nice to have a "getting to SL" community. Really appreciated it.

I agree with this. Keep it separate for us shorter hair ladies.
Think you ladies are right...we will keep it separate. It was just a thought and I don't want to confuse anyone.

ETA- I will probably be changing the APL thread to APL/BSL though.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
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Hey everyone, been awhile. Not working from home anymore, so trying to find time to log in and keep up with the posts have been super hard!
I trimmed my hair last week after I flat ironed. My ends were crying out for a trim. But my hair is just brushing the tops of my shoulders finally but I still have a loooong way to go.
Anyhow, I ordered the split ender today and will straighten again probably in couple weeks.
Doing my ACV rinse concoction mix tonight lol. My hair won't know what hit it. Good bye frizz!
I cowashed my hair Friday night and used Shea Moisture thickening milk, and KeraVada LI butter on top. Well Saturday morning I twisted my hair with HH Pink Stuff in hopes of a great twistout today...well let's just say it was an epic fail! No hold what so ever. Think I'm going to have to stick to ORS pudding and Eco styler gel.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
I agree...that eco styler is THE TRUTH. It holds my edges for days without any breakage or crunch. I think its the wheat protein that gives so much moisture

I LOVE this HHJ!!
I got a relaxer over the weekend and it still seems like the back part of my hair hasn't grown :( .. The very middle is damaged so I kinda chopped it off lol , but my front and sides are growing very fast and actually longer than expected .. I'm just gonna continue to do sew-ins and hope for the best in the back ..
I got a relaxer over the weekend and it still seems like the back part of my hair hasn't grown :( .. The very middle is damaged so I kinda chopped it off lol , but my front and sides are growing very fast and actually longer than expected .. I'm just gonna continue to do sew-ins and hope for the best in the back ..

What caused the damage? Does sew ins work for you to retain? On the positive side from what you've said your hair is growing nicely so that's good. The back will get there.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Welp we have about a month and half til end of the year. What are we doing ladies for our end of year reveal/starting pic?


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Supposedly I am going to do a curlformer set. I will either do it the weekend after Christmas or New Year's Eve.
I think I'm gonna straighten around Christmas. I'm lovin the curlformers and plan to do that often to keep my hair stretched
Think I'm going to do a flexi rod set...we shall see. Might do mine on new years eve as well bc I will wear my wig for Xmas more than likely.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
I am still in my relaxer stretch but I'm thinking about going to a natural hair salon and letting them give me a steam treatment, straighten my hair and give me a much needed make my hair mostly even trim then Im weaving it up until mid January!
Hey ladies I was speaking with Tatilove in the APL 2014 challenge and she was asking about combining a APL/BSL challenge for us. I told her if consensus agreed then I would change the name. But I wanted to see if y'all wanted to make this thread a SL/APL thread as well? I know we talked/joked about it in SL 2013 thread but what cha think?


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF

SL/APL/BSL thread why not! As long as remains a happy, positive thread :grin:
SL/APL/BSL thread why not! As long as remains a happy, positive thread :grin:

Lol right...but I'm not changing this thread name. A lot of the ladies didn't want it to get confusing so I left this one alone. It doesn't bother me one way or another.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Lol right...but I'm not changing this thread name. A lot of the ladies didn't want it to get confusing so I left this one alone. It doesn't bother me one way or another.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF

Thanks. I would rather leave it just SL. I would like to just focus on that one goal for now.
So today I went Thanksgiving shopping with my sister. We got everything we need for next weeks dinner except turkey and ham (my brother is getting that). This will be our first Thanksgiving Holiday without my mom and I hope we do her proud. Good thing I helped her cook (I pretty much did it all) lol for the past 5 years. Anyone else do their food shopping?


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
I've decided I'm not going to claim SL until the hair on the sides just below my crown hit my shoulders. That hair is just at the bottom of my ear. So I may not be full SL until the end of next year.
I hear you faithVA I'm going to be in this thread until I'm a granny. LOL

doing a prepoo with trader joes nourish condish and grapeseed oil under the heat cap for 20 min. Will cowash and dc on top of a tea rinse for 30 min, flat twist for bed.
I will too! I bc'd this summer.....I've only gained like three inches! Three inches in five months! I won't be SL till thia time next year! Without setbacks a
You're not going to be alone @faithVA. I'll be chillin in here too. My crown has a good 6 months before it sees SL, so I'll be here for a while. :)

Since my nape grows mad fast, I've decided to continue snipping and maintain it at SL to reduce the depth of layers until my crown and sides are NL, then I'll go annoy the ladies in the APL challenge. :lol:

OAN: Enjoying the change in wearing my 4c hair straightened. Gonna try to keep this up for a little while. Wont be heat after this, but I've found a serum (LHCF hates this line :look:) that gives it a nice stretch. :)
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I will too! I bc'd this summer.....I've only gained like three inches! Three inches in five months! I won't be SL till thia time next year! Without setbacks a

Girl I don't even think I get that. 3 inches in 5 months is pretty good. Your getting a little over 1/2 in per month. I know what you mean though bc we all would love to have faster growth. I know I sure would!


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF