SJ's Reasons She Can't Get BTK- I think....

I don't care what others think of my hair. I have done what I please in regards to my life. But in regards to bkt, you can't find a single bkt thread without strife. It's like a natural vs relaxer thread, all day. And that makes it not that much fun to discuss.

Peace with myself? Of course. Peace with discussing bkt on the boards is another matter, entirely. It's exhausting.
That first sentence should negate everything else.

I appreciate your answers, they've been informative to me. You can't please everyone, you put your knowledge out there and people are free to use it themselves or keep it moving.

ETA-Why she got to be searching for peace and self-acceptance though...come on now!:lachen::nono:

I am sorry Sheba if you feel like there is unnecessary strife in this thread. I don't think anyone is trying to be a troll. I think that it is always good to share both sides on a subject. There are lots of people viewing this thread who probably don't know much about hair care so I think it is vital for them to understand the potential risks involved. It is a balanced discussion IMO.

ETA: Thanks so much Jayann! I have been hating my hair lately but I just got my first order of henna and I am hoping that will make me love my hair again. I am leaning closer and closer to transitioning everyday.
Why is it that around here a difference of opinion is constantly interpreted as strife??? NO ONE has to defend their decision/opinion to anyone. Whatever you (I) decide to do is on you (me) and that should be the end of it. People have their own reasons for doing things.

Sidebar: anytime you open the hair section and on the first page @ least 3 threads are dedicated to a particular thing (MT, MTG, MN, BKT, etc), chances are it's the latest bandwagon. Maybe some people don't like the term because they may associate it w/being a follower...IDK. I've been on plenty of bandwagons and have no shame in my game. Hell, even cowashing is a bandwagon. Whatev.
Why is it that around here a difference of opinion is constantly interpreted as strife??? NO ONE has to defend their decision/opinion to anyone. Whatever you (I) decide to do is on you (me) and that should be the end of it. People have their own reasons for doing things.

I find the even IRL there are plenty of people who just can't handle diagreements. The whole why-can't-we-just-get-along syndrome. I can't say why because I am not one of those people. I know that conflict can produce lots of positive things. The extent to which we differ is the extent to which we can learn from each other :twocents:

There are a few different threads on here about it. Basically, a honey-based pre-poo treatment that helps to "smooth" new growth & natural hair, while moisturizing - it can be used on relaxed hair as well during "stretches". (That description is debatable.)

I was looking at this but it seems stop working if you have a hard work out. I saw the thread on Diva smooth it was interesting.