Six Ways to Think like Christ


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
WE are, more often than not, guilty of avoiding extreme sins while regularly committing the types of sins with which Jesus was most concerned. In these six examples, our real struggle with sin is exposed. When Jesus preached his Sermon on the Mount, He pointed out what kind of lives would be required of his followers.

1. Example: Murder
It's not enough to avoid killing...
We must also avoid anger and hatred.

2. Example: Sacrifices
It's not enough to offer regular sacrifices
We must also have right relationships with God and others

3. Example: Adultery
It's not enough to avoid adultery...
We must also keep our hearts from lusting and be faithful.

4. Example: Divorce
It's not enough to be legally married...
We must also live out our marriage commitments.

5. Example: Vows
It's not enough to make a vow...
We must also avoid casual and irresponsible commitments to God

6. Example: Revenge
It's not enough to seek justice for ourselves...
We must also show mercy and love others.

Are you living as Jesus taught?
Honeyhips said:
were you trying to make your post count longer. :lol: I'm going to have to do this.
Heehee! I was thinkin' the same thing!!! I wish we could still give short post!!! :grin: