Day 39..Lent thought for today.......For courage to act for Christ


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The Cock Crows

Jesus said to [Peter], "Truly I tell you, this day, this very night, before the cock crows twice, you will deny me three times."

-Mark 14:30

DURING this past week, I was rude to a man in need who knocked at our door. I could easily have responded to his request.

Just yesterday, I was hardhearted and unresponsive to the gardener, who needed my caring ear and compassion. Today, I was cynical about the motives of a friend instead of being more concerned for her real needs. Just as for Peter, the cock crows loudly in my life and in my mind.
It does so regularly.

As I honestly examine my daily actions, I cannot escape the fact that I am like the disciple Peter in his weakest moments.
This Holy Week, we read again the grim story of Jesus and the disciples as Jesus faces death on the cross. In the context of our behavior, which disciple will we be like? Which disciple will we be most like before next Easter comes?

Roland Rink (Gauteng, South Africa)

Loving God, forgive our hardness of heart when we refuse to hear the cries of the needy. Forgive us for denying our faith and turning away from Jesus. Teach us to live as we pray, "Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation."* Amen.

In what areas of my life do I hear the cock crowing?

Thought for today
For courage to act for Christ