Single vs married woman in churches...


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm just being paranoid as usual but I'd like to hear others experiences. I've been making friends at my new church and a lot of the woman are married woman around my age and I find myself totally awkward when their husbands come around. Like I fear they may think cause I'm single I may eye their husbands or something. Maybe it's in my head but it's gotten to the point I'll avoid them if the husband is next to them. I'm waiting on my future husband but I know everyone knows I'm single and I just hope they don't think ill of this single lady. Am I overthinking this?
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Lol. I know I'm probably overthinking it but someone will cut you if you even look their husbands way. Just trying not to offend no one.

Actually married women are some of the best friends that an unmarried woman can have.

They love trying to 'hook you up'... :yep: I am soooooo serious! :yep:
If you're divorced, some people will suddenly become very unavailable, even for a salutation. They are afraid...of many things. Insecurity, OP...that's what that is. Just keep on being yourself. I pray you will have great friends, married and single.
Actually married women are some of the best friends that an unmarried woman can have. They love trying to 'hook you up'... :yep: I am soooooo serious! :yep:

Hmm really? Good to know. I guess I'm not used to this kind of circle and I want to build on the relationships but I also know how petty some woman can be.