Switching Churches - Need More Singles

Just my two cents: I am one of those married folk always trying to hook someone up. A girlfriend of mine always said she wasnt interested in getting married... she is beautiful and spirit filled, but I think she felt this way because the outlook was dim in that area. Recently, my husband was re-aquainted with an old friend... his friend and my friend just "happened" to both attend an event recently and it has been "ON" ever since.

I am really praying that this leads to marriage.

The reason I am sharing this is that we are not to give up hope. Our church does not have many single many at all (I can count the active ones on one hand), but if this is indeed her intended mate God can bring your man to you wherever you are.

Overnight she went from sitting home praying, to praying with her new friend on the phone and being courted in a serious way.

Thats all Im saying...
I've heard this before too and I think it's an excellent point. As the first people on earth, God could have made a mother and her baby or a father and his son or even just two good friends but he didn't. He made a husband and a wife. Being that man and woman as mates was the first relationship ever created it sends a strong message that marriage sits high on God's list of blessings for us.

I'm single so I do know how it feels to have doubt creep in to your mind from time to time. But everyday, I ask God to renew my faith and my trust in Him. I've just started doing the 31 days of prayer for my husband-to-be. But instead of doing it in 31 days as laid out in the thread, I'm doing it as 31 weeks. I believe God is still working on me so I don't want to rush it. I'm doing prayer and fasting one day a week.

Hairlove, I know it makes you feel lonely that you have never had a relationship before but on the flip side, I have had a long term relationship and I've still experienced deep loneliness. My ex and I dated for a long time and got as far as picking out the rings but then it all came crashing to an end. So on top of the loneliness I had from losing the love of my life, I also had a broken heart, I lost my self-esteem and I lost trust in others. I was just all messed up. So I know you wish you could get past the pain from the loneliness but be thankful for the other types of pain that God is protecting you from. When you finally meet your prince charming, you won't meet him with baggage from another relationship. And trust me, that's a blessing because getting rid of baggage is a hard thing to do.

Also, that experience made me realize that loneliness doesn't come from a lack of companionship. It comes from a lack of happiness and a lack of joy. I've heard several married women say that they have a husband and kids but yet they feel lonely. I'm still single but yet I don't feel lonely anymore. I had to find what made me happy and once I did the loneliness was gone. For me, it was starting my own business for you it may be something else but either way it's a daily battle. The loneliness tries to creep in sometimes but I rebuke it like I rebuke a bad cold. Loneliness is a tool of the devil. Don't let him have the victory.

I don't have much else to say except that you're not in this alone. I'm right here with you waiting for my husband-to-be. I hope this hug can help you fight off some loneliness this week. :bighug:
The bolded is so true... hang in there Hairlove. Do have a full social life if that's what you want but I would not change churches especially since you are being fed spritually and are growing. :nono:
I appreciate all of the stories. You ladies have given me a lot to think about. Right now, I haven't made any concrete decisions.

I do have something lined up over the next 3 weeks that have nothing to do with my church and should put me in the mix with other singles. So, maybe it can work without switching churches. Still on the fence. :)
Ok, I see the consensus so far and I appreciate the comments. They make complete sense.

Well, how is one supposed to get past the loneliness they feel when going to church and not having anyone near their age to connect with? I've joined serving committees, women's retreat, book clubs, studies, etc and have still yet to even meet women my age. It is so discouraging and downright lonely. I just want to give up sometimes and just go to church and come home.

If you feel the need to leave the church because it isn't doing anything for your spiritual growth, then I'd say go ahead. But if it's because there is a shortage of available men, then I don't think it's a good idea to leave.
God can move your husband to your church just because of you. I have heard stories where people moved church (men as well as women), didn't quite know why (just went by God's instruction) and the met their partner that way.

I am in a church where there are people my age (some single, many in relationships and even more in marriages), but I have yet to "meet" someone (and I've been there for almost 6 years). Would I leave my church because of that? No. Do I sometimes get frustrated? Yes. But I also know that my time will come, and when it comes, it will be well worth the wait.
Please don't get discouraged. I really do feel your pain. But I also know that God is not blind, neither is He indifferent to your pain. He's always working on your behalf.
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