Single Person Behavior


Well-Known Member
I know many of us single gals are ready to mingle, but there some true benefits to being HAPPILY single!

In a episode of Sex in the City, Carrie talked about her SPB (Single Person Behavior) that she would never let her man see! :grin: Here are a few of mine:
  • eating .......(insert your favorite) for dinner becasue don't feel like cooking!
  • wearing the comfotable undies instead of the sexy ones! :spinning:
  • anything dealing with hair removal, that not so "fresh" feeling, or bm regularity
  • if I'm LATE, don't break out in a cold sweat! :blush: (ok, I'm sure someone knows what I'm talking about......the whole being in front of the "firing squad" worry)
What are some of the silly/fun (SPB) Single Person Behavior that you do now, that will go out the window once you are attached?
Its actually SSB - Secret Single Behavior....I'm a SATC freak and I just watched that episode.

I don't have anything as crazy as what the ladies mentioned, but the biggest one for me is being able to go home to an empty house and be all alone and not have anyone bother me or talk to me. Oh, and I do eat dinner while reading.
Snatching my wig off as soon as I get in the house and walking around with my hair "as is" :look:

Not having to put my hair away. I just have random wigs and ponytails all over my room. Other people freak out when they see them so I try to stash them away.

Not picking up my clothes or shoes.

Not wearing a bra. Sometimes I just don't feel like being bothered.
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My "single person behaviors"

-Not bothering to shave anywhere.
-Mismatching bra & panties..No one is there to see them matched & appreciate it.
-Not panicking when i run out of deodorant
-Being able to clean my plate of food w/ no judgement and smack on my food while eating.
-Being lazy w/ my skincare & haircare.
pooting & belching loudly
picking my nose
looking unkempt
eating out of the pots
listening to tupac

(what?! these are things that guys think i don't do. they think i'm sooooo prime & proper, sheesh!)

my cousin made a valid point one day (6+ years ago) when we were getting ready to go on a double date. we had been lounging around the house and though we did'nt look like booger-bears we would cringe if a guy saw us. she said why don't we fix ourselves up FOR ourselves everyday? she also said why do we wait for 'occassions' such as dates, holidays, funerals, etc. to wear 'special' clothing? so each morning upon waking up we primped and dressed ourselves to the nine (with no where to go for neither of us were working at the time!)...for 2 weeks and went right back to lounge mode, that is, until we had a date. lol. wonder why that is?
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Snatching my wig off as soon as I get in the house and walking around with my hair "as is" :look:

Not having to put my hair away. I just have random wigs and ponytails all over my room. Other people freak out when they see them so I try to stash them away.

Not picking up my clothes or shoes.

Not wearing a bra. Sometimes I just don't feel like being bothered.

:lol: I know that’s right! Imagine if Bobby or Leroy was watching you do that! But your real hair is beautiful anyway, so he would still love ya girl!
*Go to the gym early in the morning with pincurls still in my head, and wearing my satin scarf. (listen I gotta work out, and I gotta perserve the hair:look:)
*Make two green smoothies for dinner, b/c I don't feel ike making anything else
*Dance and sing loudly to Chris Brown "kiss kiss" while cleaning my room
*not shave anything
*Go to bed at 10 or 10:30(that never happens when you're attached)
*Not make my bed for weeks
*pretend I'm Sabra from SYTYCD in my house while listening to chris brown, "kiss kiss":look:(don't ask)
:lol: I know that’s right! Imagine if Bobby or Leroy was watching you do that! But your real hair is beautiful anyway, so he would still love ya girl!

LOL But y'all know wigs creep men out. A weave they understand. But a wig? That's like OH HELL NO. :lachen: That's why I never tell men I wear wigs. And if I'm wearing one, I try to wear the same one for a while around them so they don't get confused.
going to bed really comfy (warm for me- sweats, SOCKS, etc)
wearing zit cream around the house
wearing my head scarf (i dont hear You look like abuela or my MOM never did that..)

eating out of the storage container/drinking out the carton and putting it back in the fridge-- no one else is going to eat/drink it, so why dirty a glass?

eating in bed
letting dirty laundry pile up

-Do whatever the heck I want, whenver the heck I want, without having to consider someone else. Nor feel pressure to look or act a certain way in an effort to please someone else.

^^^^That sums it all up right there :grin:
Wow, I do all this stuff around my SO....(eat whatever, mismatching panties, not shaving all the time, etc.) and he dosen't care. Matter of fact, when I do primp and stuff he asks why I'm going out the way. Haha. So maybe that means you know you've found the right guy when you are that comfortable with that person?
-Not shaving
-Being able to go to bed naked without them thinking its "sexy" time! :)
-Wearing pajamas and a head scarf all day!
-Eating cereal for dinner
-Watching Queer as Folk back to back to back!
-Watching Oz back to back to back! :)
-Listening to the same song over and over..

I love single life!
Snatching my wig off as soon as I get in the house and walking around with my hair "as is" :look:

Not having to put my hair away. I just have random wigs and ponytails all over my room. Other people freak out when they see them so I try to stash them away.

Not picking up my clothes or shoes.

Not wearing a bra. Sometimes I just don't feel like being bothered.

Wow, Bmore- I do that too- love snatching that half-wig off when I walked in the door. Actually, all of these things I have done/sometimes still do. Having a husband would be a BIG adjustment for me, but I'm willing to make that. :spinning:
Wow, Bmore- I do that too- love snatching that half-wig off when I walked in the door. Actually, all of these things I have done/sometimes still do. Having a husband would be a BIG adjustment for me, but I'm willing to make that. :spinning:

:lachen: I knew I wasn't the only one. I also eat a lot of random foods. Like plain potato chips with pickles, lemons with salt, etc. Actually I eat a lot in general. But around men I don't let them see me being my usual piggy self. Oh yeah I will let my laundry pile up to the high heavens too. As long as I still got clean clothes to wear, I ain't doing no laundry. Lord knows the last time I did laundry. :look: