Single Ladies Secret Admirer Swap 2013 **Official Thread**


formerly qtslim83
Hello Ladies!

Sorry about the slight delay in setting this thread up, but here goes :grin:

The idea behind this swap is that we are all wonderful women that deserve to feel special every now and then.

Here are the basics:

* the spending limit will be no more than $20.00

* all gifts will need to be sent out no later than 02/08/2013 to ensure that
they will arrive in time for the reveal.

* Absolutely no revealing of names until the hints either :giggle:


....if there is anything else I come up with I'll revise this later

Here's a quote from a post crlsweetie912 made that will be helpful in gift giving ideas for your 'Admirer'

The Concept
Many people are familiar with the concept of a “Secret Santa” gift exchange during the holidays where people agree to participate in several days of gift giving. The idea is that the participants don’t know who is giving the gifts each day until the final day and the “Secret Santa” is reveled.

Here’s a new twist on an old idea; since Valentine’s Day is all about expressing love, consider setting up a Secret Valentine’s gift exchange with a group of friends, co-workers or family members the week preceding Valentine’s Day on February 14th. With the December holiday’s all but a memory and winter in full swing the concept of a gift exchange that doesn’t involve an “over the top” attitude is a welcome one.

Suggested Dollar Limit
A suggested dollar limit should be agreed upon by all participants at the start of the exchange. This helps set the tone for the exchange. Typically the participants should agree on a total dollar amount for the entire exchange (say $20.00) so as to encourage lots of participants to join in. A lower total dollar amount not only encourages more people to join in, it also makes the gift giving easy as there are many, many small priced Valentine’s day trinkets suitable for the gift exchange to be easily found. Keep in mind it is the thought that counts and the fun of trying to guess who one’s “secret Valentine’s” is.

The Final Day of the Exchange-the “Big Reveal”
On the final day of the exchange all participants should gather at a designated location in order to reveal their secret Valentine’s.

Gift ideas . . . The Possibilities are Plentiful!
Chocolate (a "no brainer" right?!)
Candy Hearts (Remember the hearts with the words written on them?)
Novelty items such as window clings, heart key chains etc. make good “daily gifts”
Homemade treats (Nothing like some homemade yummy cookies or chocolate covered pretzels)
Valentine Tea towels (Every powder room or kitchen could use some hearts)
Gift cards for stores such as Target or Starbucks , local restaurants, movie theaters even an Amazon Kindle gift card where you can set your own giving amount make a good “final gift”
A paperback book
Valentine’s candle holder
Coffee Mug with hearts on it (Better yet, fill the mug with chocolate or candy hearts)
Office Supplies- heart shaped post it notes, valentine’s pens and pencils etc.
Stuffed animal ( a cute teddy bear or anything with hearts on it fits the bill)
Valentine Socks (there are lots of colorful socks on the market these days!)
Hand lotion
Packets of hot cocoa or assorted tea (might want to put these in a mug as well!)
Photo frame
Find out something about the person you are gifting and give something that they are fond of- say some merchandise from their favorite sports team or college or university.
A magazine (this is another spot where you can give a magazine that is tailored to the person's interests and/or hobbies)
Use free printables to create some fun crafty items
Coupons to the local car wash (a unique and often appreciated gift)
Be creative- the possibilities are endless!

Besides this thread of course, the website that we will use to communicate will be . I have begun sending out invitations to all of you who sent me email addresses this week. If I have missed anyone or if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

NOTE: If you are still interested in joining us, please feel free. The more the merrier! The final deadline will be 01/26/2013
I'm still in. I just need to figure what I'm going to do about shipping since I'll be out of town until the 9th.
I'm scared. :look::lol:

:lol: but why??

ETA: just read your answer. I've been stiffed before so I understand, but honestly I think this will be a greap swap for everyone!

Just rsvp'd. So do we pick our person or are they picked randomly??

sent from my galaxy

Elfster will randomly pick a person for everyone in the group. I can't draw names yet because not everyone has been added and the group is closed off. I can only do it once.
LabelleL I think there is still time to sign up. Send QTSLim83 your email address!

I'm late, but I'm really excited! This will be my third LHCF swap and they are great! Thanks QT for setting everything up.
Yeah you have till tomorrow to sign up and PM QTslim your email address so she can add you to the elfster group.
Also don't forget to go on elfster and accept the invitation!
Morning Ladies!

First off welcome to all of the new participants. I've responded to all PMs and sent out the Elfster invites. Please accept as soon as you can.

Remember: The deadline to participate is tomorrow 01/26/2013. It's not too late!

I'm so excited :grin:
So we get to use a wishlist? That's great...cuz I LOVE to give gifts, but am always at a loss as to what to give to someone. 'specially someone I dont know! Eeeeek!