A non-answer is not a denial!!!!!!!!! What signals say no? Just because He didn't answer in the time you felt He should? Worrying is not of God!!!!!!! You forget that He loves you and He knows your desires. It may not be you but God may be working something out on the other end. Would you rather receive what you want when you wanted it with God knowing it wasn't your time and at a point and stage when your husband wasn't ready and able to provide for a family or be the proper covering for you. Would you rather be in a position where you might suffer because God decided to just give you what you wanted when you wanted it. It's like baking a cake, would you eat a half baked cake or would you want one that fully baked, frosted, and oh-so delicious in your favorite flavor? I take the fully baked-favorite flavor please for $1,000 Alex. It is hard, exhausting at times, discouraging, especially when you see God moving in other people lives, but guess what. Marriage is to glorify Him!!!! Give it to Him and you stop worrying yourself over something that's already done for you. Keep loving God, keep putting Him first, keep doing what is right and before you know it, your blessing is going to pour down on you like nothing you've ever felt before. Smile, its already done.
Hallelujah!!!!! In the name of Jesus, speak the truth!!!! A non answer is not a denial! Amen Jesus! Oh Lord, I'm about to start praising His name up in here!!!
I am not going to lie, I am one of those people who would rather decide to stay single instead of "waiting" for God to fulfill my desire to be married and RISK the chance that His answer will be no. I am a control freak! Letting God take control is painful for me to do!
Ladies, the devil wants us to focus on our present state!!! This will keep us from fulfilling God's will in the time He originally planned. My pastor said that the journey through the wilderness should have taken the Israelites about 3 months, instead it took 490 years??!?!?! Was that God's original plan? Heck no! But thank the Lord God He is patient with us! 2 Peter 3:9 says "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you." Praise God for His faithfulness despite our faithlessness!!!
Ladies do you know what the Lord has shown me time and time again?! Many times in my life the Lord has seemingly said, "No" to me regarding a desire of mine. When I finally let go and accepted His will, BAM! The Lord shows up with the very thing that I wanted. I believe the Lord loves surprises and He loves to give us a testimony. The last time the Lord did this for me was with my current job. I'll try to be brief:
Well this story starts way back in November when I first saw the email for this job offer. It was to be a teacher in a deaf/hh program in a high school until the end of the school year. The current teacher was going on maternity leave. I sent my resume and cover letter to the teacher, she responded and said she would pass my info on to the dean. I was very excited. I don’t remember worrying about the fact that I didn’t have teacher certification (I'm currently earning my MA in Deaf Education). Anyway, the teacher quickly contacted me and basically made it seem as though they would hire me. Everything seemed to be in place. I was very excited and thrilled for this new experience. Then, the bad news rolled in… they could not hire me as a long term sub without me having certification. All my hopes and plans came to a screeching holt. But, after I threw a small pity party for myself, I accepted it and moved on with no hard feelings. I started looking on the dcjobs.com website and found substitute positions and afterschool positions at a charter school in DC. I decided I would apply there and a few other places.
Lo and behold one lazy January afternoon my phone rings. This lady asks me if I’m still interested in the position at the High School. I was like, why is she calling me back when I was already told I could not do it?? I informed her that I was told I could not accept the job because I don’t have certification. She said she was aware and basically it was difficult trying to find anyone who had the necessary qualifications. Of course I told her I was still interested. We both planned to have an interview the week I went back to VA. The following week I went to the school for an interview and a few days later I was informed that they wanted to hire me. The second part of the battle was that I am still a full time student so I would have some class conflicts with this job. I knew it was going to take a miracle for everything to work out and I was so ready and willing to accept disappointment from the Lord. Lo and behold, the Lord worked His miracle and I was able to take the classes I needed and accept the job offer. I almost felt guilty that the Lord gave me what I wanted and what was seemingly impossible. It's like He was saying, "did you think I would not give you the best?" It’s amazing is all I can say. You know, the Lord knew I wanted the job back in November and He could have given it to me at that time. But NOOOO!!!!!!!!! Jesus is in the miracle working/performing business and therefore He loves to work with impossible situations. But of course, there are no impossible situations with the Lord. Everything is just a situation for Him. I wonder how our faith would grow if we looked at it that way. How many times have we heard the “nothing is impossible with God” texts? Seriously, when we come to God with our wants, desires, wishes and hopes… do we come thinking we have to convince the One who CAN make it all possible? Do we come unsure and doubtful, anticipating a great big and thunderous, “NO! BE GONE!!” What kind of God do we serve? What kind of God do we think we serve? I imagine the Lord saying to Himself… “you know, I’m not gonna give my daughter the job so easily. I’m going to actually deny her the job- THEN bring it back when she least expects it, I love doing that- surprising my children. AND then, I’m going to give her the job that she (and many others) thinks she is unqualified for. AND then I’m going to allow her to have the job AND take the classes she wants to take.” Once again, God is in the miracle working business.
I BELIEVE we can miss out on God's blessings if we are not patient with Him and truly trust His timing. Even with this miracle under my belt, I still struggle with trusting God's timing. I know I need to fight my doubts with the word and in constant communion with God. Expecting Him to fulfill His promises is the other part of the battle- not just barely hoping. I know this is off topic to this thread but I feel we cannot truly be in the word and looking to grow from the word and learn from the word if we do not trust the word.