Single Christians gals - lets read this book!


New Member
I picked up this book today called Sassy, Single & Satisfied "Secrets to Loving the Life You're Living" So far its made 2 powerful points to me.

1. In my heart I've placed a lover in the spot where God should be.
2. God created Adam and Adam was cool. It was God who said you should not be alone. It was God's idea to give him Eve...he wasn't complaining. God does want to see me happy with a mate.

I thought it would a great experience to go through the journey of reading and discussing this book this book with some of you. Let me know if you're interested.
I have it and it was okay. I liked "What to do Before Love Finds You" or something like that. When do you want to start reading the book?
I have it and never finished it. I bought it while dating someone and I probably should have read it then. It could have been the final push for me to break up with him and not the other way around. :lol:
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Can you wait a few days before we start reading it, I have to order it online but I really want to read it with you all!
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I read this book. It was a good one. I have a few of her other books. You an find her at Wal-mart for under 10 bucks. I loved How to be Blessed & Highly Favored. Down the road, I may consider the Diva Principle. I like her books as a single woman because she wrote to all women primarily single women. Also, the best thing that I liked about her was that when ministering to singles, she didn't concentrate on just sex. Abstaining is extremely important, but I am a whole single female who like whole ministry resources on not just how to be kept but how to obtain and maintain wholeness (mental, physical,spiritual, and financially). Good read! She also have a website.
sithembile said:
Can you wait a few days before we start reading it, I have to order it online but I really want to read it with you all!
I'm 40 pages in now. I'm going as slowly as possible to give others a chance to catch up. Is there anyone who has gotten the book and has started to read it yet?
I had this book but didn't read it for the longest. But God brought it back to my attention last fall when I was having my breakthrough concerning relationships. That book really spoke a word to my soul!

If you love that book, you'll LOVE If Men Are Like Buses, How Do I Catch One?

God Bless.
I think the discussion should start by posting some things from the book that really struck a cord with you as you go along. I'll do the same.