Since you started your hair care journey....


Well-Known Member
what has been/used to be the hardest thing for you to do? We all know that whether relaxed or natural and no matter what hair type, taking care of our hair is no walk in the park. :nono: Before knowing how to take care of our hair we were doing things completely wrong and we have had to learn to change the way we think and treat our hair. We have learned that a lot of the things we were doing were wrong and have had to do a lot of adapting. Since I've joined LHCF, I have learned how to take better care of my hair and have learned to make certain sacrifices for the better health of it. So what have you had to change or learn to do that has been/used to be the most difficult.... even though you knew you had to do it and wanted to do it for the health of your hair? And why?

Ex: Throwing out products w/bad chemicals, stretching relaxers, going natural, relaxing again, not using heat, trimming/not trimming, or anything else.
For me, it has been 2 things---> 1. Stop using heat 2. Stretching relaxers

1. From the moment I started doing my own hair at 10 yrs old, heat was my bestest friend-- or so I thought. :nuts: However, I was lucky in that my hair never broke off or got damaged too severely. Even after I found LHCF, I still used heat, but not as much. I would blow dry with every wash and when I got a blow-out or flat iron at the salon, I would use heat almost everyday that week (but that was once in a while--like right after a relaxer). Even after my BC I used heat b/c of the short style, but now, I have since given myself a personal challenge not to use heat at all-- not even hood drying. It actually isn't as hard I thought it was, but breaking the actual habit is. All in all, I LOVE the way I have learned to airdry b/c i NEVER thought I could do it. :yay: Now my hair dries nicer and smoother and more moisturized than using heat!

2. Stretching relaxers- I stretched my relaxers out many times. But that would take getting blowouts every few weeks and not washing my hair in btwn to keep the newgrowth under control. My hair did thrive from this, but I had to realize that the heat and dirty scalp would never be conducive to my goal of healthy hair. So I've decided to stretch at least 12 wks, but also wash every week. This would have been okay BUT with the stupid MTG, 6 wks post already feels like 12 wks post!! & every week it takes longer and longer to detangle and moisturize my scalp, newgrowth, and relaxed ends. I dunno how I'm gonna make it. I feel tempted to relax, but I know have to wait. However, I am sooo happy at the same time b/c I have learned how to handle my newgrowth and moisturize it wonderfully! :woot: I never was able to do that b4. and I'm so proud of myself for that achievement alone. Now when stretching, I don't have to yank the comb thru my 4b hair and cry from all the pain! :cry: I love it so much it almost makes me want to go natural--- almost.:look:
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I had to cut 3 inches off and that set me back 8-9 months on my haircare journey that was last year I'm back with a vengence now
keeping my hair moisterized when braided and sticking to products that work and handle my PJism
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Deciding between natural and relaxed....the debate went on for 2yrs! However, my head is free and clear now as I am very happy with my decision.
I have realized that I need to wash and condition my hair more often. Before LHCF, I would go to the hair stylist and get my relaxer then I would wait to wash and condition my hair for 2 to 3 weeks. I get my relaxer every 6 weeks and would only wash it one time in between that time. I relaxed that I had to stop being lazy and take better care of my hair.
Sadly and unfortunately for me I’ve come to realize that I have to give up heat on my hair or I won’t have any natural hair! :cry: I really loved getting my hair pressed and curled, and it blowing in the wind, but for the sake of my naps I can no longer allow my stylist to blow dry my hair, run the hot comb through, and then curl it. It was just too much for my naps to take. If I didn’t stop, my hair would look just like my relaxed hair --- very straight/wavy and damaged.

I plan on giving heat up for about 18 months and then I may FLATIRON it just to see how far I've come along.
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The hardest thing for me to change was giving up heat and wearing protective styles. I only used heat once a week but this meant I only shampooed once a week too. I was using a blow dryer (on low) and then a flat iron. Giving up heat also forced me into protective styling. I started off wearing braid outs and rollersets. I got frustrated and wore braids off and on for 6 months. Got myself together and put myself on a year long bun challenge. The bun challenge taught me that I could wash my hair more than twice a week and it would be ok. So here I am 18 months later with longer, stonger hair. It was worth it.
For me it was being patient. I was so impatient to see my hair grow. I just wanted long hair and wanted it fast. I use to obsess about it until I joined the board. I still want long, natural hair but I will be patient. My hair has grown a lot since becoming natural. Other people can see it and comment on it.
I cut off ten inches of hair to get rid of the relaxer. That was hard for me. I gave up most of my favorite products because they had stuff in them that I decided I didn't want to use on my head every day. Those were the two most difficult things...and at the same time...the two best things I have done for my hair. I love the natural products I use even more than my past favorites. And I love my natural hair. :)
Combing and detangling :( . Now I freak out about every hair that breaks, snaps, sheds, ends up on the comb and on the floor. Even though I'm sure it's normal I am very aware of it now. Since learning to stretch my relaxer it is a curse and a gift. My hair is thriving but after about 6 weeks its no joke at wash time. And lets not even talk about this "unglamourest" (sorry had to say it) bun that I have a love/hate relationship with. But all in all I'm looking forward to this journey to fabulous hair.
@Country gal: That's a good one. I especially have this problem with my edges. It never grows! I would sit in the mirror and watch these two spots on either side of my head. :(

@Tami: I know how you feel about the broken hairs. I never used to care about the hair that came outta my head. Now I examine every strand to see if there's a bulb at the end and I pull it for strength and elasticity.
secretdiamond said:
what has been/used to be the hardest thing for you to do? We all know that whether relaxed or natural and no matter what hair type, taking care of our hair is no walk in the park. :nono: Before knowing how to take care of our hair we were doing things completely wrong and we have had to learn to change the way we think and treat our hair. We have learned that a lot of the things we were doing were wrong and have had to do a lot of adapting. Since I've joined LHCF, I have learned how to take better care of my hair and have learned to make certain sacrifices for the better health of it. So what have you had to change or learn to do that has been/used to be the most difficult.... even though you knew you had to do it and wanted to do it for the health of your hair? And why?

Ex: Throwing out products w/bad chemicals, stretching relaxers, going natural, relaxing again, not using heat, trimming/not trimming, or anything else.

I think I just had to find my own way of doing healthy things. Sometimes, the "healthy" suggestions were practical for me, and I had to figure out my own system for getting to healthy hair. That's a challenge in itself b/c there are so many variances in everything from vitamins to products to relaxer stretching lengths.
I have decided to transition to natural products & staying away from heat hasn't bothered me that much. I threw out my flat iron & curling iron & I only use my blow dryer for ApHOGEE treatments.
In the very early stages, relaxer stretching was a challenge, but I embraced it b/c it made perfect sense and I knew it would b good for my hair. Sure enough, it was, and I wouldn't have it any other way now.

Good thread :up:
Tami said:
Combing and detangling :( . Now I freak out about every hair that breaks, snaps, sheds, ends up on the comb and on the floor. Even though I'm sure it's normal I am very aware of it now. Since learning to stretch my relaxer it is a curse and a gift. My hair is thriving but after about 6 weeks its no joke at wash time. And lets not even talk about this "unglamourest" (sorry had to say it) bun that I have a love/hate relationship with. But all in all I'm looking forward to this journey to fabulous hair.
This was funny and true!!!! :lol:
(1) Using no/less heat-- I have definitely had to give up using heat on my hair. It's hard on a sister, but I have done better. I still use heat, but a lot less often.

(2) Stretching Relaxers-- It's also been hard. I have braids right now, and before that, I stretched for 20 weeks (extremely difficult). I can't wait to see the growth when I remove these braids. I'll keep you all updated.

(3) Learning to moisturize daily. Enough said.

(4) Setting Lotion. I had to give this up. It was ruining my hair (drying it out and tearing it apart).