Since It's All Over The Place, Here Are My Thoughts...


I could barely get through Jenners acceptance speech because a mans voice coming out of from a distance appears to be a woman creeped the heck out of me and I was physically nauseated. But that's just me.

Here's a key point in the video when the TGW Zoey Tur felt verbally attacked which mode did Tur go into to resolve it?

Full on alpha man mode. The voice lowered the speech became slow centered and Tur put his hand around his neck looked Ben Shapiro in the eyes and threatened him outright and blatantly. If the roles were reversed there would be a firestorm of controversy.

Then Tur conveniently switched back and forth form male aggressive verbal jabs and female patting him on the shoulder saying a quip and quickly laughing it off. Are you confused cause so am I? How can I address them in the gender they want if they can't even decide themselves minute to minute.

But no one on the panel even defended Ben for being bullied right there in front of them instead they just steam-rolled over him practically saying he deserved it to for not addressing Tur as Sir and he and not she. Ben should press charges threats and assault??

Now after seeing and hearing that I would have had a hard time calling him a her too.

The only point Ben could get out was that body dismorphia is a mental disease we shouldn't feed into and that TG reassignment is not the cure even if it's being represented as such because of the high suicide rates due to the 30-40 year study done of TG after surgery their main psychiatric or pschychological issues were never addressed or treated just newly packaged and we should be looking at other treatments as well.

In the comments 1 woman said that's why (that threatening nature) she doesn't want TGW allowed in women's bathrooms she's right seems pretty scary right.

Also some commentors are now questioning there initial support of TGs because of this.

I'm very disappointed that Dr. Drew allowed that altercation / attack to go unchecked. TG Tur should have been arrested. I agree with you, I hope Ben sues both TG Tur and Dr. Drew.
I hate that Obama is literallyy ly sspiritually to push the LGBT agenda. :nono: The president of Kenya claps back:

And another link:
Lady Belle, I could not agree with you more. Obama is out of his mind....literally and spiritually.

Did you know that a member of his staff is a witch with whom he seeks counsel? He is not thinking on his own, he is bewitched. Any an or woman who is this attached to an unnatural behavior to this extreme is under the influence of darkness and he needs to be set free.

The Bible is crystal clear regarding this.
Lady Belle, I could not agree with you more. Obama is out of his mind....literally and spiritually.

Did you know that a member of his staff is a witch with whom he seeks counsel? He is not thinking on his own, he is bewitched. Any an or woman who is this attached to an unnatural behavior to this extreme is under the influence of darkness and he needs to be set free.

The Bible is crystal clear regarding this.

I didn't hear about a witch?! Who's the witch on his staff?
We haven't had one perfect president. His betwitchedness pales in comparison to the evils commited by quite a few in the past. Just AWFUL people and several murderous. We keep hearing about how our country was christian and how we got "our" start. And I just keep looking for evidence of the fact without finding it. They are all evil, to some extent.

And all of the people on that stage just sat there while that young man was threatened. He had every right to speak his mind just like the others chose to do. How dare that GMO (see...I liked that, Shimmie) threaten someone for not drinking his filthy koolaid!! See...this subject just gets me mad! As I've said before, this is about wanting those of us who know and subscribe to THE truth to bow down to Baal. I ain't going for it. Bruce is a man and always will be and so is that violent MAN who threatened someone on stage.
And all of the people on that stage just sat there while that young man was threatened. He had every right to speak his mind just like the others chose to do. How dare that GMO (see...I liked that, Shimmie) threaten someone for not drinking his filthy koolaid!! See...this subject just gets me mad! As I've said before, this is about wanting those of us who know and subscribe to THE truth to bow down to Baal. I ain't going for it. Bruce is a man and always will be and so is that violent MAN who threatened someone on stage.

He needs to be arrested for putting his hands on him.
Good explanation of TGR and body dismorphic disorder

Source for entire article

Partial article

Transgender Surgery Isn't the Solution
A drastic physical change doesn't address underlying psycho-social troubles.

June 12, 2014 7:19 p.m. ET

The government and media alliance advancing the transgender cause has gone into overdrive in recent weeks. On May 30, a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services review board ruled that Medicare can pay for the "reassignment" surgery sought by the transgendered—those who say that they don't identify with their biological sex. Earlier last month Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said that he was "open" to lifting a ban on transgender individuals serving in the military. Time magazine, seeing the trend, ran a cover story for its June 9 issue called "The Transgender Tipping Point: America's next civil rights frontier."

Yet policy makers and the media are doing no favors either to the public or the transgendered by treating their confusions as a right in need of defending rather than as a mental disorder that deserves understanding, treatment and prevention. This intensely felt sense of being transgendered constitutes a mental disorder in two respects. The first is that the idea of sex misalignment is simply mistaken—it does not correspond with physical reality. The second is that it can lead to grim psychological outcomes.

The transgendered suffer a disorder of "assumption" like those in other disorders familiar to psychiatrists. With the transgendered, the disordered assumption is that the individual differs from what seems given in nature—namely one's maleness or femaleness. Other kinds of disordered assumptions are held by those who suffer from anorexia and bulimia nervosa, where the assumption that departs from physical reality is the belief by the dangerously thin that they are overweight.

With body dysmorphic disorder, an often socially crippling condition, the individual is consumed by the assumption "I'm ugly." These disorders occur in subjects who have come to believe that some of their psycho-social conflicts or problems will be resolved if they can change the way that they appear to others. Such ideas work like ruling passions in their subjects' minds and tend to be accompanied by a solipsistic argument.
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Good explanation of TGR and body dismorphic disorder

Source for entire article

Partial article

Transgender Surgery Isn't the Solution
A drastic physical change doesn't address underlying psycho-social troubles.

June 12, 2014 7:19 p.m. ET

The government and media alliance advancing the transgender cause has gone into overdrive in recent weeks. On May 30, a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services review board ruled that Medicare can pay for the "reassignment" surgery sought by the transgendered—those who say that they don't identify with their biological sex. Earlier last month Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said that he was "open" to lifting a ban on transgender individuals serving in the military. Time magazine, seeing the trend, ran a cover story for its June 9 issue called "The Transgender Tipping Point: America's next civil rights frontier."

Yet policy makers and the media are doing no favors either to the public or the transgendered by treating their confusions as a right in need of defending rather than as a mental disorder that deserves understanding, treatment and prevention. This intensely felt sense of being transgendered constitutes a mental disorder in two respects. The first is that the idea of sex misalignment is simply mistaken—it does not correspond with physical reality. The second is that it can lead to grim psychological outcomes.

The transgendered suffer a disorder of "assumption" like those in other disorders familiar to psychiatrists. With the transgendered, the disordered assumption is that the individual differs from what seems given in nature—namely one's maleness or femaleness. Other kinds of disordered assumptions are held by those who suffer from anorexia and bulimia nervosa, where the assumption that departs from physical reality is the belief by the dangerously thin that they are overweight.

With body dysmorphic disorder, an often socially crippling condition, the individual is consumed by the assumption "I'm ugly." These disorders occur in subjects who have come to believe that some of their psycho-social conflicts or problems will be resolved if they can change the way that they appear to others. Such ideas work like ruling passions in their subjects' minds and tend to be accompanied by a solipsistic argument.


the problem also extends from the lgbt group who won't acknowledge this. Instead they are forcing people to pacify it.