Since It's All Over The Place, Here Are My Thoughts...


Well-Known Member
Okay, the whole Bruce Jenner thing has been all over my FB and Twitter feeds. I thought this opinion piece by Matt Walsh shares similarities to my own thoughts about the issue:

Before I even read the opinion piece, it did occur to me that it's not only against God's design, but also an insult to women, that a man can grow out his hair, throw on makeup, put on a dress and then proclaim himself a woman. I'd like to think being a woman encompasses more than a trip to Sephora and wearing gowns. Just as if I'd be disturbed by a Caucasian person saying he "feels black" and wants to from now on identify as black (and vice versa), you cannot throw aside reality, your biology, and identify yourself as something you are not.

A man is a man.

A woman is a woman.

There are two, distinct biological sexes--MALE and FEMALE.

You cannot change this because you "feel" like you should belong to the other camp.

An anorexic "feels" she is fat when in reality she's 45 lbs and her organs are about to shut down. We don't praise her as brave or beautiful. We at least try to get her help. But a man says he "feels" like a woman and all of a sudden he's lauded as a hero? I don't understand. Bruce needs help. He needs counseling. I feel sad that he is an unhappy person, but encouraging him to mutilate himself won't help.

Scripture says God created man and woman in His image, male and female He created humanity. There is something biologically, spiritually, and emotionally women bring to the world that men do not. Women are not a different *type* of man, nor are we a sub-category of men--we are not men at all--we are WOMEN. It *IS* an insult in my eyes for a man to play dress up and tell everyone "Call me she."

Although the ancient Greeks had some of the greatest philosophers the world has ever seen, they still had their sins and faults as a society. One of those faults was the belief that women were inferior to men because women were deformed versions of men. How about that! I certainly am not a deformed version of a male. I am a female, and my attributes (biological, mental, spiritual) are beautiful, strong, and God-given--these aren't weaknesses or flaws in my eyes, nor are they to be absorbed into some sub-male category.

It was a Woman to whom God entrusted the coming of salvation of mankind (the Blessed Virgin Mary), who gave birth--something a man could never do--to God in the Flesh. Jesus Christ elevated women and affirmed their dignity. Among His most devoted followers were women, even to the bitter end when even Peter the Rock fled. Because of injustice and oppression, women have often endured a difficult and bitter history in the world, but you know what? We've also endured and displayed Beauty, strength, life, truth, and courage.

All of that will mean nothing if a deluded father/grandfather can tuck in his genitals, slap on lipstick and call himself one of us.

Sorry. Not buying it.

If Bruce Jenner said he shared the Kardashian women's affinity for blackness and loved everything about being black, and felt like he was living a lie going through life as a white man and felt he was truly black and wanted to be legally identified as such, what would the reaction then be?

Our society has become so twisted, warped, and fallen away from God that we don't even recognize reality when we see it. We've already torn down the institution meant to unite one man and one woman for their personal good and the good of their children and by extension the good of greater society. Now the day will come when society will say, there is NO male or female, just people.
Thank you for sharing this @Galadriel...

Bruce Jenner is a confused man, period! He is not a woman no matter how many surgeries that he gets to play checkerboard with his anatomy. He is still a man; not a woman. He still needs tons of makeup / concealers to subdue the revealers that he is still a man. He had to have his Adam's apple sanded down like a wooden 2 by 4; the magazine covers are photo shopped to the nines and yet all you see is what is still a man.

As a human being who is lost, I feel sorry for him, for his efforts to heal his inward pain is not found in becoming a mannequin. There is no such thing as transgender, it is instead an act of transpain... a lost soul who is transferring their pain into another realm in an effort to escape, yet the pain is never's still there. Only God can heal them and I pray for this man that he finds his hope in God and allows God to set him free.

It's also very sad because while he thinks the public supports him, he is only being used. The media is profiting by making him a headliner in their stories and the lgbt agenda only sees and is using him to further their goals to validate their plight (which will never be right). It's all about to fall.
Bruce is sacrificing his manhood for a couple bucks just sad and depressing. He's got some real psych issues and pain and I'm pretty sure being married to Christine KardShian didn't help somehow from what I see of them they emasculate their men. That falls right in line with Bruce physically competing the psychological job already done on him.
Or there's the conspiracy theories running around on YouTube.

So now we got to worry about men changing into women less real men for women tragic.

Ex transgender from man to woman back to man and to the church
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This part wow

Last question for the people — particularly straight men — who claim there is no real distinction between a “transgender” woman and a real woman: Would you marry a woman who used to be a man? Would you look at this “former” man and think, “I want to make him my wife?”

Answer: No. You wouldn’t. You won’t. And you know it. Instinctively, when it comes down to it, where your life and love are concerned, you recognize the difference between a biological woman in all her glory, and a castrated man in all his derangement. I’m spending thousands of words convincing you of something you know. And I know you know it. And everyone knows that everyone knows it.

So why are we still having this conversation?

That I don’t know. But as long as it continues, I’ll keep reminding you of the things you already know, because someone has to.

Bruce Jenner is not a woman in any sense or to any extent.

And you already knew that.
Amen to the comments you have all shared, dear sisters in Christ. You know it's really sad that no one in the media wants to really discuss the true Bruce Jenner (I will NEVER call him Caitlyn). He is a man who mistreated three wives by deceiving them about his true feelings. I'm sure if he had been honest with these women that they may have at least re-evaluated their desire to marry and reproduce with Bruce before walking down the aisle. They should have had that opportunity. He is a man who wanted his first ex-wife to abort their daughter, Cassandra, when they discovered the pregnancy as they were going through their divorce. He stated, "I didn't want it." when speaking of his former wife's pregnancy with Cassandra. He chose not to be present at the birth. He never attended his sons' birthdays or graduations after he divorced their mother, his second wife. In short, he is what the media would label anyone else who exhibited this behavior (especially if he were black)...a deadbeat dad. Unbelievably, he is about to receive and award for courage! I am deeply saddened.

I agree with you Shimmie. Bruce is a hurting man. He desperately needs the Lord. This foolishness of choosing one's gender, choosing to be intimate with someone of the same sex, choosing to be intimate without the benefit of marriage, and choosing to redefine's all based in pride and arrogance. These individuals believe that they know better than God. They see God's wisdom as flawed. They view Him as nothing more significant than man. I pray that hearts are healed and those who are mired in this foolishness repent (this includes those who applaud and support this "cause"). I am deeply, deeply saddened.
Amen to the comments you have all shared, dear sisters in Christ. You know it's really sad that no one in the media wants to really discuss the true Bruce Jenner (I will NEVER call him Caitlyn). He is a man who mistreated three wives by deceiving them about his true feelings. I'm sure if he had been honest with these women that they may have at least re-evaluated their desire to marry and reproduce with Bruce before walking down the aisle. They should have had that opportunity. He is a man who wanted his first ex-wife to abort their daughter, Cassandra, when they discovered the pregnancy as they were going through their divorce. He stated, "I didn't want it." when speaking of his former wife's pregnancy with Cassandra. He chose not to be present at the birth. He never attended his sons' birthdays or graduations after he divorced their mother, his second wife. In short, he is what the media would label anyone else who exhibited this behavior (especially if he were black)...a deadbeat dad. Unbelievably, he is about to receive and award for courage! I am deeply saddened.

I agree with you Shimmie. Bruce is a hurting man. He desperately needs the Lord. This foolishness of choosing one's gender, choosing to be intimate with someone of the same sex, choosing to be intimate without the benefit of marriage, and choosing to redefine's all based in pride and arrogance. These individuals believe that they know better than God. They see God's wisdom as flawed. They view Him as nothing more significant than man. I pray that hearts are healed and those who are mired in this foolishness repent (this includes those who applaud and support this "cause"). I am deeply, deeply saddened.

Spot-on. As long as they don't try and tell me how to marry, I'm good. But...look at this man. SMH. How very selfish towards his children. He should NEVER have married nor had children. And he's not gay...he's still attracted to women. You never hear him say he's attracted to men. Mental illness is his problem, imo. This isn't "gay," it's different. I wish I could reprint your post because you hit all the facts in the first paragraph. I'm truly disgusted. IMO, if anything is an abomination to marriage and family, it's an infidel who will not care for his family.
This waa excellent. He said it even better!!

Okay, the whole Bruce Jenner thing has been all over my FB and Twitter feeds. I thought this opinion piece by Matt Walsh shares similarities to my own thoughts about the issue:

Before I even read the opinion piece, it did occur to me that it's not only against God's design, but also an insult to women, that a man can grow out his hair, throw on makeup, put on a dress and then proclaim himself a woman. I'd like to think being a woman encompasses more than a trip to Sephora and wearing gowns. Just as if I'd be disturbed by a Caucasian person saying he "feels black" and wants to from now on identify as black (and vice versa), you cannot throw aside reality, your biology, and identify yourself as something you are not.

A man is a man.

A woman is a woman.

There are two, distinct biological sexes--MALE and FEMALE.

You cannot change this because you "feel" like you should belong to the other camp.

An anorexic "feels" she is fat when in reality she's 45 lbs and her organs are about to shut down. We don't praise her as brave or beautiful. We at least try to get her help. But a man says he "feels" like a woman and all of a sudden he's lauded as a hero? I don't understand. Bruce needs help. He needs counseling. I feel sad that he is an unhappy person, but encouraging him to mutilate himself won't help.

Scripture says God created man and woman in His image, male and female He created humanity. There is something biologically, spiritually, and emotionally women bring to the world that men do not. Women are not a different *type* of man, nor are we a sub-category of men--we are not men at all--we are WOMEN. It *IS* an insult in my eyes for a man to play dress up and tell everyone "Call me she."

Although the ancient Greeks had some of the greatest philosophers the world has ever seen, they still had their sins and faults as a society. One of those faults was the belief that women were inferior to men because women were deformed versions of men. How about that! I certainly am not a deformed version of a male. I am a female, and my attributes (biological, mental, spiritual) are beautiful, strong, and God-given--these aren't weaknesses or flaws in my eyes, nor are they to be absorbed into some sub-male category.

It was a Woman to whom God entrusted the coming of salvation of mankind (the Blessed Virgin Mary), who gave birth--something a man could never do--to God in the Flesh. Jesus Christ elevated women and affirmed their dignity. Among His most devoted followers were women, even to the bitter end when even Peter the Rock fled. Because of injustice and oppression, women have often endured a difficult and bitter history in the world, but you know what? We've also endured and displayed Beauty, strength, life, truth, and courage.

All of that will mean nothing if a deluded father/grandfather can tuck in his genitals, slap on lipstick and call himself one of us.

Sorry. Not buying it.

If Bruce Jenner said he shared the Kardashian women's affinity for blackness and loved everything about being black, and felt like he was living a lie going through life as a white man and felt he was truly black and wanted to be legally identified as such, what would the reaction then be?

Our society has become so twisted, warped, and fallen away from God that we don't even recognize reality when we see it. We've already torn down the institution meant to unite one man and one woman for their personal good and the good of their children and by extension the good of greater society. Now the day will come when society will say, there is NO male or female, just people.
Wow. Did not know all this about Bruce

Amen to the comments you have all shared, dear sisters in Christ. You know it's really sad that no one in the media wants to really discuss the true Bruce Jenner (I will NEVER call him Caitlyn). He is a man who mistreated three wives by deceiving them about his true feelings. I'm sure if he had been honest with these women that they may have at least re-evaluated their desire to marry and reproduce with Bruce before walking down the aisle. They should have had that opportunity. He is a man who wanted his first ex-wife to abort their daughter, Cassandra, when they discovered the pregnancy as they were going through their divorce. He stated, "I didn't want it." when speaking of his former wife's pregnancy with Cassandra. He chose not to be present at the birth. He never attended his sons' birthdays or graduations after he divorced their mother, his second wife. In short, he is what the media would label anyone else who exhibited this behavior (especially if he were black)...a deadbeat dad. Unbelievably, he is about to receive and award for courage! I am deeply saddened.

I agree with you Shimmie. Bruce is a hurting man. He desperately needs the Lord. This foolishness of choosing one's gender, choosing to be intimate with someone of the same sex, choosing to be intimate without the benefit of marriage, and choosing to redefine's all based in pride and arrogance. These individuals believe that they know better than God. They see God's wisdom as flawed. They view Him as nothing more significant than man. I pray that hearts are healed and those who are mired in this foolishness repent (this includes those who applaud and support this "cause"). I am deeply, deeply saddened.
I've read stuff on The articles author FB page and he is giving it to them straight vodka no ice no chaser.
Another thing people missing the obvious even if you're not religious and don't believe the fact is that for a man to become a woman he must destroy the man to become the woman. No one can deny that.
Found that article
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Amen to the comments you have all shared, dear sisters in Christ. You know it's really sad that no one in the media wants to really discuss the true Bruce Jenner (I will NEVER call him Caitlyn). He is a man who mistreated three wives by deceiving them about his true feelings. I'm sure if he had been honest with these women that they may have at least re-evaluated their desire to marry and reproduce with Bruce before walking down the aisle. They should have had that opportunity. He is a man who wanted his first ex-wife to abort their daughter, Cassandra, when they discovered the pregnancy as they were going through their divorce. He stated, "I didn't want it." when speaking of his former wife's pregnancy with Cassandra. He chose not to be present at the birth. He never attended his sons' birthdays or graduations after he divorced their mother, his second wife. In short, he is what the media would label anyone else who exhibited this behavior (especially if he were black)...a deadbeat dad. Unbelievably, he is about to receive and award for courage! I am deeply saddened.

I agree with you Shimmie. Bruce is a hurting man. He desperately needs the Lord. This foolishness of choosing one's gender, choosing to be intimate with someone of the same sex, choosing to be intimate without the benefit of marriage, and choosing to redefine's all based in pride and arrogance. These individuals believe that they know better than God. They see God's wisdom as flawed. They view Him as nothing more significant than man. I pray that hearts are healed and those who are mired in this foolishness repent (this includes those who applaud and support this "cause"). I am deeply, deeply saddened.


Thank you this was a good post but I wanted to add its not just that people think they know better than God it's because people now believe in some level that they ARE gods
It's the same old story the Devils been peddling for millennias eat the fruit and your eyes will be opened and you will be like God.
Same old demonic dog same old demonic tricks. May God heal Bruce and have mercy on us all
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Wow, I missed a lot in this thread. Taking some time to review the missed posts.

Ladies, you are amazing and I appreciate that you are sharing true knowledge and not pc passive approvals.

'GMO Jenner' is a generic manmade mess. :nono:
Okay, the whole Bruce Jenner thing has been all over my FB and Twitter feeds. I thought this opinion piece by Matt Walsh shares similarities to my own thoughts about the issue:

Before I even read the opinion piece, it did occur to me that it's not only against God's design, but also an insult to women, that a man can grow out his hair, throw on makeup, put on a dress and then proclaim himself a woman. I'd like to think being a woman encompasses more than a trip to Sephora and wearing gowns. Just as if I'd be disturbed by a Caucasian person saying he "feels black" and wants to from now on identify as black (and vice versa), you cannot throw aside reality, your biology, and identify yourself as something you are not.

A man is a man.

A woman is a woman.

There are two, distinct biological sexes--MALE and FEMALE.

You cannot change this because you "feel" like you should belong to the other camp.

An anorexic "feels" she is fat when in reality she's 45 lbs and her organs are about to shut down. We don't praise her as brave or beautiful. We at least try to get her help. But a man says he "feels" like a woman and all of a sudden he's lauded as a hero? I don't understand. Bruce needs help. He needs counseling. I feel sad that he is an unhappy person, but encouraging him to mutilate himself won't help.

Scripture says God created man and woman in His image, male and female He created humanity. There is something biologically, spiritually, and emotionally women bring to the world that men do not. Women are not a different *type* of man, nor are we a sub-category of men--we are not men at all--we are WOMEN. It *IS* an insult in my eyes for a man to play dress up and tell everyone "Call me she."

Although the ancient Greeks had some of the greatest philosophers the world has ever seen, they still had their sins and faults as a society. One of those faults was the belief that women were inferior to men because women were deformed versions of men. How about that! I certainly am not a deformed version of a male. I am a female, and my attributes (biological, mental, spiritual) are beautiful, strong, and God-given--these aren't weaknesses or flaws in my eyes, nor are they to be absorbed into some sub-male category.

It was a Woman to whom God entrusted the coming of salvation of mankind (the Blessed Virgin Mary), who gave birth--something a man could never do--to God in the Flesh. Jesus Christ elevated women and affirmed their dignity. Among His most devoted followers were women, even to the bitter end when even Peter the Rock fled. Because of injustice and oppression, women have often endured a difficult and bitter history in the world, but you know what? We've also endured and displayed Beauty, strength, life, truth, and courage.

All of that will mean nothing if a deluded father/grandfather can tuck in his genitals, slap on lipstick and call himself one of us.

Sorry. Not buying it.

If Bruce Jenner said he shared the Kardashian women's affinity for blackness and loved everything about being black, and felt like he was living a lie going through life as a white man and felt he was truly black and wanted to be legally identified as such, what would the reaction then be?

Our society has become so twisted, warped, and fallen away from God that we don't even recognize reality when we see it. We've already torn down the institution meant to unite one man and one woman for their personal good and the good of their children and by extension the good of greater society. Now the day will come when society will say, there is NO male or female, just people.
Someone on FB had the nerve to say that she believes the Lord is using Bruce to help others.

Girl bye.
I don't know why folks 'stay tryna' lower God's standards. He is not bowing to that level. If God meant for Bruce Jenner to be a woman, he would not been born a man with both X and Y chromosomes... Nothing in Jenner's DNA validates him as a female.

Jenner is a genetically modified offence to a real woman, hence the name, GMO Jenner.

What's truly sad it that his selfish attention seeking took the life of a real, natural born woman in that fatal car wreck and yet Jenner has yet to be penalized for it. Instead, he's being celebrated for being a queer.
I don't know why folks 'stay tryna' lower God's standards. He is not bowing to that level. If God meant for Bruce Jenner to be a woman, he would not been born a man with both X and Y chromosomes... Nothing in Jenner's DNA validates him as a female.

Jenner is a genetically modified offence to a real woman, hence the name, GMO Jenner.

What's truly sad it that his selfish attention seeking took the life of a real, natural born woman in that fatal car wreck and yet Jenner has yet to be penalized for it. Instead, he's being celebrated for being a queer.


Exactly also he's getting the Arthur Ashe award really?
I haven't seen or heard anything from the black community about this why isn't anyone outraged theyre dragging his memory in this mess.
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Exactly also he's getting the Arthur Ashe award really?
I haven't seen or heard anything from the black community about this why isn't anyone outraged theyre dragging his memory in this mess.

Regarding the Arthur Ashe Award.... that was beyond demeaning to the integrity of Mr. Ashe's Legacy. Jenner is not an icon to be celebrated, not in any way form or fashion. In no way does GMO Jenner equate to Arthur Ashe. These award shows have truly no regard for integrity and they have only made themselves a mockery of what true honor is.

GMO Jenner did nothing to earn that award, let alone the right to even stand upon that stage as any type of headliner. Transgenderism is not a celebratory event. It is a spirit of utter confusion of his existence and an insult to humanity especially when he intrudes upon / steals a piggyback ride upon the life of Mr. Ashe, who earned the recognition and with nobility. There is nothing noble about GMO Bruce Jenner, he is a coward, a thief, a murderer and his change in apparel (from Nike Sports to bargain basement evening gown rejects from TJ Maxx / Marshalls and Ross for Less) does not validate nor justify nor equate him to Mr. Arthur Ashe.

Had I been there, I would have stood up from my seat and upon my exit, made it clear that Jenner's presence was an insult and a direct act of bigotry towards African Americans, on his part and of those who promoted him, to be on that stage for an award of which he was not entitled to even look at.

As for the Black Community .... I have to come back and share more later. Bottomline, I totally agree with you. Totally. :yep:
Regarding the Arthur Ashe Award.... that was beyond demeaning to the integrity of Mr. Ashe's Legacy. Jenner is not an icon to be celebrated, not in any way form or fashion. In no way does GMO Jenner equate to Arthur Ashe. These award shows have truly no regard for integrity and they have only made themselves a mockery of what true honor is.

GMO Jenner did nothing to earn that award, let alone the right to even stand upon that stage as any type of headliner. Transgenderism is not a celebratory event. It is a spirit of utter confusion of his existence and an insult to humanity especially when he intrudes upon / steals a piggyback ride upon the life of Mr. Ashe, who earned the recognition and with nobility. There is nothing noble about GMO Bruce Jenner, he is a coward, a thief, a murderer and his change in apparel (from Nike Sports to bargain basement evening gown rejects from TJ Maxx / Marshalls and Ross for Less) does not validate nor justify nor equate him to Mr. Arthur Ashe.

Had I been there, I would have stood up from my seat and upon my exit, made it clear that Jenner's presence was an insult and a direct act of bigotry towards African Americans, on his part and of those who promoted him, to be on that stage for an award of which he was not entitled to even look at.

As for the Black Community .... I have to come back and share more later. Bottomline, I totally agree with you. Totally. :yep:

I smell a petition coming soon
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Matt Walsh FB page*s

Bruce Jenner won the ESPN courage award last night.

It's a shame that courage, of all the virtues, has been so cheapened in our culture. It's the one thing we need most, but most lack, or most often fail to understand. Just look at that story out of DC from a few weeks ago. A man was beaten and stabbed to death in the middle of the day, on the middle of a train, while dozens of other men huddled in corners watching it happen.

The assailant, I should mention, was something like five and a half feet tall, a buck twenty. He could have been easily overpowered by one other man, certainly two. Unless this dude was a martial arts master ninja, there's no way he could have killed the whole train with one sharp object. Yet the other men sat and hid and watched a young college student get hacked to death. Nobody tried to help. Nobody.

Courage. We need courage. We need courage in less dramatic ways. We need courage in the routine, everyday sense of the word. The courage to be moral, honest, upright. The courage to lead our families, to stay loyal, to maintain our character and integrity in these trying times.

But this is what we get instead. A bunch of fawning children handing a courage award to a rich man in a dress. It should come as no surprise that reports today indicate Jenner's PR team asked ESPN to give him the courage award in exchange for mentions on his reality show.

It's all a fraud. It's all a joke. But still the sycophants on social media fell over themselves applauding Bruce for his courage.

No, Bruce Jenner is not courageous, and I'll give you several reasons why:

1) Courage is defined as the willingness to do the right thing in the face of adversity. Mutilating your genitals and playing dress up is not "the right thing." It's the sick thing, the delusional thing, but certainly not the right thing.

2) There was no adversity here. Aside from myself and a small minority of other commentators, virtually everyone has applauded Bruce, using the sorts of glowing adjectives previously reserved for saints and war heroes. Courage is not the ability to cope with near-universal praise and adoration. Courage is not the willingness to be complimented and told how awesome and beautiful you are.

3) Jenner stood to gain financially from this decision. He's reaped millions in TV deals, book deals, and other promotional revenue. Courage is not the audacity to stand firm while people hand you massive wads of cash.

4) Jenner cut himself up and started wearing girl clothes because he wanted to. It makes him feel good. It satisfies some disordered desire in his mind. Even without the fame and fortune he has earned from this perverse charade, he would still be doing it merely because it satisfies an urge. Notice that a true courageous person often feels the urge NOT to do whatever it is he's doing because he knows he will not benefit from it at all. If one man had stood up on that train in DC and tried to stop that murder from happening, he would have been acting against his desires and urges, thus he'd have been courageous.

5) Due to all the bad publicity, ESPN made up some other award to give Lauren Hill, the teenage basketball player who died of cancer earlier this year. But that does not absolve them.

Before dying, she dedicated her last moments on Earth to raising awareness about the disease, and money for research. She also pursued and achieved her goal of taking the court for a college basketball game. She faced down her own mortality and acted with immense bravery and dignity, despite not profiting at all from it. She knew she wouldn't be around to benefit from the money she raised. She knew she'd likely die before she achieved any kind of fleeting fame. There were no TV contracts or book deals. No commercial spots. No PR teams. No stunts. No gimmicks. No self-congratulation. She just lived out her abbreviated life with poise, grace, and strength, and inspired millions in the process.

ESPN snubbed her for Jenner. They say it's a myth that she was "runner up." I believe them. Turns out, she was never even considered. Jenner was the only one they ever thought about, according to them. That is a disgrace. Ms. Hill had courage that Bruce Jenner can't even conceive of. She did something that dwarfs anything Jenner has achieved, and that includes winning an Olympic medal. If anyone in sports deserved a courage award, it was her.

6) If you look at the rest of Bruce's life, you find estranged children, ex wives, broken families, and a dead woman who he recently killed in a car crash. The fact that we are awarding this sort of man with any kind of attention, much less a damned courage award, is lunacy. He needs counseling. Extensive, prolonged counseling. And Jesus. And I think he should think about taking some of his millions and maybe think about giving a few bucks to the family of the woman he killed. Just a thought. You know, because he's so courageous and all.

The articles prove that the lgbt agenda is more hyperbole than support. Folks are speaking out against it more and more. The truth is that the majority is tired of the foolishness.

While reading the articles you shared, I found this one which truly shows that not all of Hollywood supports this agenda and there are those who are not afraid to take a stand.

Hollywood producer and director Peter Berg is under fire over an image that he shared on his Instagram account on Wednesday that takes aim at the selection of Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as Bruce Jenner, as the recipient of this year’s Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPYs.

Berg, who created TV show “Friday Night Lights” and directed the film “Lone Survivor,”
posted a picture of a soldier next to a separate image of Jenner. The caption read,

“One Man traded 2 legs for the freedom of the other to trade 2 balls for 2 boobs. Guess which Man made the cover of Vanity Fair, was praised for his courage by President Obama and is to be honored with the ‘Arthur Ashe Courage Award’ by ESPN?"

I could barely get through Jenners acceptance speech because a mans voice coming out of from a distance appears to be a woman creeped the heck out of me and I was physically nauseated. But that's just me.

Here's a key point in the video when the TGW Zoey Tur felt verbally attacked which mode did Tur go into to resolve it?
Full on alpha man mode. The voice lowered the speech became slow centered and Tur put his hand around his neck looked Ben Shapiro in the eyes and threatened him outright and blatantly. If the roles were reversed there would be a firestorm of controversy.
Then Tur conveniently switched back and forth form male aggressive verbal jabs and female patting him on the shoulder saying a quip and quickly laughing it off. Are you confused cause so am I? How can I address them in the gender they want if they can't even decide themselves minute to minute.

But no one on the panel even defended Ben for being bullied right there in front of them instead they just steam-rolled over him practically saying he deserved it to for not addressing Tur as Sir and he and not she. Ben should press charges threats and assault??

Now after seeing and hearing that I would have had a hard time calling him a her too.
The only point Ben could get out was that body dismorphia is a mental disease we shouldn't feed into and that TG reassignment is not the cure even if it's being represented as such because of the high suicide rates due to the 30-40 year study done of TG after surgery their main psychiatric or pschychological issues were never addressed or treated just newly packaged and we should be looking at other treatments as well.

In the comments 1 woman said that's why (that threatening nature) she doesn't want TGW allowed in women's bathrooms she's right seems pretty scary right.
Also some commentors are now questioning there initial support of TGs because of this.
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