I'm glad Silver is still among us... she took a beating on the OT thread last year that was unprecedented, but she is strong and overcame it. Glad to see her still with us :)
Blossssom said:
I'm glad Silver is still among us... she took a beating on the OT thread last year that was unprecedented, but she is strong and overcame it. Glad to see her still with us :)

lol. nothing gets to me that much. besides i know you all still wub me :cool:;)
bmoreflyygirl said:
WOW! I just saw in your siggy that you BCED. Your hair looks great!! Congrats! :clap: *off to go look at her fotki*

thanks!. girl i was shaking lol. i had my SO do the chop for me. i still have hair on my head, so thats all im thankful for :grin:.
silvergirl said:
thanks!. girl i was shaking lol. i had my SO do the chop for me. i still have hair on my head, so thats all im thankful for :grin:.

Looking GOOD girl!!!!! :D

Congrats on ure Big Chop!
Wow! Congrats Silvergirl. I've always loved that beautiful wave pattern that your hair has and it's still there so I'm happy!!! :D ;)
You are making me want to go natural. If it's like this, I may do this...hmmmm. I'm thinkin' long and hard.
Im def excited, its really my first time dealing with my natural hair, since ive been relaxed since age 4. I cant cant wait for it to grow and grow some more.

Thanks for the compliments everyone.
silvergirl said:
Im def excited, its really my first time dealing with my natural hair, since ive been relaxed since age 4.

:eek: :eek: Your parents put a relaxer on THAT hair when you were four. OMG!!! I wonder where our hair would be now if there was a LHCF for our moms!!! :ohwell: :)

OT: NewYork, how much longer before you're completely natural???
Ms_Twana said:
:eek: :eek: Your parents put a relaxer on THAT hair when you were four. OMG!!! I wonder where our hair would be now if there was a LHCF for our moms!!! :ohwell: :)

OT: NewYork, how much longer before you're completely natural???

:eek: whattt??? a perm on that natural hair.. noo way.. her hair is soo pretty! i wont even dream about putting a perm in that girl hair
Ms_Twana said:
:eek: :eek: Your parents put a relaxer on THAT hair when you were four. OMG!!! I wonder where our hair would be now if there was a LHCF for our moms!!! :ohwell: :)

OT: NewYork, how much longer before you're completely natural???

Well...should be by the end of next month. But I will not have nearly as much hair as silvergirl. Her hair grows so fast.

Congrats again on your BC