Silky Soft then, desert dry :(

Ok, I've done this too.. what am I looking for? for the stretchy or breakage thing? hahha, i'm at work, you think ppl will see??:lachen:

Welp, I ran my hair back and forth (or, down and up the strand), and my hair seems pretty smooth. I think I know what it feels like rough (after the ACV debacle it was ROUGH when my hair was wet.) And I stretched it and it snapped.. It stretched a liiitle bit, then snapped.

So I guess I need more moisture? I havent done a protein tmt in about 2 weeks? now? or three? Is it ok to keep moisturizing? Last time I DC'd I used HSR and it was a little 'too' soft while wet

After you did you last DC, how did your hair feel 2 days later. Still dry? Not as bad?

If you hair was feeling a bit too soft, you can try just adding protein conditioner for 2-3 minutes and then proceeding with your deep conditioning.
After you did you last DC, how did your hair feel 2 days later. Still dry? Not as bad?

If you hair was feeling a bit too soft, you can try just adding protein conditioner for 2-3 minutes and then proceeding with your deep conditioning.

it felt dry..
Test 1: Wet your hair. Before you start to shampoo your hair, notice how long it takes for your hair to actually feel soaked and fully saturated with water. Hair that "wets" easily is typically porous. If your hair takes quite some time to actually get fully wet, your hair is less porous. (Or your hair could be coated with heavy oils and other products!) As your hair dries (air dry), note how quickly the drying takes place. Porous hair dries very quickly, and in some cases, the ends of the hair may be dry before your body is fully dried! Hair that takes longer to dry is typically less porous.

On fully dried hair, note whether your hair feels rough and tangles easily. Hair that "catches" on itself, does not move well, and tangles easily is usually porous, or is in need of a trim.

Test 2: Gently hold strands of your dry hair between your index finger and thumb, and then slowly slide your fingers along the length of the strand. You should be moving from the scalp to the ends. If you feel an overall uneven texture as you move along down the shaft, your hair is slightly porous.

Test 3: Take a few strands of "harvested" hair (shed hair from your comb, hair brush, etc.) and place them in a bowl of water. If the hair sinks in less than a minute or two, it is porous. The sooner your hair sinks, the more porous it is. If only one part of the strand sinks, you have a spotty porosity problem. This is not uncommon.

This is directly from SistaSlick's article on testing for porous hair:

For test 1, my hair actually takes about 1 to 2 min to actually feel wet/soaked which is a sign of less porous hair, right? I mean, I'm sure there is some degree of porosity, but right now, I'm stating I have less porous hair.

For test 2, My hair isn't wet, but completely dry (airdried) when I go from root to tip, it feels smooth. My hair has this frizzy pattern to it when it's airdried so I'm taking that into account as well. But, overall it's smooth.

I'm in the office and kinda don't want to tell you what I'm about to do for step three...
What leave in are you using again?

This Sunday after the HSR incident, I used Redken Extreme (protein leave-in, you know, the one in the blue bottle?) while it was on the wetter side. As it airdries, I used LTR and some Keracare essential oils. ( I used about 10 drops all together)
This Sunday after the HSR incident, I used Redken Extreme (protein leave-in, you know, the one in the blue bottle?) while it was on the wetter side. As it airdries, I used LTR and some Keracare essential oils. ( I used about 10 drops all together)

Try flip flopping your mix and see what happens.
When I put in the LTR before the extrerme, it doesnt feel good. Like, it feels like the Extreme is 'caught' onto the LTR on my hair. My hair turns hard.

Humm....have you tried Paul Mitchel the conditioner before?

I gotta run to lab but we will talk later.
I remember you saying a while back, you had problems with dryness. My hair gets very dry also. Sorry, your going through this. Your hair is beautiful btw.
I remember you saying a while back, you had problems with dryness. My hair gets very dry also. Sorry, your going through this. Your hair is beautiful btw.

Those pictures are DAY OF wash day so it looks better than it really does.. I'll take pictures today and see what's good
Humm....have you tried Paul Mitchel the conditioner before?

I gotta run to lab but we will talk later.

no... im seriously about to purchase every item in this thread.. NO JOKE. I'm going to the Salon now to get a wash and set. I'm going to:

Wash w ORS Creamy Aloe shampoo (wash out EVERYTHING and start over.. story of my life :sad:)

DC with HSR and Prosity (I'm gonna ask them to mix it for me)

I dont have a leave-in for them to use :perplexed So i'll just use whatever they have there.

Rollerset, blow dry roots (Oct 7 makes it 12 weeks post, normal time for me)

The other thing is this, I want to get this remedied before I get another relaxer..
Have you tried the water/glycerin mixture. I haven't but I keep hearing it really moisturizes your hair. I ordered some shealoe (shea butter/aloe mixed), to try on my hair because I have the same problem you mentioned. Hope you find something that works, your hair in your siggy looks very nice, though!
I use avocado conditioner by shescentit which I think I mentioned earlier. I then wash it out but leave just a little in, I then add some lacio lacio mixed with water and seal with a little coconut oil. This helps me to retain a lot of moisture. You might want to try that combo. I've gone from hair that I cut off out of frustration about an inch long to near mid back now. I've found moisture is the key for me. However, I do not use protein at all, except when really needed. So I think it's about finding a balance for you. I love the combo of the lacio and the avocado conditoner and coconut oil. It leaves my hair so soft, and moisturized for the whole week. Trust that I have really dry hair. I know you're going to have to play around with it though because I know some people insist on protein, protein and when I did that my hair snapped like crazy, and I had to do the opposite. You may have to do that too, or else, you may need more protein. You really have to play with it until you get your balance. Though I'm natural, and natural hair may have different needs than relaxed, hope something I said may help
Ok, I've been on this hair care journey for a WHILE now. I'm talkin' almost 4 years now and I feel like my hair is just NOT cooperating. It really really really hurts that everyone always says 'you know so much about hair' when I MUST NOT KNOW ANYTHING.

My main problem that I have yet to assess is what to do when my hair dries/after a rollerset or airdry or blowdrying

For Example, Sunday I washed and DC's w HSR condish. My hair WAS UBER UBER soft.. a little too soft (first time using it) and I thought like yea! this is the one... and like after I airdried 80% then blowdried, my hair was hard, snap crackle and poppin off. Now it's thursday and bits an pieces are falling out as I'm moisturizing and turning down for the night. I have tried EVERYTHING.. I don't know what to do.

I have done daily or weekly cowashes
I use moisturizing condish
I use protein

For the last month I have been using:

Joico Moisture Recovery
and LTR as a leave in and sealing w (Walgreens brand) castor oil

after this, my hair feels moisturized but after this dries, it literally starts breaking/being dry again. My hair doesnt 'fall' it stands up stick straight if you 'mold it' that way. My hair is rough.. like to the touch.

I have been trying to be consistent as possible and NO RESULLTS

Can you guys please diagnose me? i have relaxed, 4 a? hair. extremely dry after it dries My hair is so dry, it looks damaged, I can't use direct heat becasue it breaks off, I dont comb daily because it breaks off.. Like.. seriously??

I'm at a loss.. and now im in tears..

My ends have always gave me problems when it comes to dryness. Right now I'm moisturizing them with shea butter and then twisting my hair into about 4 or 5 twists, then pincurling them up to my scalp (like little buns) to retain moisture. So far I think it's been helping.

P.S. It could also be your water. Hard water tends to dry the ish out of your hair. That's why I purchased a shower filter at Home Depot two days ago :yep:.
My hair was soft and moisturised all week last week for nearly the first time.

I spritzed my dry hair with water.
Then I distributed a little Aphogee 2 minute protein conditioner through my hair.
Then I put Keracare Humecto on top of that.
Then I warmed some coconut oil - just enough to make it melt and get *slightly* warm, and I smoothed that on top.
Then I wrapped a warm wet towel turban (dipped in hot water) around my hair, put a plastic bag on top.
Let it sit for a few hours.
Rinsed out (cold water final rinse).
Use Megatek detangler while combing my hair out. Put it in 6 braids. Dried it overnight for a braid-out the next morning.

I do this sequence because I figure the protein will help my hair hold onto the moisture (provided by the water and humectant conditioner) and then the oil seals it all in.

Since you say your strands are tough and wiry, you might not need the protein step. But at least try doing a DC on wet hair with a humectant (moisturing) conditioner with warm oil of some sort smoothed over the top. Some people like olive oil for that, but my hair prefers coconut oil.
*** U P D A T E ***

Hi Guys!!!

I have some really bad news. I went to the Dominicans yesterday to get a w&s. She washed with ORS Creamy Aloe (TWICE and used like, HALF THE BOTTLE), then applied a rinse to detangle. I didnt realize that's what she was doing because I have new growth and she RAKED the comb thru my hair. She applied (again, half the bottle) the HSR condish and put me under the dryer for 10 min.

When I got up from under there my hair was reaaally soft. but just like last weeks experience w HSR, it got my hair too soft. Like, literally, I thought that my hair was just gonna SLIP out!

Anyway, the woman is rinsing my hair and goes 'Wow, this is good!' and I'm like 'Yeaaa' :lachen: but she took the rake comb and raked my hair again. when I got to the chair to get rollers, there was a WAD of hair at the bottom, near my ends. So I quickly take some leave in and a comb and DETANGLE myself. SI much hair came out. Granted, I did not comb my hair for a week but DANG!! I should have told her not to detangle at all-- I'm really angry ya'll. I saved the wad of hair in hopes i can find a way to take a picture and post :nono: It's really sad.

Anyway, she put me under the drier on HI heat but I put it on lower to like 70 or 65 degrees (it was a prof Pibbs) and then she sprayed my roots w CHI and blew out the roots.

Conclusion: When I left the place, i was satisfied with my hair. It was dried out but my conclusion was that it was too much moisture, right? For the simple fact that i havent done protein in almost three weeks and my hair literally just came out. My hair was a little mushy after the conditioning. Ladies that only use moisture, is that ok for you? Does this happen to you? Could it be due to the fact that this woman raked my hair when I was 12 weeks post??

Last night i had done a pin curl and moisturized w a mix of Water, Aloe Vera juice and Aussie leave in. It felt good! touchable and soft! unfortunately, when i woke up in the mornin it was not as touchable/soft. It's not as dry as before, but it's a little tangled and hay-like. I'm going to spray some more and get a light serum. I'll update
My ends have always gave me problems when it comes to dryness. Right now I'm moisturizing them with shea butter and then twisting my hair into about 4 or 5 twists, then pincurling them up to my scalp (like little buns) to retain moisture. So far I think it's been helping.

P.S. It could also be your water. Hard water tends to dry the ish out of your hair. That's why I purchased a shower filter at Home Depot two days ago :yep:.

I've always wondered this HOOOWW do ppl use shea butter? I've tried it in EVERYthing. Do you have the creamy one? I have the natural one that you have to try REALLY hard to spread.

This is how I used it. I warmed it up really good b/w my hands and applied to my ends to seal. It literally sat on my hair, it didnt penetrate or add anything my hair didnt have before. Let me know how you use yours...
^^^ From what you have posted, you might need a light protein. Whenever my hair is mushy and I feel I see more hair in the tub, its a sign that I need a mild protein treatment. A little protein will stop the mushy feeling and help your hair hold on to moisture. It sounds like you are on the right track though Tuffcookie. BTW, my sister has hair that sounds similar to yours and I got her a small tube of Paul Mitchel Supercharged conditioner and it seems to help a little more than some other ones. You might want to try that too. You can get a small tube at Ulta for a couple of bucks along with other sample sized paul mitchell products. If you don't like it, just take it back.
^^^ From what you have posted, you might need a light protein. Whenever my hair is mushy and I feel I see more hair in the tub, its a sign that I need a mild protein treatment. A little protein will stop the mushy feeling and help your hair hold on to moisture. It sounds like you are on the right track though Tuffcookie. BTW, my sister has hair that sounds similar to yours and I got her a small tube of Paul Mitchel Supercharged conditioner and it seems to help a little more than some other ones. You might want to try that too. You can get a small tube at Ulta for a couple of bucks along with other sample sized paul mitchell products. If you don't like it, just take it back.

Soudns like a plan.. I'm printing out everyone's suggestions and adding it to my hair journal..
Have you tried the water/glycerin mixture. I haven't but I keep hearing it really moisturizes your hair. I ordered some shealoe (shea butter/aloe mixed), to try on my hair because I have the same problem you mentioned. Hope you find something that works, your hair in your siggy looks very nice, though!

I'm going to try this as well. I tried aloe and water and leavein the other day, and it was successful, but not for long...
Hey tuffCOOKiE,

I have the same problem. I've just finished reading through all of these helpful posts. Let me know if anything works for you. I have been using Neutrogena Triple Moisture Silk Touch Leave-In followed by coconut oil. This usually will last for a few hours before my hair feels dry again. I have tried everything. It seems the only time my hair holds moisture is when I add a leave-in while my hair is wet and then roller set. This will last for about 3 days before my ends get really dry. I'm also consistently losing a lot of hair. I've been using Aveda damage remedy shampoo and conditioner for protein treatments. I haven't noticed a big change yet. I'm still losing a lot of hair. Keep me posted on your progress.
Please guys, anyone having problems who've been doing everything... Please check your health too. W/ my thyroid problem it did not matter what I did until I straightened that out. Then, I still had to alter the way I wash/condition. Hope this advice helps someone. You can have a thyroid problem FYI and be super skinny or overweight. It really does affect your hair to extremes...
I don't to hard protein treatments, but everyother day I used Givoanni Direct leave in conditioner, which has protein and also moisturizes.
I deep condition with Aubrey-organics.
I do light protein treatments with yogurt or egg/mixed with conditioner every 2-3 weeks.

I also believe that your hair is simply just sensitive to certain ingredients, I recommend you trying all natural/organics hair products, or atleast looking up the ingredients that you currently use and choosing which ones you want to avoid.
You also should focus on internal health, since I've started doing that my hair grows in unbelievably soft and strong, I can't wait until this new growth takes over.
Hey tuffcookie,

I just wanted to let you know that I tried something a little different last night that helped with my dryness. I used my Generic nexuss conditioner (love it) and coated with coconut oil. I sat under the dryer for 20 minutes then rinsed. Then here is where I tried something new. I used double the amount of leave in conditioner (Aveda leave in) that I normally used and a little more coconut oil to seal the ends. I put two braids in my hair and went to sleep. When I woke up this morning I blow-dried my damp hair until dry (I don’t use a comb while blow-drying). I noticed it was a little more moisturized than normal. After curling my hair with a flat iron I added more coconut oil to my ends. I still think my hair is pretty dry but it’s a little better today. Next wash I plan to use even more leave-in conditioner and coconut oil while wet. I think the key is giving my hair enough moisture before it dries. Anyway, just my thoughts. Let me know if you have come up with anything else.

BTW, last week I used protein and I’m not sure that it helped my hair. I lost even more hair than usual last week with the protein treatments.
hey tuffcookie,

just wanted to say, i feel your pain. i have been having the same problem and it worsens in the fall/winter. since this past saturday, though, my hair has actually remained moisturized. i am still experimenting but the two things that i have been doing differently are moisturizing in the night (w/giovani direct) and sealing with raw shea butter (i think the trick with shea butter is to heat it up very well so you have more of an oil than a butter and use very little of it). i then pin curl my hair, tie my hair down with a silk scarf and then cover my hair with a bonnet. when i woke up this morning, my hair was the most moisturized it has been during previous NYC autumns. if trying this doesn't help you, i hope some piece of advice here does.


ETA: i heat up my shea butter in the microwave
Also, in addition to all the other tips - try an oil rinse. Its magical :)

Shampoo and rinse with very warm water
Pour a GENEROUS amount of coconut oil, castor, amla, etc... oil over your head.. let sit a minute or so (don't rinse)
Apply condish on top of oil... let sit
Rinse with very warm water

It works very well to keep your hair moist even days later. Try searching the forum for more threads on it.
hey tuffcookie,

just wanted to say, i feel your pain. i have been having the same problem and it worsens in the fall/winter. since this past saturday, though, my hair has actually remained moisturized. i am still experimenting but the two things that i have been doing differently are moisturizing in the night (w/giovani direct) and sealing with raw shea butter (i think the trick with shea butter is to heat it up very well so you have more of an oil than a butter and use very little of it). i then pin curl my hair, tie my hair down with a silk scarf and then cover my hair with a bonnet. when i woke up this morning, my hair was the most moisturized it has been during previous NYC autumns. if trying this doesn't help you, i hope some piece of advice here does.


ETA: i heat up my shea butter in the microwave

I legit hate shea butter but, since I love advice from an LHCF sister, im gonna try it. I have a sheabutter mix in my house (shea butter and castor oil) hopefully that doesnt skew my results.

Also, how do you moisturize? do you part your hair in sections and take a bit of Gio Leave-in into your hair? then immediately follow w the shea butter? or do you do your whole head then do the whole process again w the shea butter?
Hey tuffcookie,

I just wanted to let you know that I tried something a little different last night that helped with my dryness. I used my Generic nexuss conditioner (love it) and coated with coconut oil. I sat under the dryer for 20 minutes then rinsed. Then here is where I tried something new. I used double the amount of leave in conditioner (Aveda leave in) that I normally used and a little more coconut oil to seal the ends. I put two braids in my hair and went to sleep. When I woke up this morning I blow-dried my damp hair until dry (I don’t use a comb while blow-drying). I noticed it was a little more moisturized than normal. After curling my hair with a flat iron I added more coconut oil to my ends. I still think my hair is pretty dry but it’s a little better today. Next wash I plan to use even more leave-in conditioner and coconut oil while wet. I think the key is giving my hair enough moisture before it dries. Anyway, just my thoughts. Let me know if you have come up with anything else.

BTW, last week I used protein and I’m not sure that it helped my hair. I lost even more hair than usual last week with the protein treatments.
Does this still work for you Shermaine?