*** U P D A T E ***
Hi Guys!!!
I have some really bad news. I went to the Dominicans yesterday to get a w&s. She washed with ORS Creamy Aloe (TWICE and used like, HALF THE BOTTLE), then applied a rinse to detangle. I didnt realize that's what she was doing because I have new growth and she RAKED the comb thru my hair. She applied (again, half the bottle) the HSR condish and put me under the dryer for 10 min.
When I got up from under there my hair was reaaally soft. but just like last weeks experience w HSR, it got my hair too soft. Like, literally, I thought that my hair was just gonna SLIP out!
Anyway, the woman is rinsing my hair and goes 'Wow, this is good!' and I'm like 'Yeaaa'
but she took the rake comb and raked my hair again. when I got to the chair to get rollers, there was a WAD of hair at the bottom, near my ends. So
I quickly take some leave in and a comb and DETANGLE myself. SI much hair came out. Granted, I did not comb my hair for a week but DANG!! I should have told her not to detangle at all-- I'm really angry ya'll. I saved the wad of hair in hopes i can find a way to take a picture and post
It's really sad.
Anyway, she put me under the drier on HI heat but I put it on lower to like 70 or 65 degrees (it was a prof Pibbs) and then she sprayed my roots w CHI and blew out the roots.
Conclusion: When I left the place, i was satisfied with my hair. It was dried out but my conclusion was that it was too much moisture, right? For the simple fact that i havent done protein in almost three weeks and my hair literally just came out. My hair was a little mushy after the conditioning.
Ladies that only use moisture, is that ok for you? Does this happen to you? Could it be due to the fact that this woman raked my hair when I was 12 weeks post??
Last night i had done a pin curl and moisturized w a mix of Water, Aloe Vera juice and Aussie leave in. It felt good! touchable and soft! unfortunately, when i woke up in the mornin it was not as touchable/soft. It's not as dry as before, but it's a little tangled and hay-like. I'm going to spray some more and get a light serum. I'll update