Silkener Rx


New Member
Around Dec. 21, I went to Miss Jessie's salon for a consultation. After discussion with Titi, I ended up getting a silkener. I had pressed my hair for about 3.5 years before the visit so some of my hair was straighter than others. Nonetheless, I got the silkener and ended up having them flat iron it because the result was not wonderful. What I noticed after the process was that my hair felt really, really dry. I've been washing my hair weekly and deep conditioning and moisturizing daily. My hair is dry and shedding. I have lots of new growth and my roots are rough. I'm not sure what to do but I doubt I want to give them hundreds more of my $$ for another silkener. Any suggestions?

I'm not sure about my exact hair type as I am new here- but I would guess that it's 4C.
Is your hair long enough to put it in an updo? Or curly enough all over to just wash and go or put in twists? I ask because I what I would recommend is leaving it alone for a few weeks as much as possible and give your hair time to recover from the relaxing process. I have found that sometimes texturized hair can shed a lot. And since they didn't do a good job, you may as well try a more affordable stylist and ask them to relax/texturize it for you.
WELCOME! And I wouldn't give them any more of your money, you have came to the right place, I don't have any advice except don't give them anymore of your money!! LOL!!
Well a silkener is chemical process similar to a relaxer/texturizer so you should probably search the board see what the other relaxed ladies do with their hair.

Sorry I can't be of more help, I'm not relaxed.
Yeah, you may want to decide if you are going to transition your hair back to being non-processed or "natural" or if you want to keep up the texturizer/ texlax process. While you are thinking that over, you will probably want to keep your hair really moisturized to protect that infamous line of demarcation where you are feeling the difference between the "rough" new growth and the processed hair.

Some ladies on here texturize - you may want to search for "texurize" or "telaxed" hair care.
Thanks ladies for your help. :grin: I really appreciate your input. I have a friend who swears by Miss Jessies and told me that my hair is dry b/c it was the first silkener. I thought that sounded odd to me... my instinct was never to go back. And I am convinced now to leave the overpriced salon alone!!

My hair is shoulderlength in the back. However, Miko whacked off a few inches in the front so my buns and ponytails are not that cute right now. I'm definitely going to moisturize, moisturize and rollersets.

I haven't decided whether to apply more chemicals... time will tell.
Please do not apply more chemical until you get the other issues dealt with. As the ladies said do research or email someone on this site that you discover is texlaxed.

Hang in there help is on the way!!!
I got a silkner from Miss Jessie's, July 2007 and was immediately remorseful. I knew when I left the salon that I would not be coming back for a "touch-up." When I would detangle my hair, there would be so much hair in the comb. My hair didn't thrive with these chems...and I had breakage to boot!

So, I had a 2nd BC in May 2008.

I take it as a lesson learned and now have a better appreciation for my natural hair.
I'm new to the forum so I wasn't sure what you meant when you said you had your 2nd BC. Are you all natural now?

I hear you on the immediate remorse. I felt my money had been disrespected honestly.
WELCOME! And I wouldn't give them any more of your money, you have came to the right place, I don't have any advice except don't give them anymore of your money!! LOL!!

What she said!!!
Welcome! I wish you had not gone to them.....The silkener - is - a relaxer of sorts.... So - with the Chemical process - you will have dryness - especially if you are using heat to straighten.

Protein will now be your friend....

Moisture needs to be too - but.....

Good luck!

ETA - BC is Big Chop
I'm sorry this happened to you. The same thing happened to me, but it was with a different brand (Jazma). I had to cut my hair off because nothing else worked... Hopefully you'll find some help on here
I'm new to the forum so I wasn't sure what you meant when you said you had your 2nd BC. Are you all natural now?

I hear you on the immediate remorse. I felt my money had been disrespected honestly.

Yes. I went to a natural hair stylist last May and she cut about 10". Once she was done, I had a 1.5" TWA.

I'm all natural now...I take it as a lesson learned! :yep:
Shame on them!:nono: They are supposedly, professionally-trained hair stylist. They had no business putting a Relaxer on damaged natural hair. They just wanted a quick buck.
They should have recommended trimming your hair until all the burnt straight ends were gone; and nurturing your hair back to optimal health. And then apply the "Silkener" to your hair.
Oh yeah, if your hair is 4b & beyond... you have to go the full-monty with chemicals-- full relaxer, because you have no s-shaped curl pattern to "texturize" or "silken". I'm surprised the world-renowned expensive stylists in Miss Jessie's wouldn't have told you that... :rolleyes:

Don't go back there, piling chemicals on top of chemicals on top of heat. :nono:

I had underprocessed hair for a while. I just wore it in a freeform fro for a few months because that's the only style that looked okay that didn't involve using heat constantly. And once I saw that wasn't going anywhere, I did another big chop. :nono:
I think that the cause of your dryness is likely a no lye relaxer.

I would recommend chelating to get rid of the buildup and then start dc 2x a week until your hair is in better condition.

ORS Aloe shampoo is chelating, swimmer's shampoos are too.
Popular dcs are pantene relaxed and natural or ORS Replenishing Pak. I have also had good luck with Elasta QP DPR-11.

Can you please post pics of your hair?
I am also interested in knowing more about you experience at the salon: what products they used, application process, what the consultation involved, how your hair looked before and after, etc..