Silicones are my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
I know that some of you ladies HATE products with silicones. But my hair LOVES :love: Silicones! Almost every product that I use have them! Anybody else out there love cones too???
Mine does too! I just make sure to clarify once a week so they don't build up. I've noticed that products without cones tangle my hair and make it dry and hard to manage.
cookie507 said:
Mine does too! I just make sure to clarify once a week so they don't build up. I've noticed that products without cones tangle my hair and make it dry and hard to manage.
:clap: Yay!!!! another Silicone lover! I clarify weekly too, so I really don't have a problem with build up!
I have NEVER had any adverse effects from using products with silicones. My hair responds well to them! Cones make my hair SILKY!!! Yeah, Baby! :lol:
Cones + Porsche's hair = :nono::naughty::nono:

I can use it in conditioners and other products, but it has to be in the middle or end of the list. I would never use a shine serum... my hair doesn't likey.

Cones is short for Silicones. You can tell if something is a silicone if it ends in "cone" dimethicone and cyclomethicone are silicones. They are sort of oily substances that promote shine and help make the cuticle lay down. They can also help to lock moisture in, like an oil, but sometimes it also can cause a nasty build-up problem if over-used.

If you've ever seen fantasia IC hair polisher or maybe the frizz buster serum, that's basically all silicones.
I LOVE products with silicones in them. I clarify once/week (using Redken Cleansing Cream and let it sit on my hair for 10 minutes before rinsing it out) and shampoo daily so I never have had problems with build up.

The most recent silicone product that I have fell in LOVE with is Silicon Mix Capilar Treatment. This stuff is AMAZING boy. My new growth feels so different after using this.
I used to love cones, my hair always thrived on them, but I have stopped using them because I heard that they are not good for hair.:nono:
Cinnabuns said:
I used to love cones, my hair always thrived on them, but I have stopped using them because I heard that they are not good for hair.:nono:

You heard that from a white person/board, right?

For some reason, white hair (naturally straight hair) doesn't respond the same way black hair does if this thread is any indication :)

Blossssom said:
You heard that from a white person/board, right?

For some reason, white hair (naturally straight hair) doesn't respond the same way black hair does if this thread is any indication :)

I know, Girl :yep:. My hair does not behave without cones! I think they are good for the hair IMO because they coat the strands, offer a lil' bit of protection and gives hair that silky feel! *cheer* Go CONES, Go!!! :lol:
Wish I could be a part of the cone family but my hair hates them! The only serum my hair will tolerate is NTM and even that in tiny doses. Hair polishers and shine serums are out for me. I read labels and quickly put down anything with a cone in the first few ingredients. For me it locks moisture OUT of my strands.
My hair loves cones also, I tried using productswithout cones and my hair was rough feeling, but I have gone back to my cones and I'm loving it. I know that I have to clarify often when using them because of the build up.
I have a question. I am not a big clarifier because I thought that when you get your touch-up, that is all the clarifying you need?

Any thoughts?
Blossssom said:
I have a question. I am not a big clarifier because I thought that when you get your touch-up, that is all the clarifying you need?

Any thoughts?
Good question! I clarify weekly because I use a leave in conditioner everytime I wash my hair, which means buildup.Too much buildup makes my hair gooey, so that's why I do it weekly! Some people only do it every 6 weeks or so.