Silica Gel, Is good stuff

KAddy said:
I purchased this today. I didn't intend to, but it was calling me :lachen: I actually went to purchase aloe vera gel (well, I bought that too) Anywho, Dana how has the silica gel been working for you? Are you still taking it? I'm tempted to get're gonna keep us updated, right :grin: ?
Mochalolita said: I'm tempted to get're gonna keep us updated, right :grin: ?

KAddy said:
I purchased this today. I didn't intend to, but it was calling me :lachen: I actually went to purchase aloe vera gel (well, I bought that too) Anywho, Dana how has the silica gel been working for you? Are you still taking it?
I stopped taking it after my bottle ran out :) It was just too expensive for me to use on a regular basis.. IIt worked well, tho :) I didn't notice any crazy growth, but my hair seemed shiner :nuts:, and my nails were soooo white and strong.
blkmaryland said:
How do you take the gel....I use Silica by Altera from Wholefoods and it's $20 for 120 tablets and it does pretty well....I would be interested in trying this.....Is it like eating knox gelatin that my mother and her friends swore by back in the day?
I would mix it with some orange juice :)
blkmaryland said:
How do you take the gel....I use Silica by Altera from Wholefoods and it's $20 for 120 tablets and it does pretty well....I would be interested in trying this.....Is it like eating knox gelatin that my mother and her friends swore by back in the day?

Dana03 said:
I would mix it with some orange juice :)

I mixed mine with my V8 Splash. I also added my aloe vera juice (that has a funny flavor)
I'm so weak :( I happened to be on my most favoritest shopping web site in the world (Ebay), and there just happened to be an auction ending soon for Silica Gel. Long story short, I got the large size for $9.65, including shipping. I guess I'll be updating along with you, Kaddy :)
Mochalolita said:
I'm so weak :( I happened to be on my most favoritest shopping web site in the world (Ebay), and there just happened to be an auction ending soon for Silica Gel. Long story short, I got the large size for $9.65, including shipping. I guess I'll be updating along with you, Kaddy :)

:lachen: I guess so :lachen:

On another note, I wish I had found it on EBAY, I paid $13 for the small one. :ohwell:
Mochalolita said:
I swear...Ebay is the first place I look for EVERYTHING! If they don't have it, I don't need it, lol.

I need to be like you. I am just so friggin' impatient. If I want it I want it right away. I was watching the Ionic Breeze informercial and my husband was like "Don't you buy that" Well, I didn't . . . yet anyway. :look:
Is that the air purifier thingie? That looks sooooo tempting! I can't justify the expense though (not as a broke student, anyway). For the time being I gotta make do by cracking the windows :lachen:
Mochalolita said:
Is that the air purifier thingie? That looks sooooo tempting! I can't justify the expense though (not as a broke student, anyway). For the time being I gotta make do by cracking the windows :lachen:


The informercial is very tempting. Making me want clean air all over my apt. :look:

Of course the DH said to check Ebay for it...maybe I will do it. THen he can't complain because he told me to check there...I will make him believe he told me to purchase it from there too. :lachen:
Bumping for updates....I just bought this...didn't realize it only last two weeks though. I may halve the dosage b/c that is still 210mg of Silica.