Well-Known Member
My pleasure morehairplease I JUST burned my tongue on some bamboo leaf tea
Nix08 ouch, that is no fun at all. I plan on ordering the tea next month for my birthday.
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My pleasure morehairplease I JUST burned my tongue on some bamboo leaf tea
Hello there!
I will chime in. I've been taking Diamtomaceous Earth which is a supplement tha contains silica for a while now. I don't remember when I started, sometime last year (2010). I've been taking it on and off since then. I started taking it for hair, but have found that it is wonderful for many other things. I've been recently diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, and facet syndrome of the lumbar region. I've been taking DE for that and it has worked wonders! I feel no pain when I take this stuff! I've noticed the pain creep back up on my when I don't take it regularly.
Hope this helps! Good luck!
oh wow I'd love to get some relief from RA pain with something natural CORBINS are you still taking hte Diamtomaceous Earth?