*SIGH* Why is this comment on my myspace account....

I guess I am in the minority. I think you should remove YOUR comment, along with her's then you won't get any smart alecky comments back. JMHO
Alot of people dont know how to give a compliment properly.

They think it'll make you feel better if they put down most women in your race because sadly alot of women get off on that kinda thing:nono:

You should be glad it was just a myspace message, you should hear some of the things people say to me face to face. I had one dude say WOW you're Haitian! You're the prettiest haitian I EVER seen, then busted out laughing obviously implying most Haitians are busted this dude was like actually a friend of mine too. I was like:blush: wtf kinda compliment is that?!?! Then I started pointing out all the Haitian girls he didnt know were Haitian and he got his mind right and apologised*sighs*:nono:

I was talking to another friend of mine who was complaining about something with her thin relaxed overlapped overprocessed hair and I tried to give her some tips and she was like well you can do that natural thing you got that Haitian hair for that I looked at her like:look: first when I was little I had bad nappy hair now people are telling me I got that good Haitian hair?

I have men give me perfectly nice compliments on my hair and then ruin it by tryna throw all other sista's under the bus and I tell them straight up they're wrong and that extra part was unecessary.

Thankfully most of the times I'll get a perfectly nice compliment where a brotha will say your hair is beautiful its nice to see a sista with long thick hair thats hers and we'll have a pleasant exchange where I'll say there are other ladies like me out there:love2:

I'm mad at that- Ugly Haitians? If I'm not mistaken Garcelle Bevais-Nilon is Haitian and gorgoeus...I just have this love/hate relationship with stupid comments. Please think before you speak people. Sheesh!! BTW-Your hair is very gorgeous and divine dear. :)
As for the child's father's white step-momma....I would've given her the most blank face I could give a person for a dumb comment. However you did sort of ask....and someone ignorantly replied. Some folks just don't know a retorical question when they see it though. Lord it will never end this good hair bad hair thing....:nono:
Alot of people dont know how to give a compliment properly.

They think it'll make you feel better if they put down most women in your race because sadly alot of women get off on that kinda thing:nono:

You should be glad it was just a myspace message, you should hear some of the things people say to me face to face. I had one dude say WOW you're Haitian! You're the prettiest haitian I EVER seen, then busted out laughing obviously implying most Haitians are busted this dude was like actually a friend of mine too. I was like:blush: wtf kinda compliment is that?!?! Then I started pointing out all the Haitian girls he didnt know were Haitian and he got his mind right and apologised*sighs*:nono:

I was talking to another friend of mine who was complaining about something with her thin relaxed overlapped overprocessed hair and I tried to give her some tips and she was like well you can do that natural thing you got that Haitian hair for that I looked at her like:look: first when I was little I had bad nappy hair now people are telling me I got that good Haitian hair?

I have men give me perfectly nice compliments on my hair and then ruin it by tryna throw all other sista's under the bus and I tell them straight up they're wrong and that extra part was unecessary.

Thankfully most of the times I'll get a perfectly nice compliment where a brotha will say your hair is beautiful its nice to see a sista with long thick hair thats hers and we'll have a pleasant exchange where I'll say there are other ladies like me out there:love2:

Yes.:yep: This is so true.
My comment wasn't suppossed to be smart alecky...did I get that right. Anyways I think I had blow dried my hair and seen it in all it's glory and was blown away by how in such a short amount of time my hair had gotten so big. I was kinda "empowered", for lack of a better word, to write that.

Doesn't matter I could care less. I am just used to hearing people incountering igorance and I really haven't. And I still haven't not that much. i was just sharing. I could care less about the comment really. I know she meant it as a compliment. She really is a nice lady.
I would just delete it.

But really, you kind of opened yourself up for this type of comment with "who said black girls can't grow hair".
Why put a comment like that if you didn't want it to get racial?
My best friend is white - and we have both grown from our difficult conversations - some of which have been about race.

I have checked and corrected my friend on various subjects - on the spot! Why - so it would not fester and blow up to be something bigger than it was.

My one affirming statement I stick to is this: "I never have to understand racism - a person's background, age and experiences are no excuse for rudeness and ignorance - please get up to speed quickly."
I put the comment up cause my myspace is private I have very few friends and no one ever comments on my pics. I wasn't even expecting anyone to comment at all. I put it for the reasons stated in my last post.
i think she should have been "checked" on the nappy comment.
this is not directed at you OP but in general i dont understand how people can complain when someone says or does something rude but you dont make an effort to teach them. i would have said something the minute i realized it bothered me.
Anyways alot of my comments on my page are kinda IN YOUR FACE but that's me and I am not changing for no one. I don't too much care about her comment cause she wasn't tryna be rude I just thought it was ignorant. that is it.
I mean her mind is already made up our hair doesn't grow. She's old atleast in her 40's. I don't have time to give her a lesson on black hair and proper care. She's not going to care or listen so why waste my time and breath. Plus I don't care that much about the comment.
Alot of people dont know how to give a compliment properly.

They think it'll make you feel better if they put down most women in your race because sadly alot of women get off on that kinda thing:nono:

You should be glad it was just a myspace message, you should hear some of the things people say to me face to face. I had one dude say WOW you're Haitian! You're the prettiest haitian I EVER seen, then busted out laughing obviously implying most Haitians are busted this dude was like actually a friend of mine too. I was like:blush: wtf kinda compliment is that?!?! Then I started pointing out all the Haitian girls he didnt know were Haitian and he got his mind right and apologised*sighs*:nono:

I was talking to another friend of mine who was complaining about something with her thin relaxed overlapped overprocessed hair and I tried to give her some tips and she was like well you can do that natural thing you got that Haitian hair for that I looked at her like:look: first when I was little I had bad nappy hair now people are telling me I got that good Haitian hair?

I have men give me perfectly nice compliments on my hair and then ruin it by tryna throw all other sista's under the bus and I tell them straight up they're wrong and that extra part was unecessary.

Thankfully most of the times I'll get a perfectly nice compliment where a brotha will say your hair is beautiful its nice to see a sista with long thick hair thats hers and we'll have a pleasant exchange where I'll say there are other ladies like me out there:love2:

I'm glad that you correct it rather than taking on the "oh well, he ain't insulting ME" mentality
I would just delete it.

But really, you kind of opened yourself up for this type of comment with "who said black girls can't grow hair".
Why put a comment like that if you didn't want it to get racial?
^^^ That is what I was trying to say, but couldnt get my words together.
Girl, you do not have to explain yourself. I hate when people tell others what they should or should not be offended by something. If you didn't like what she said, you didn't like what she said. That's all there is to it.

I mean her mind is already made up our hair doesn't grow. She's old atleast in her 40's. I don't have time to give her a lesson on black hair and proper care. She's not going to care or listen so why waste my time and breath. Plus I don't care that much about the comment.
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
LMBO that saying "Who said black women can't grow long hair" is smart alecky (sp?) Seriously? *siiiiigh*

Anyhoo... :needpics: !!!! Ignorance doesn't surprise me anymore. (in reference to the yt lady's comment... I say delete it, let her know that you don't stand for that mess) *smdh*
Okay, I'm special. She is saying black chicks "be haten" on YOU. Ohhhhh, duh. I was thinking she was saying black chicks were hating on white chicks. Well, I guess it is a compliment, kinda :look:... Black chicks "be haten" on me soooo :lol:...

I wore my hair down to my place of worship last week and folks were all like "hair don't mean nothing", "hair ain't important", "I don't have time for all of that hair". Hmmm, yeah okay b@ldylocks. Keep sporting that shiny plastic then :lol:.
^^^^^LOL yea that's what she meant.

Oh gosh you know what those comments mean TRANSLATION: " i don't know how to take care of my hair"

Thank you THAT 1 I swear I was about to say if one more person says something about being offended. I mean how many time must I say I was not offeneded. PUH LEASE.
Girl, you do not have to explain yourself. I hate when people tell others what they should or should not be offended by something. If you didn't like what she said, you didn't like what she said. That's all there is to it.
Thank you......you said exactly what I was going to say. Geminigirl, you do not have to repeatedly explain yourself. It's really not that serious. And you have EVERY right to put captions with your pictures and those captions do not have to be dissected and discussed. How many people have pics of themselves with their girlfriends and the caption may read "divas night out" or something along those lines. Now it is TOTALLY unacceptable for someone to comment "who said you were divas, you're not a diva", lol. It's just silly. Please leave YOUR captions for your pictures and just delete the non-sense.
^^^^^LOL yea that's what she meant.

Oh gosh you know what those comments mean TRANSLATION: " i don't know how to take care of my hair"

Thank you THAT 1 I swear I was about to say if one more person says something about being offended. I mean how many time must I say I was not offeneded. PUH LEASE.
And so what if you were offended, who are we to tell someone how they should feel. You have every right to feel the way you felt whether you were offended or not.
It's ignorance. Most black women dont KNOW how to properly care for they're hair, but we are most definitely capable of growing hair. You need to check her.
that's why I don't care she is ignorant. Man If I'ma check somebody I atleast want the info to be recieved. Besides my nerves are too bad I be done cussed her out and said the wrong things. Ignorant people just aren't worth my time. It's not her fault. It's probably her husband's and all the other blacks she has encountered.
Part of the knee jerk reactions that have been posted are not because your mother in law offended you - the repeat of the comment offended us. She dragged out forgotten memories of some of our youth (or present) of the comments we have heard from each other, strangers and family members.

This site is a godsend for so many because we have never had anything dedicated to the health, growth and care of hair for women of color. I'll testify that I never thought in a million years my hair could look, feel and grow so good:)!!!! I count it all joy.

Unfortunately - just hearing the comment cut into us - but it is not about us - apologies are in order - did not mean it take them out on you.

You are an adult and I for one accept your decision to not be offended. No worries there . . . I'm more concerned for the impression these comments may leave on your daughter. We do not know - nor do we need to know - the amount of interaction your daughter has with her step granddaughter - but regardless of the texture of your daughter's hair - it would be nice to know that her step-grandma respects its beauty the same way she does her white grandchildren (granted she has some).

It's 2009. Disney is about to drop a movie of a black Disney character with long hair (FINALLY!!!). If Disney can have a change of heart - perhaps its time for others to do the same. . .
Lol, I've learned the hard way that you can type something until your knuckles are raw, and people on this wonderful Internet will still manage to miss it.

^^^^^LOL yea that's what she meant.

Oh gosh you know what those comments mean TRANSLATION: " i don't know how to take care of my hair"

Thank you THAT 1 I swear I was about to say if one more person says something about being offended. I mean how many time must I say I was not offeneded. PUH LEASE.
OMG! its not that serious....lol..

Well the person who wrote this to the OP IS her MiL, not someone random. That puts a different spin on things because of the family connections. No it's not THAT serious, but it is something to not take casually given the family connections.

Besides, some of us posters ARE having fun w/ this. I think the OP has a few :giggle: herself!
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Ang!, that was so eloquently typed!

Part of the knee jerk reactions that have been posted are not because your mother in law offended you - the repeat of the comment offended us. She dragged out forgotten memories of some of our youth (or present) of the comments we have heard from each other, strangers and family members.

This site is a godsend for so many because we have never had anything dedicated to the health, growth and care of hair for women of color. I'll testify that I never thought in a million years my hair could look, feel and grow so good:)!!!! I count it all joy.

Unfortunately - just hearing the comment cut into us - but it is not about us - apologies are in order - did not mean it take them out on you.

You are an adult and I for one accept your decision to not be offended. No worries there . . . I'm more concerned for the impression these comments may leave on your daughter. We do not know - nor do we need to know - the amount of interaction your daughter has with her step granddaughter - but regardless of the texture of your daughter's hair - it would be nice to know that her step-grandma respects its beauty the same way she does her white grandchildren (granted she has some).

It's 2009. Disney is about to drop a movie of a black Disney character with long hair (FINALLY!!!). If Disney can have a change of heart - perhaps its time for others to do the same. . .
No apologies needed. I understand why some are offended believe me. But being on hair boards for so long and reading certain topics this just seems like another ignorant person who wasn't taught right. I too never thought my hair could look the way it does but it does and that was kind of my point with the picture subtitle.

I remember being in highscool. there were five of "us" I had my stringy overprocessed thin ugly hair. Bald even if you will. I remember wanting long hair down my back like the mexicans. And crying because I was teased. One day after I had my daughter I decided to research hair care for me and stumbled across a board and I've been hooked since.

I totally understand where you are coming from I just choose not to let her stupidity offend ME. My DD has no interaction with her really. They are all fake to me hence the reason I said I don't talk to her. Lots of broken promises. She lives way in Ohio or something and I'm out here stuck in TX. She doesn't call or anything. The most she does is ask for pics of my DD on myspace and I provide them so that her father's family can see her.
Now if my DD is ever in their life and she starts talking crazy to her then You better believe I'ma check her quick. But I don't see the point right now. She's not in our lives.
Gemini I say leave it up....it doesn't kinda prove several points, least of all that you have a somewhat delusional "down wid it" MiL talking like she's 13....whenever you get a little down, you can always look at that and see that some have it worse and don't know it! :giggle:

Sorry I was a bit rough on you at 1st...I didn't know it was like THAT. Doggone..LOL.