Rude comment made about my natural hair

I tell you...people just don't think before they open their mouths because if they did we wouldn't be here right now.First off her ignorant butt,I think that she is more ignorant than rude although she did say a rude comment but ignorant people always do,go figure! Probably doesn't even care or take care of her own hair so what is she worried about your momma caring for yours! Or you, for that matter.My boss always says something about my protective styles(he prefers hair that is worn down)but his problem, is that he lacks class so that's a whole 'nother topic lol.
So, I was at work and my hair was just slicked back in a low pony puff and my customer says, "Whew, I know your mom is glad she don't have to deal with that anymore."

I just laughed it off, and then she goes on to tell me how her daughter's was difficult to do and that now her daughter relaxes her hair bone straight. All this time I'm thinking "Did I ask all that?"

Anyway, before she left she made another smart comment talking about "I would say good luck with the hair, but that's kinda mean." Uh yeah, but you still made sure you said it huh? Just rude:nono:

*Her hair was relaxed and looked healthy, so I don't think there was a jealousy issue, I don't know. She probably didn't realize how rude she was being. Whatever, just thought I would share.*

See... this is why I don't work with the general public. I would have lost my job today!
Are you serious?? I cannot believe that somebody would say that to you. I think that your hair looks beautiful.
IMO, some people are insecure about their natural hair and secretly admire people who embrace it. I think sometimes that admiration can turn to jealously. I feel sorry for people who cant be comfortable and secure in themselves.

btw, your hair is beautiful
oh you must be looking real good for such salty comments. You know you are doing your job when the haters hate. Keep doing your thing!
IMO, some people are insecure about their natural hair and secretly admire people who embrace it. I think sometimes that admiration can turn to jealously. I feel sorry for people who cant be comfortable and secure in themselves.

btw, your hair is beautiful

The bolded is so true!!! OP, don't let her anger you. You really should feel sorry for her. She is obviously insecure w/ some aspect of herself is she had to go out of her way to try and insult you.

Btw, your hair truly is beautiful!
I just went natural and I am so surprised at the range of responses but the worst is pretending that you have not noticed that I have bogged chopped....and then staring at my head piece when you think I am not looking.

I love being natural I say fey to them all.

You look beautiful.
My mom was telling me the other day that you always have to consider the source. Older black women were raised with a completely different value system, and just older people in general. How sad that you can't see the beauty in the natural characteristics that God gave you.
My hair is relaxed, and I still think it might have been a jealousy issue. Some people see women with natural hair and WISH they could rock it, but they don't know how to manage their own hair.
Monie, some people are just blatently mean and nasty, mostly its because they have deep rooted issues, or demons I might say, that they need to come clean with, before they can Like or Love anyone else, cause they don't even Like or Love themselves, basically, Its not You or Your hair that she has an issue with, its Her, Its a lot easier to lash out on someone else, instead of her coming to terms with whats going on inside of Her.
She was rude. But some people just don't like natural hair and never will. Especially older black people. They're in a different frame of mine. That's their loss. Don't be concerned with what other people think.
By the way - your hair is really beautiful- don't sleep that she's jealous. A lot of people are still not getting the beauty of our natural hair too- but hey - that's on them.
She was rude. But some people just don't like natural hair and never will. Especially older black people.

ya its sad but what can you do
she was super rude
your hair looks gorgeous and healthy
either she has a bad set of eyes or she is just being bitter :ohwell:
PMichael you too funny! You have to ignore the ignorant. I get that all the time about perming my daughters hair. She is only 5!!! I hate taking her to relatives house becuase she likes to wear her hair out. I have to tell them to not touch her hair while I'm gone so they wont mess it up!

Not a problem. I'll be right over... just point her out to me! :boxing:
Monie, you are beautiful inside and out! :yep: Over the years that I've been natural, I've received both positive and negative comments. There are some who simply prefer that our hair look "tamed" (as they call it) by either wearing a relaxer or straightening. As long as you love what you see in the mirror, that's all that counts.

My initial reply was - "forget that hatin' h&ff@!" :look:
Very rude comment, some people just dont know about emotional intelligence. Well, her daughter was problably the little girl I was, running away as fast as I can whenever I'd see a comb, climbing stairs like a mad girl while my Mama was trying to catch me. I was that little girl in the YT video screaming, crying, fighting like a lion to avoid those daily combing sessions. My Mama used to feed me with candies on my weekly washing days to buy some peace, and I basically became dependant of sweeties ever since. Mind you, my sisters never had such problems, I was the only tenderheaded one and they used to make fun of me and my Mama still has a picture of me during one of those detangling sessions, a very mad girl let me tell you LOL :)

By the way OP, your hair is very lovely...take care :)
Well my mom IS glad she doesn't have to deal with my hair anymore... She's told me many times. When I first decided to go natural, she reminded me how hard it was to manage all this hair when I was a child. Now that I'm all natural, she's exactly right! I still love it. She loves it too. But that doesn't negate the fact that she's glad that I'm the one who has to detangle it and not her.
I can't stand rudeness. I am a truly kind person, but rudeness, I can't tolerate. You handled this so much better than I would - and did.

When my natural hair got long enough to wear in a low pony/bun, I wore one every day. A woman I worked with - the only other black woman -would come to my desk everyday I had that bun and tell me how much her daughter hated wearing her hair like mine because her daughter's hair would have waves in it just like mine instead of being bone straight like her white friends. The first few WEEKS, I just took it, and then one day when she came over to tell me about my "weird wavy hair" and how her daughter hates her hair, and I just let loose.

I told her that I didn't care about how weird she finds my hair, and how if she spent half as much time instilling some self appreciation in her daughter as she did worrying me about my hair, we would not have been having that conversation.

Well, since she was the most popular woman on my floor, you can pretty much guess what that did for my office interactions with others. :)

So I'm happy you stayed classy. At least in the end, you had the support of the others on this thread! :)