Siggy Pics -COME ON NOW Mayyyyynnnnn!

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Sistaslick said:
It's almost the same size as mine and Dimoupolus said mine was good. After the new list of rules went up, I had to make sure I was still in compliance. :lol:

Cool beans.

Ps - Go put some clothes on woman! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
*Bre~Bre* said:
I am sooooooo totally kidding by the way :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I am in a silly mood after reading another thread!!

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I kept scrolling up and down and was like Umh! She got her d*** nerve her sig is just as big as mine! LOL:lachen: :lachen:
NappyParadise said:
Since we are having a Change of Rules, Maybe there should be one about not posting pics of you in your Underwear & Bra's!Maybe we all need to wear a White T Shirt to show our Progress LOL!!!!!! ( Those who have Longer hair)
But I am glad to see Beautiful Women who are Proud of their Bodies but there is a Place & Time for that and a Haircare Board does not seem like the Place.

Hope mine is okay.... How else will I know if I have reached BSL :blush:
If I have offended anyone please let me know....
Why don't we just not have siggy pics? Or avatar pics, either, for that matter. An objectionable photo can be put there, too, right? Anyone at anytime can decide they are offended by someone else's self-expression. I'm watching what I eat so I don't want to see pics of pies and cakes and then what? I'm also not in a relationship and can get quite tired of seeing pics of happy couples and wedding pics. Just have a post your wedding or happy couple pics here thread so that people who want to look at them can go there and do so. All of those should be removed, too.

Remove all of the siggy pics, put them in the gallery, and whomever wants to look can go over there and look.

I understand that this is a "hairboard" but everything under the sun is discussed. If we only ever discussed hair...but then someone could have a problem with you showing your brastrap, or your armpits, or even your shoulders. Have a separate forum for progress.


ETA: Actually, I just had a thought. People showing waste length and hip length or showing their progress as they are on their way...they are showing hips and butts...and if someone has a problem with a brastrap, they should definitely have a problem with a rearend, right? Nope. No hair or progress pics in the siggy at all. I know that this is not a democracy but that's my vote...then no one would have to worry about their pics being too big, either.
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jade998 said:
Hope mine is okay.... How else will I know if I have reached BSL :blush:
If I have offended anyone please let me know....

No! You haven't offended me at all, No One has, I mean some pics was showing too much, but I think since we have to down size our siggy's it won't be so bad, I mean I love to see pictures of everyones hair and their Familys & Husbands & weddings pics & all the cute kids, but to see a Huge picture of a whole body shot with panties & bras on just to show it and not showing BSL,APL,WL etc. But I mean I am not Hating at all:) I love to see women who keep in shape it motivates me LOL!!! But I hope my words are coming out right LOL!!!
jade998 said:
Hope mine is okay.... How else will I know if I have reached BSL :blush:
If I have offended anyone please let me know....

Your pics are fine! There is nothing offensive about your pics.
I shrunk mine, no biggie. I don't have a problem with anybody's pics. When I get down to my goal weight, ya'll gonna see bra's, name it, lol,jk.

I like seeing women in great shop, and nice skin or makeup shots, it motivates me to keep trying to improve myself. I mean this is a hair board and that in itself is kind of vain if you ask me. We are all trying to improve at least one aspect of our physical experience.
Just for the record

A couple of siggies were wiped because I wasn't going to spend all day scrolling to see the next post. Like I said girls in the recent announcement shrink your signatures.

A signature is from the __________________________ line till the end of the post so measure from that.

If you see your siggie gone, then that means that it was really big.

STL nice effort but still your signature occupies half of my screen. Putting the text in one line makes things easier.
Kimberly said:
Why don't we just not have siggy pics? Or avatar pics, either, for that matter. An objectionable photo can be put there, too, right? Anyone at anytime can decide they are offended by someone else's self-expression. I'm watching what I eat so I don't want to see pics of pies and cakes and then what? I'm also not in a relationship and can get quite tired of seeing pics of happy couples and wedding pics. Just have a post your wedding or happy couple pics here thread so that people who want to look at them can go there and do so. All of those should be removed, too.

Remove all of the siggy pics, put them in the gallery, and whomever wants to look can go over there and look.

I understand that this is a "hairboard" but everything under the sun is discussed. If we only ever discussed hair...but then someone could have a problem with you showing your brastrap, or your armpits, or even your shoulders. Have a separate forum for progress.


ETA: Actually, I just had a thought. People showing waste length and hip length or showing their progress as they are on their way...they are showing hips and butts...and if someone has a problem with a brastrap, they should definitely have a problem with a rearend, right? Nope. No hair or progress pics in the siggy at all. I know that this is not a democracy but that's my vote...then no one would have to worry about their pics being too big, either.
Yep, you're right. Let's get rid of them all. :rolleyes:
Honestly I Love the siggy pics and I love to see the progress but some pics were not showing progress, I don't think no one was saying get rid of the siggy pics at all, We were saying just tone it down, Yes this Board discusses everything, I mean we are not here to Please anyone or to cater to anyone, and we can't make everyone happy, But obvisiouly it isn't really a Big issue at all just a discussion, I don't care one way or the other LOL!!!
^yours is fine.

I had started putting folk on ignore behind the ginormous siggys, but thank you OAHQ for introducing me to Firefox.
I reduced my siggy. It occurred to me that I'm operating with a 21 inch screen and so what may look relatively moderate to me may look ginormous to someone else. Therefore, I've done away with that huge photos. Is my siggy still to big?
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