Siggy Pics -COME ON NOW Mayyyyynnnnn!

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TSUprincess04 said:
JCoily, I agree. There are beautiful women on this board, but I don't really care to see a large body shot of someone in a "sexy" pose showing a lot of skin. I don't want people looking over my shoulder and wonder if I'm looking at porn, :lol:.

:lachen: :lachen: This happened the other day. Some of those bathroom bra shots look like it's web cam porn or something. I was so embarassed when my boss came over and that pic was up. I just try to scroll fast, b/c most of the random pics are ok. occassionally, they are a bit too much.

ETA: I think that some people should take it into consideration that a lot of us are on this website at work...that's all:)
SilkyandSmooth said:
I agree. That's exactly why I have siggies turned off most of the time. It's just too much.

SAME HERE! What happen to the size limit?
Ooooooooppppppsssss I one of the people you guys are talking about...okay.....I solved the bad..
i was thinking this issue the other day. i have just been too busy to turn of the siggies but I WILL!! end of story
WOW i just turned off the siggies and it makes reading soooooooo much easier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am too happy right now. lol
yourleoqueen said:
Scrawled across the bed?! Why on EARTH would someone have a pic of themselves all scrawled out across the bed on a HAIR site?!

i think that was a meez:lol: i kinda remember that one
some have said this gets moved to the OT board for more views. I think this is a great idea. I suspect, though, that the thread wil get 'fired' up and eventually shut down, locked etc lol
sorry, i'm an oversized siggy offender. i don't visit often, so i forgot how big it was until this thread. can someone assist me in resizing? i'll gladly do so.
Ladies, I am with you on this. The huge siggies are very aggravating. I turned mine off a long time ago but I would like to have them on again so I can see people update notices.

Mods should really take this on. The size restrictions should be enforced. I don't mind non-hair siggies but I just want my computer slowed down dramatically or the screen distorted because of over-size images.
Okay......I was coming into this forum to find out how to make my siggy pictures bigger!!!!! :lachen: :lachen: I still want mines bigger, but just a little bit, because I do hate when I have to make my screen large on certain threads. I didn't realize it was pictures sizes. And I have thought to myself SEVERAL times how some of the siggy pictures are TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE!!!!!
O but siggy pic is HILARIOUS!!:lol: Im just picturing that little simpsons character doing that obnoxious laugh of his!
lol, after viewing this thread I took a look at mine and felt that it may have been in the too big club, so I've taken one of my pics out! Can't call me a siggy hog :lol:
Energist said:
lol, after viewing this thread I took a look at mine and felt that it may have been in the too big club, so I've taken one of my pics out! Can't call me a siggy hog :lol:

There's nothing wrong with your siggy.
I finally added a pic. You can see my curls and I liked how I looked so I added it. The pics I take focused on my hair have me looking like a HAM. I hope someone woul let me know if its too big :(
Well, I'd be happy to reduce the size of anyone's photos or sigs.

So members & Mods can PM me if you need this done. I'm glad to help.
NappyParadise said:
I do agree that some of the Siggy pictures are a bit too much!


We are all women on the board. I don't really understand the siggy pics with women in their underwear or swimsuits. :confused: The women look great. Perhaps we could have a section where people could post their swimsuits pics. Maybe call it the LHCF Next Top model forum. Everyone could post their pics there. :look:
XXXtacy said:

We are all women on the board. I don't really understand the siggy pics with women in their underwear or swimsuits. :confused: The women look great. Perhaps we could have a section where people could post their swimsuits pics. Maybe call it the LHCF Next Top model forum. Everyone could post their pics there. :look:

:lachen::lol: I'm not sure if you were trying to be funny or not but your post had me cracking up! I do think there is a "post your sexy pics" thread somewhere in off topic, but I guess some people missed it, or just want their sexy pics to constantly be on display.

I'm getting beyond irritated with the oversized siggy pics though and the overtly sexual ones just confuse me.
SeatownSista said:
:lachen::lol: I'm not sure if you were trying to be funny or not but your post had me cracking up! I do think there is a "post your sexy pics" thread somewhere in off topic, but I guess some people missed it, or just want their sexy pics to constantly be on display.

I'm getting beyond irritated with the oversized siggy pics though and the overtly sexual ones just confuse me.

ITA!!!!! :ohwell:
Since we are having a Change of Rules, Maybe there should be one about not posting pics of you in your Underwear & Bra's! Maybe we all need to wear a White T Shirt to show our Progress LOL!!!!!! ( Those who have Longer hair)
But I am glad to see Beautiful Women who are Proud of their Bodies but there is a Place & Time for that and a Haircare Board does not seem like the Place.
JCoily said:
I have remained silent on this for a while, but I'ma have to come up for air on this one.

LHCF is home to some of the sweetest and loveliest black women I have personally ever seen.

My issue is that I'm getting to see more and more per square inch of these lovely women than I feel comfortable with. It seems like with every passing day, there are less hair shots on LONG HAIR CARE FORUM and more full body shots. It almost seems like pictures of hair are going out of style in this piece.

Another point - If somebody wanna show off an outfit...ok lovely, but folks, really, does the picture need to be LIFE SIZED in your siggy to be appreciated?

So my suggestions are

1. Can we get back to hair pics?
2. If you just gotta show off the hottness that is you - can you adjust the size of the photo?

Thank you

I love this. I hadn't read your post. I assumed you were talking about the size of the pics.
Princess4real said:
Your right and I'm glad you brought this topic up. I love the LCHF, but some of the pictures are a bit much!!!!!! I like the pictures of children and some of the people showing that they had fun in the club, but for the last couple of months, I felt like I was logging into a site that should have a statment telling people "to enter with caution.":look: Oh and I'm not hating, don't have to, I have my own beautiful ass that I adore and look at just like the next person, but I mean damnnnnnnnnn some of the pictures are too much!:yep:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

That was just too funny! Hell, I have mine too...I even got pics, but I for damn sure ain't posting them up in here!
*Bre~Bre* said:
Is my sig to big? Please someone let me know and I'll be happy to resize if someone can do it for me!!!

IMO your pics are sized perfectly. Btw your hair also looks really pretty:).
*Bre~Bre* said:
Is my sig to big? Please someone let me know and I'll be happy to resize if someone can do it for me!!!

It's almost the same size as mine and Dimoupolus said mine was good. After the new list of rules went up, I had to make sure I was still in compliance. :lol:
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