Siggy Pics -COME ON NOW Mayyyyynnnnn!

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Crackers Phinn

Either A Blessing Or A Lesson.
I have remained silent on this for a while, but I'ma have to come up for air on this one.

LHCF is home to some of the sweetest and loveliest black women I have personally ever seen.

My issue is that I'm getting to see more and more per square inch of these lovely women than I feel comfortable with. It seems like with every passing day, there are less hair shots on LONG HAIR CARE FORUM and more full body shots. It almost seems like pictures of hair are going out of style in this piece.

Another point - If somebody wanna show off an outfit...ok lovely, but folks, really, does the picture need to be LIFE SIZED in your siggy to be appreciated?

So my suggestions are

1. Can we get back to hair pics?
2. If you just gotta show off the hottness that is you - can you adjust the size of the photo?

Thank you
JCoily, I am in total agreement. I think this thread should actually be on the OffTopic forum for more people to see.

I do not so much take issue with the non-hair photos b/c I know some people don't simply take hair pics, but maybe pics of a night out on the town where they liked how their hair looked. I get that.

However, I do take issue with the huge pictures in the siggy. I've even gone so fair as to e-mail moderators about specific siggies. I don't think people realize that their pics are as ginormous as they are. I also don't think that some people realize their pics stretch out a whole entire thread (width-wise across the screen), making it a complete and total pain for viewing LHCF. I recently left aligned my photo out of concern that I was stretching out threads when the pic was center aligned.

My suggestions:
1.) B/C I don't think some people realize that their pics are too large, and I think that members, admins, and moderators should *kindly* message people and let them know that their pics are a little too large. Maybe some of the board pic geniuses could even offer up their services to resize the photos, b/c Lord knows I don't know how to do that...I had help from Letitia.
2.) People need to be more considerate. If you notice that a thread is particularly wide, you should ask yourself if maybe you are the one causing the thread to be that wide across the screen due to your siggy pic.
3.) Moderators and admins are quick to delete offensive threads and ban offensive members. So the same should be done with offensive siggy pics. Period.
4.) If you want to post a pic of yourself that is non-hair, say a night out on the town with the girls...maybe consider cropping out all that background non-sense. We just want to see you...not everyone behind you on the dancefloor, the backs of people's heads, and so on...just a thought.
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In total agreement about the size of the siggy pics. Some of them are just way too big(the ones that practically take up more than 50% of the screen). I have no problem with anything else, just folks please be considerate of others. I'm contemplating turning off siggies for that reason. I really don't want to because I like checking fotkis and seeing hair pics.

A suggestion to the admin, is set a file size restriction on the size of your siggy pic(s). I frequent another messageboard where that has been implemented has as a rule and also automatically done when you try to upload a pic into the sig and my experience there is alot better. Just my thoughts on this matter.
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I thought they had a restriction on the size of the siggy pics. They made an announcement and everything saying how if it's too big, it'll get deleted. But nothing ever happened and the pics got bigger. :lol:
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:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy Chile its some huge *** hair pics in the photo gallery too.:lachen: :lachen: Now I gotta send Nessa a pm cuz she is updating siggy's daily which are getting bigger and bigger and bigger. :lachen: Where you at NNNNNNNNNNNESSSSA in my best Berni Mac voice!
Uhm, yeah I been screaming about this since last year! There was talk on a sig pic size limit, clearly that has been abandoned or was never in effect. I mean, yes we are a beautiful group of women...a beautiful camera loving group of women. :lol: But come on y'all!

I have just turned siggys off altogether on most of my forums. Apparently, some people aren't familiar with the crop feature, and some mo people think we need to see everybody that was to the left and right of them. :look:
It my sig picture is too big I am so sorry. If someone can resize it I would apprecitate it, however, I can think of one member who continues to take up the entire screen to the point that I have turned off my siggy just to enjoy the topic.
LadyR said:
It my sig picture is too big I am so sorry. If someone can resize it I would apprecitate it, however, I can think of one member who continues to take up the entire screen to the point that I have turned off my siggy just to enjoy the topic.

quote this post and copy the picture link into your signature. I'll keep it in my account for 30 days, so you have time to settle your own account.


I upload my pictures through imageshack. It is free and gives you the option to resize photos to the size you see in my siggy. Here is the link.
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JCoily said:
I have remained silent on this for a while, but I'ma have to come up for air on this one.

LHCF is home to some of the sweetest and loveliest black women I have personally ever seen.

My issue is that I'm getting to see more and more per square inch of these lovely women than I feel comfortable with. It seems like with every passing day, there are less hair shots on LONG HAIR CARE FORUM and more full body shots. It almost seems like pictures of hair are going out of style in this piece.

Another point - If somebody wanna show off an outfit...ok lovely, but folks, really, does the picture need to be LIFE SIZED in your siggy to be appreciated?

So my suggestions are

1. Can we get back to hair pics?
2. If you just gotta show off the hottness that is you - can you adjust the size of the photo?

Thank you

Your right and I'm glad you brought this topic up. I love the LCHF, but some of the pictures are a bit much!!!!!! I like the pictures of children and some of the people showing that they had fun in the club, but for the last couple of months, I felt like I was logging into a site that should have a statment telling people "to enter with caution.":look: Oh and I'm not hating, don't have to, I have my own beautiful ass that I adore and look at just like the next person, but I mean damnnnnnnnnn some of the pictures are too much!:yep:
Well I partially agree.

I think people can post siggies of whatever they want.

However the size has been an issue, moreso the ones that aren't cropped and they cause the whole page to look distorted and you have to scroll to the left to read everything....I usually stop reading those threads b/c it is so annoying. I realize some may not realize they do it though.
yourleoqueen said:
Uhm, yeah I been screaming about this since last year! There was talk on a sig pic size limit, clearly that has been abandoned or was never in effect. I mean, yes we are a beautiful group of women...a beautiful camera loving group of women. :lol: But come on y'all!

I have just turned siggys off altogether on most of my forums. Apparently, some people aren't familiar with the crop feature, and some mo people think we need to see everybody that was to the left and right of them. :look:

I have done the same thing.
yourleoqueen said:
I have just turned siggys off altogether on most of my forums.

I thought about doing this, but I gotta see when folks are doing fotki updates. I'm not good at the 'randomly checking' thing.

For the mommies - JC luvs the chilluns, especially when their pics are small. Ya'll a'ight wit me! :)
If I was on something faster than dial-up (I know, I know), I wouldn't mind, but them big-ass pics make the pages load soooooo slow! Also, turning sigs off makes the threads much shorter. I was confused about this until recently cuz whenever somebody would say "This thread is at 26 (example) pages already?!" I would be like, okay I only got about 8 pages...who stealin my other pages?! Then I figured out the difference was because I have sigs turned off.

Yeah, I'm slow. :lol:
Mocha5 said:
Right behind you!

I actually think your baby pics are fine.

I don't think that the pics have to only be about hair. This is a discussion forum and it is nice to have the opportunity to personalize your space on it. The forum is NOT about hair only. We talk about EVERYTHING.

I do have a problem with the pics that span across the board and mess up the entire look of the thread.
Yeah I think baby pics and non hair pics are cool. Massive pics of anything AREN'T. I try to keep mine a decent size without losing too much quality, but I guess it could still be considered large. Also I don't think people reaslise it's better to get them inline. Like Mocha's baby pics are the right size (and VERY beautiful) because they're all on one line. Maybe we should have a siggy pic Instructions, Tips and FAQ?????
JCoily, I agree. There are beautiful women on this board, but I don't really care to see a large body shot of someone in a "sexy" pose showing a lot of skin. I don't want people looking over my shoulder and wonder if I'm looking at porn, :lol:.
Hey, I'm down for whatever you got to show, but puhlease be mindful of others and shrink it down some.

The other day I was browsing and I saw a modeling pic of someone (I am usually good at emailing them and asking them to make it smaller) and her nipps were at full attention. Now I ain't no prude or anything, but deg it doesn't hurt to resize the siggies. I did NOT like seeing what looked like 1 inch nipps all up inmy face because the pic was so large. Now lemme say I don't mind the modeling pics AT ALL ( I like them :look: ) but I don't like the biggie-sized one.

I know there are some ladies out there with 50-11 inch monitors but can we atleast be respectful of those who don't?
I don't have a problem w/pix about whatever.

Just not so big that it distorts the size of the page itself.

I have a hard time putting pix in my siggy, so I'm trying to figure out HOW others were able to put a long line of pix across the bottom of their siggys. (I guess I'm jealous:look:)

I think the siggy rule is enforced on some and not on others.

I don't think it's intentional, but it just happens.
TSUprincess04 said:
JCoily, I agree. There are beautiful women on this board, but I don't really care to see a large body shot of someone in a "sexy" pose showing a lot of skin. I don't want people looking over my shoulder and wonder if I'm looking at porn, :lol:.

:cheers: ITA
I try not to log on when Im school or in a library because people might think Im on some escort site or something with some of those pics
ITA about the size of the "I'm too sexy" poses!

I have to explain to my 10-year-old why I'm looking at pics of women sprawled across beds and whatnot....:perplexed
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TSUprincess04 said:
JCoily, I agree. There are beautiful women on this board, but I don't really care to see a large body shot of someone in a "sexy" pose showing a lot of skin. I don't want people looking over my shoulder and wonder if I'm looking at porn, :lol:.

Yep, that happens to me all the time:ohwell:
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