Shower vs. Sink - Where Do You Wash and Why?


New Member
Just curious to know who washes where and why. I use both, depending on how much time I have. I don't see a signficant difference in results between washing in shower or sink. Do you? I have just below shoulder length 4b relaxed hair.
Shower...because its easier and you have more room to move your arms (plus I have a big head
bocagirl said:
Shower just because I hate bending over the sink

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yeah...thats another reason I use the shower, I hate bending! My back will start hurting and so do my arms... the shower is more comfortable.
I wash in the shower
it is MUCH easier and one time a beautician told me that you should wash your hair and rinse with the natural flow of your hair and it wasn't healthy to continually wash it bent over like you would in a sink. Meaning your hair flows backwards so you should rinse like that. Like when you go to the salon and your head leans backwards. Don't know how true this is but it alwasy stuck with me so I don't wash my hair in the sink. I hate bending over too.
I wash leaning over the sink or even the tub then I wash out the conditioner in the shower to cut out the tangles.
Definetly the shower, the flow of the water helps to smooth my hair down. I used to wash in the sink, and my hair was a tangled mess, now I don't have that problem. Plus it's just easier to jump in the shower and wash my hair.
Sink, I've just always done it that way. I don't like to wash in the shower cause it'll get in my eyes.. and then I'd have to get out to deep condition, then get back in the shower... that's too much for me.
Shower because I don't feel like I'm getting all the shampoo/conditioner out of my hair when using the sink. Plus it's uncomfortable bending over.
Shower, because I get fewer tangles and I can brush and detangle my hair in there. When I was relaxing my hair I would bend over the tub. My shower head has a massager and it feels soooo good on my scalp.
Sink. i just dont feel like i can get my scalp as clean in the shower. i get a better flow of water in the sink. when i shampoo in the shower my hair feels clean but my scalp feels gross.
I prefer washing in the shower. Too much manipulating of the hair when washed in the sink, plus it's alot easier too. Shoot, I don't think I've washed my hair inthe sink since I was a teenager.
I use to wash my hair in the sink, but now I wash it in the shower. I like the shower better because the hair doesn't get as tangled, so it's easier to comb out once I finish. Bending over to wash my hair in the sink use to always hurt my back too and I got tired of that.
I wash in the shower. To me it's easier than bending over and I always end up spraying myself in the face when I would wash in the sink.
<font color="blue"> I tend to wash/condition in the shower because it is much easier. Plus, I have my shower CD player going, the invigorating shower gel smelling up the bathroom, and my nifty shower comb to help detangle. *Sigh* going to the shower to wash &amp; condition now...</font>
Shower. My hair doesn't get tangled with it being washed and rinsed straight back. It's also too long now, my ends go down the drain

The longer your hair get, the harder it is to do everything!
I prefer the shower, it's so much easier for me. My showerhead is detachable as well so on days that I deep condition, I don't have to get all wet again when I rinse it out.
If I want to do a quick wash I will do it while in the shower. However, I've returned to washing my hair once a week and I much prefer to lean over the tub, I feel my hair is cleaner this way.
shower, cuz I hate bending over in the sink and getting everything around me wet. Im a messy person, so the shower is where I belong.
Shower because I'm scared my hair will get traped in the drain of the sink.
Sink because I don't want to have to keep jumping in and out of the shower to put in different products and rinse them out.