Shoulder Length Protective Styles For The Natural Head


New Member
Can somebody please let me in on the secret??? How are you guys protecing your hair??? I have read threads that say you wear buns, ponies, braids...etc. First of all, how are you getting your natural SL hair into a bun:perplexed:look:. Please let me in on this secret. Because the little pony I can get is not hot and I definitely cant form a bun with it. Is everybody weaving it?? At this point the only option I feel I have are twists and that is really not the best look on me:ohwell: and to top it off I work in an office where we have a lot of execs coming in and it just doesnt look very professional. I dont like wigs, I'm thinking I may be able to pull off braid extensions (since I can pull those back into a bun) but I'm worried about keeping my hair moisturized w/o build-up. What can I do guys??? I'm getting more knots now that my hair is SL and I really need to retain to get over this hump. The puff is just not doing it...HEEEELPPPP!!!!! (please)

ETA: OH, and another do you sleep on your hair at night??? I cant do 4 or even 6 big twists or braids...they just unravel because my hair is too thick. It takes at least an hour (that I dont have) for me to do twists that will stay. I sleep on a satin pillow case but i feel like my ends need to be protected.
why was i just going t o make a thread about me getting my real natural hair in a bun. my hair is almost apl and i dont think i can get my 4a.4b hair in a bun. help needed please. i might be able to do it at the end of this month but in the beginning of march/end of feb i couldnt get it in a bun in its natural state. im in braids now and will be until the end of april hopefully ill get some crazy growth:yep:
When my hair was shorter, I wore twists and occasionally braids to protect it. I also co-washed every day or every other day when my hair was out. With frequent washing came frequent detangling and use of a leave-in conditioner, so my ends were always receiving water and some form of moisture. I didn't really start wearing buns until last year (Year 3), so my routine was fairly simple.

For shorter hair that cannot be twisted, I say focus on washing and analyzing your hair. Chances are, and I could be wrong, that you don't have to worry about protective styling anyway. From my understand the main reason protective styles are so crucial to longer hair ladies is because the ends have been around for a while and have been exposed to more abuse, intentional or unintentional in the form of styling and environmental factors. So, if your hair is relatively short than it is probably still as vibrant and healthy as when it grew out of your heads. If you are still concerned about wear and tear, then focus on its health and deep condition, use a satin pillowcase at night, use butters or oils, always use a leave-in conditioner, do not style while the hair is dry, etc.
are you a no-heat lady? I lightly blow dry my hair or plait it at night to stretch it before attempting to bun. Some ladies do their bun using conditioner while still in the shower too. I am in a bun 99% of the time.
I braid my hair and then pin the end into an updo or make pincurls

for a bun and/or ponytail I have to have hair straight or stretched ( twist out) and then I pull hair taut and use a donut.
are you a no-heat lady? I lightly blow dry my hair or plait it at night to stretch it before attempting to bun. Some ladies do their bun using conditioner while still in the shower too. I am in a bun 99% of the time.
i might have to try that because my hair is hanging long in the shower and as it dries it shrinks to nl:perplexed
are you a no-heat lady? I lightly blow dry my hair or plait it at night to stretch it before attempting to bun. Some ladies do their bun using conditioner while still in the shower too. I am in a bun 99% of the time.

Yea... I dont own any form of a heat appliance in my house. My hair does hang longer in the shower...but I still think my pony will still be teeny tiny after it air dries. I will try this though; I'll try anything at this point.
When my hair was shorter, I wore twists and occasionally braids to protect it. I also co-washed every day or every other day when my hair was out. With frequent washing came frequent detangling and use of a leave-in conditioner, so my ends were always receiving water and some form of moisture. I didn't really start wearing buns until last year (Year 3), so my routine was fairly simple.

For shorter hair that cannot be twisted, I say focus on washing and analyzing your hair. Chances are, and I could be wrong, that you don't have to worry about protective styling anyway. From my understand the main reason protective styles are so crucial to longer hair ladies is because the ends have been around for a while and have been exposed to more abuse, intentional or unintentional in the form of styling and environmental factors. So, if your hair is relatively short than it is probably still as vibrant and healthy as when it grew out of your heads. If you are still concerned about wear and tear, then focus on its health and deep condition, use a satin pillowcase at night, use butters or oils, always use a leave-in conditioner, do not style while the hair is dry, etc.

Thanks for the suggestions. This is what I have been doing..daily cowashes. Which hasnt been a problem until lately. I've started getting knots and splits (which I'm sure is a result of the knots). I dont know how else to not have knots besides protective styles. These split ends are freaking me out. I use conditioner, a leave-in and seal every day. I dont know what else to do for these ends besides to try a new style.
My hair is between SL and APL (hits my collarbone). I do my buns with a claw, with a donut, or just pinned under the hose/ponytail holder with hair pins. My hair has to be cowashed and soaking wet though. I use my jilbere comb or a soft bristle brush to smooth anything out..then put a scarf on.

Depending how I want my hair to be in the morning I just sleep in two moisturized and sealed cornrows. I wear a satin scarf and over the scarf, I wear a bonnet.