Shoulder Length in 2010 Challenge!!!

Please add me in! I'll add some before pics tomorrow. I'm pretty sure the front of my hair will touch my shoulders by December.....I'm not sure about the back....but it will still count right....j/k
I am a newbie and would love to join this challenge. I'm still trying to figure things out & I think I added a pic(my starting point) to my siggy. If not, I'll post a picture soon.

What I am doing:

Pre-pooing and scalp message with EVCO
Wash 3 to 4/week with Wen
DC- Wen Remoist Aphogee 2 step every 2 months
Leave-ins Wen, Jane Carter, Aphogee Keratin and Green Tea & EVCO
Wet-bunning under a phony pony at least 5 days/week
OKAY! Here are my starting length pictures. Don't laugh I have not done ANYTHING with my hair yet.:perplexed


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Doin the bump!
how's everybody doing lately??
i got bored with my hair, so i put in some kinky/Senegalese twists. of course, now i'm completely bored with these.:look: but i guess i'll leave them alone for now.

I put some senegalese twist in too Memorial Day weekend and I was planning on having these in during the whole summer, but my hair looks a HAM. I haven't really been paying attention to how much my has grown because I only redo the first 2 rows of my head. I'm gonna have to take these out and maybe redo them or think of something else. Here is a picture of the new growth I have so far. Mind you, I put these in May 29th and 30th and I just took this picture 5 minutes ago.

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I stretched some of my hair today and it was touching CBL which for me is past SL, but since I'm not using heat any time soon and wet bunning everyday I won't know my real length until later in the year so I'll still be here. I'm trying to grow out my bangs anyway. I'll post some pics later. HHG ladies!
Hello ladies, I am so in (and thanks OP for this thread). I am 14 weeks post, currently in braid extensions to help me stretch to 24 weeks *gasp* with low manipulation. I am currently NL but my goal is Full SL by December 2010.

My usual regimen - Prepoo, shampoo and moisture DC 2x a week. Co wash 1x - 4x a week as needed. Mild protein 2x a month. Airdry, blow dry on cool, or roller set. Protective style french braid or clipped up twist every day. Moisturise and seal 2x daily. Apply my special oil mix to scalp after washes. Relax every 12 - 14 weeks.

My braid regimen - Shampoo and condition 1x week. Co wash 1x - 2x week. Keep hair moist by spritzing daily.

April 7th Wet Shot.jpgThis is my 'starter pic' taken on April 7th, 2010, exactly 2 weeks post relaxer.
Doin the bump!
how's everybody doing lately??
i got bored with my hair, so i put in some kinky/Senegalese twists. of course, now i'm completely bored with these.:look: but i guess i'll leave them alone for now.

Same as me!! I've had my braids in for barely two weeks and I am so bored already. It's mean I wake up ... and it's the same style... EVERY DAY? :wallbash:
Hello ladies!! I haven't updated here since my original post because... well I guess there was nothing to update until I achieved some growth! :grin:

Here's a couple of pics.

My starting point back in January of this year.

It's a bad picture I know, but I think you get the idea. My hair was about half an inch long.

And this picture was taken about a week or so ago.

Stretched, the lowermost layer of my hair reaches about mid-neck.

And now for the stupid question!! I have seen some women on this thread who appear to already be at shoulder length, so now I am confused. Last I checked, my hair was growing at half an inch per month. If I continue at this rate, my lowermost layer will reach 5 inches by November and will fall just below my shoulder. Again, I've seen women on this thread whose hair already looks like that, so is that not shoulder length? Someone please fill me in!
So does that mean that all your layers have to reach your shoulder for you to claim full shoulder length?!

UGH!! That's never going to happen!! :crybaby:
So does that mean that all your layers have to reach your shoulder for you to claim full shoulder length?!

UGH!! That's never going to happen!! :crybaby:


For most people, when the bulk of your hair hits a certain length, then you can claim it :)

This Full SL goal is personal for me. I will need 99% of my hair to touch the length to feel like I'm really SL. lol

P.S. It WILL happen one day for the both of us! :)

P.S. It WILL happen one day for the both of us! :)

Thanks for the encouragement Neith! I have never grown anything close to long hair, or even shoulder length before, so my ability to do so is questionable at best. I am hoping that it was my improper care that kept my hair so short for all these years rather than anything else.
Just checking in. I feel like pullin my hair out :wallbash: doesn't seem like my hair is growing at all! But I'll keep chugging along. Maybe I'm just being too impatient. :perplexed
I am getting kinky twists soon. I am tired of my hair and need a break from heat styling. I am thinking I will try to rotate in and out of braids to reach my goal.

I still don't think I can reach SL by the end of the year. Most of my hair in the back is not even long enough to touch my neck yet. I would be content with reaching the bottom of my neck by the end of the year.
I want to join. I'm shoulder length in the back but I have a lot of layers and some overprocessing breakage. I'd like to be full shoulder length by 12/10.

What I plan to do:

Washing and DC 1x per week
Pre poo over night
Hard protein every 6 weeks or as needed
Protective styles
Castor oil

All my hair except my bangs are shoulder length! I'm still working on thickening it up and praying I don't have tons of postpartum shedding like last time.
how's everyone doing??
i'm bout to do a blowout for a length check. i did a really aggressive trim about two weeks ago, and i really think i set myself back. i'm gonna take some pics and see what's really going on up there. :look:
So does that mean that all your layers have to reach your shoulder for you to claim full shoulder length?!

UGH!! That's never going to happen!! :crybaby:

My hair is layered, I like layers and will probably always have them. I will claim shoulder length when only the back of my hair reaches shoulder. I usually length check by parting my hair across near the top of my ears
I forgot to update, cause honestly I forgot that I even joined this challenge lol.

ETA I posted updated pics on page 14
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here is a current shot of my hair:

and here's a comparison shot i made in pikistrip:

i wish they were showing the same body dimensions, but i can't seem to be consistent with that. note to self: look at old progress pics before taking new ones.:look:
what do y'all think?? i still don't consider myself full shoulder length-probably won't make that till the fall or even winter. :nono: