Shoulder Length in 2010 Challenge!!!

I would like to join. I just did my bc so I have very short hair, but my hair grows fast when I'm not taking care of it so I think I can make it if I keep up w/ the challenge.

My plan is:
nightly moisturizing and locking in w/ oil
deep conditioning weekly
taking vitamins daily

I will not:
use chemicals
use direct heat
Here is what I plan to do:

- Protective styling - Keep it wrapped under my wig when I go to work.
- DC treatments once a week with a combo of moisturizing and protein conditioner.
- Moisturize hair daily with HE LTR leave-in split end, Surge Ultramax, or S-curl. Then seal with castor oli.
- Massage scalp daily with Softee growth oil.
- Minimize direct heat usage - Only use hard bonnet dryer.
- Daily bIOTIN.

Starting pic as of 12.29.2009
Please count me in!!!
I'll be DC'ing once a week.
In one session, I'll DC with Mane n Tail and follow-up with Mizani Moisturfuse mixed with a small amount of Roux Porosity Control. I use a hair steamer. I'll also be relaxing every 9-10 weeks with Mizani Rhelaxer. DC with a heavy protein conditioner a week before relaxing.

Absolutely no straighteners used on my hair except post-relaxing to check growth. I normally rollerset and leave it to air-dry.

I'm going to moisturise daily with Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter and seal with organic Jojoba Oil.

I always wear 3 tracks/rows of extensions in my hair (addicted hehehe)
Erm.... that's it really...

Thanks and I wish all of you luck!
*coughs* Hello ladies, I didn't see this...please count me in...I am natural, currently EL on the sides and NL on the back...will post pics when I get home...

-Weekly routine for winter is braidouts (Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1 and KCCC) and flat iron hair every other week with Maxiglide MP using Fantasia IC products...BlackMasterPiece method.

-When the weather is warm CO twice per week and bun? lol!! If I am able to...if not wash and go!!

-DC weekly (will shoot for 2x per week) and will eventurally buy a steamer to DC with.

-ACV monthly

-Afroveda hair growth exilir (I think that's the name :lol:) every other night

-scalp massages

-Protein treatment as necessary with Aphogee

I think that's about it...the longer my hair gets the lazier I'm getting :grin:
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I am chin length now because I cut my hair due to a recent bleaching disaster that caused my hair to shed on a masiive scale,3 weeks on its still shedding but not as much as when I relaxed it. i relaxed my hair 2 weeks after bleaching which now i know is a boig NO NO so will try this challenge as I think I can do it. fingers x

- i will d/c my hair weekly
- moisturise twice a day as my hair gets sooooo dry
- use absolutely no heat for the year apart from my blowdryer which is on low heat and when d/c

thats all i can think off for now, looking at the other ladies routines and they look good? can anyone reccomend a good moisturiser? and how long do you think I should wait til my next relax because im scared of losing hair again?
I'm in.
My hair is natural 4b .
I had a cut yesterday to neck length.
I'm getting an install today and I plan to wear a weave for @least 6 months.
What I am doing
Wear a partial sew in weave
Wash every 2 weeks with watered down moist. conditioner and alternate with watered down aphogee 2 min followed by moist. condish.
Wear the weave for 2- 3 months, and re-install after 1- 2 weeks.
NO trims only slight dustings.

Apply BT 2-3x a week.


Fish oils

What are you doing for growth
Shampoo weekly
DC weekly
Attempt to drink water lol
Moisturize Moisturize, MOISTURIZE
Stretch relaxer
Protective Styles: Braids(different styles), Weaves(Maybe), Buns, Rollerset, Pin curls(LUV these!) Wigs
Oils, Butters, and special gel
Silk Scarf/Bonnet/Pillow

What will I not do
Get Lazy!!
Use excess heat
Trim lol
Keep my hands in my hair!

What is your length now
First half is chin length, and second half is below neck length. My hair is SUPER DUPER THICK and relaxers dont make it ANY less thicker and dont really take ttooo much to my hair lol.

Hair Type

I'll post pics when I fix my camera :-)
I'd looooove to join!

What I'm doing:

Protective styling (Satin bonnet every night, or whenever at home. Half wigs/Sew In's. Cornrows/Braids.)
Drink lot's of H20
Mega tek & Wild Growth Oil applied to scalp everday
Deep Condition twice a week
Moisterize everyday & seal with Wild growth
Scalp massages/ 5 minutes twice a day
NO heat whatsoever!

Length Now
Verrrrry close to shoulder lenght in the back.
Chin length in the front.
I thanked the second post but didn't see my name on the list, so I'm unofficially joining especially after my setback. I'm now back to NL. :crying3:

What are you doing for growth
Co-washing twice a week
Shampoo/DC once a week
Using my MT mix daily
Protective styling by way of half-wigs

What will I not do

What is your length now
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I'm a Newbie...but I'm so in this one! HEHE
I'm currently deployed in Afghanistan so I don't have all the tools I need and want.
But I will have to make due!
So I plan on doing Protective styles (cornrows, wet bunning)
Wash/Conditioning 1x a wk.
WGHO until my BT comes in( hopefully I get it before I get back to the states!) LOL
DC 1x a wk.
And ofcourse no heat and low mani.

Happy Growing Ladies!
I know I'm tardy for the party, but I just cut my hair. I was in the APL challenge, but I was so sick of my layers that I blunt cut back to NL.

I am confident that I'll be back to SL before December.

DC 1x/week
wear twist-outs and buns in Winter, w-n-g's and buns in Summer
wash every other week in Winter, 3x/week in Summer

use butters and JBCO
drink lots of water
detangle only on wash days
airdry in twists or rollersets
Im in. This is my place holder. I'll update with regimen and pics.

Okay, it is July, the last time I checked in was January. I have no pics :nono:
but I do have results and progress :yep:

I am not shoulder length yet, but I am slowly getting there. I moisturize almost daily with Infusium 23. I oil my scalp with Castor Oil and twice a day, I apply Megatek or Castor Oil to my edges. I wear sew in weaves as a protective style. My hair is growing in nicely. Thanks ladies for your help and inspiration!
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Hey Ladies!! I hope everyone's hanging in there!

For those that were wondering, the challenge started Jan 1, 2010, & will continue all the way 'til 2011! rules are simple. Just post whatever tweaks you'll make to your regimen to retain as much length as possible!

And many apologies to those that have sent PMs about their names being on the list. I haven't been logging into LHCF as often as I'd like, so I haven't been keeping the list totally up to date.

for future reference, I'll do my best to add newcomers to the master list in post #2 of this thread, but If i'm unable to keep it as up to date as y'all would like, then all participants in this challenge have identified themselves by "thanking" that particular post. That way those that have other obligations may drop out as they please, & newcomers can join in whenever they want!

Happy Hair Growing & Best of Luck to all!!!
:eek: I forgot I joined this challenge. sawy

What are you doing for growth?
homemade sulphur mix on scalp
ayurvedic oils on scalp
steam w/DC at least once per week
massage scalp when itchy or when I think about it :ohwell:
start roller setting again

What will I not do?
use too much heat
let my ends drag on my clothes
let my hair get dry

What is your length now?

My siggie photo is from October '09, I will update soon.

Happy hair growing all!!
I am still in the challenge. Sorry for taking so long to check in, but things have been crazy.

I am not sure where I am length wise yet. I just took out my braids last week and I have been mini bunning (yes, bunning) and half-wigging. I am so excited because back in mid-December when I got my braids installed I could not grab any hair to put into a ponytail. I will update when I straighten in 2 weeks (I have been on a personal no heat challenge since Dec and my two months is up then).

I am also still taking my vitamins, co-washing, protecting my ends, and staying away from the scissors.
This will be like my third time doing a shoulder length challenge! :wallbash:

But this time its a little different bc I am also transitioning. I am 5 mos post and I generally wear my hair flat ironed after a deep conditioner under the steamer. I plan to...

-Take hair vitamins
-Drink lots of water
-Give my hair a break with sew-ins every so often
-moisturize daily
-see a dermatologist about my trouble spot of my scalp thats been jacked up for the past 5 years (i actually had an appointment for this dermatologist thats supposed to be so great she has this impossibly long waiting list and only works on referrals. then i had to work so i had to cancel:wallbash:).
I took my extensions out last week and have grown a bit more, some hair is touching my shoulder but the rest at the top needs to catch up :/

I have grown bangs now and that is a new development:grin:
I think I am neck or collar bone length all over again right now. I have not done a length check in a loooong while.
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I won't be straightening until April so I will know for sure then. But honestly i think I am there already cause it almost touches now unstraightened. But I promised myself I will wait until April soooo.....
I have yet to do a length check yet. I promised myself NO HEAT until March for SO's graduation from the academy and my brother's b-day party. I'm so glad it is all in one week so I won't have to use heat twice (I'm in boot camp). I'm really proud of myself because when my hair long I was basically a straight natural so to go 3 months without heat is major for me. As far as length I know some of the hair in the back is neck length unstretched and the sides are definitely CL. The top I'm not sure because my roots are so wavy they can't even be stretch really good to get an accurate length check. That being said I'll check back with an update in March when I can see where my hair is after I straighten.
okay update after washing and drying last night I pulled down a few strands just to see. Seems I am barely collar bone. Thats okay I cam cool, back to hair vits. I will be at GNC Ta-niiiight! I stopped taking a month ago due to stress and just not paying attention.
Is it too late to join this challenge? I just subscribed to the site. This is the length I want this year.
Well the back of my head hit my shoulder... Now im waiting on the sides to catch up


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