Shoulder Length in 2010 Challenge!!!

You'd make great progress!! Keep up the good work. I think you may be at SL by years end..

I guess I've made a little progress since joining this challenge. I probably won't be SL by year end, maybe a few strands, but not all of those layers back there.

First pic is from end of April, second pic is this weekend. I prob won't put any more pics up til end of year.
I guess I've made a little progress since joining this challenge. I probably won't be SL by year end, maybe a few strands, but not all of those layers back there.

First pic is from end of April, second pic is this weekend. I prob won't put any more pics up til end of year.

Good progress girl! And it looks nice and healthy :yep:
I am extremely late but I just BC'ed so I am aiming to get to SL by the end of this year! Can I be an unofficial challenger?
You look like you are already shoulder based on the section you are pulling out

^^IA! Looks like we'll be kicking you out before December Hopeful! :lachen:

Thanks Imani and NikkiQ! I guess I want to be sure, you know? The last time I was natural it took 18 months to get to sl. Right now I am 2months post bc and 14months since my last relaxer so mentally I feel like I need 4 more months.

I guess I've made a little progress since joining this challenge. I probably won't be SL by year end, maybe a few strands, but not all of those layers back there.

First pic is from end of April, second pic is this weekend. I prob won't put any
more pics up til end of year.

Girl, you have made wonderful progress! I see a big difference in those two pics.
Well I couldn't wait any longer, I went ahead and got my trim.. I'm sooo happy with it.. it's apparent that I got a trim but it looks good.. if I can retain at least a half inch every month I should be darn close to sl by december.

I'm still continuing with my ceramides and protein along with my cowashes and other oils. My hair is certainly healthy.

Nothing like a fresh trim! I'm LOOOOVE blunt healthy ends! Other people loathe trimming, I look forward to it, lol
Aww shucks! :blush:

Your NG was close to SL before the BC anyway so I know you'll be SUPER close if not there by the end of the year
^^^Did I hear correctly that you made SL Rocky91?
i don't honestly know. with all these layers, it's hard to tell, and i haven't flatironed my hair bone straight in a while. hopefully, after i take down this weave, i'll be an undeniable shoulder length.:yep:
I have these last 4 1/2 months to retain 3 in so ill be close to shoulder length. I've in the hide your hair challenge so im braided up in half wigs and by doing this i won't be scissor happy.
I'm feeling my hair so much today I'm beginning to wonder if I even need to try and grow it out past SL. But, guess u can't knock it til you try it, and if I reach my ultimate goal (APL) and don't like it, I can always cut it back shorter!
I'm feeling my hair so much today I'm beginning to wonder if I even need to try and grow it out past SL. But, guess u can't knock it til you try it, and if I reach my ultimate goal (APL) and don't like it, I can always cut it back shorter!

I was just thinking this the other day! I was like, do I really want all the hair I say I do? But it's always easier for it to be longer and cut it.
What is everyone's long term goal?

I haven't participated much in this thread. But I wanted to answer your questions. My main reason for joining this sight was for healthy hair. Then when I saw all the beautiful head of long healthy hair I started to get just a little bit of the long hair itch. With that said, I don't have any goals, in terms of long hair (at least not long hair by this boards standards). I'll be really happy with healthy full hair SL hair. That's really all I want.
I haven't participated much in this thread. But I wanted to answer your questions. My main reason for joining this sight was for healthy hair. Then when I saw all the beautiful head of long healthy hair I started to get just a little bit of the long hair itch. With that said, I don't have any goals, in terms of long hair (at least not long hair by this boards standards). I'll be really happy with healthy full hair SL hair. That's really all I want.

This is how I feel as well. I just like healthy, full hair, never been super pressed about length. I actually made SL a couple years ago, my hair was full and healthy. I thought it was perfect and I loved it, wasn't pressed to get it any longer. Then my stylist moved, had some setbacks, work got crazy and stressful, and I was starting over again.

The main reason I want APL is to have more style options, and since I'm transitioning for natural styles to still have some length. Also, just to show myself and others (ie. my family, who thinks we are "cursed with bad hair and our hair type can't grow hair long" ) that its possible.
I started at NL this year and going along with my journey so I'm def in!!! I am so HAPPY to see other NL sistahs and we can help each other with progress. It's so easy to see longer hair already and harder to find pics from EL or NL to MBL or WL :wallbash:...sigh lol. But we'll get there!!!:yep: