Should I run a mile.......


Well-Known Member
....or give him a chance.

My last relationship was with a Narcisisst and Sociopath so i although I'm no expert on relationships I'm a different person when it comes to men. Now I am very Red Flag sensitive whereas before I would lap up a sob story or constantly give guys a chance.

So, i am here for honest advice.

I met this guy and have been on 2 dates with him. He comes across as very sincere and is wanting a long term relationship. He is not secretive in the way he talks and i don't 'feel' that he is hiding anything. He is very good looking and at 44 he is 10 years older than me.

He has baggage......

He is still married but seperated.
Long story short; 2 years ago his wife decided to take a holiday to the country that she comes from to visit her parents. She took their baby with her. She calls him and says that she has decided to stay and she ain't coming back. There were problems in the relationship before she left (she refused to work just after they bought their house and had the baby and he was lumbered with a huge mortgage and bills etc)

Now, 2 years down the line he has not seen his child and he is desperately trying to get a divorce but she is being mega difficult and basically not co-operating (she is just not doing anything - not giving permission to sell the house, not wanting to give him a divorce just for the sake of being difficult, has no plan on coming back to the UK etc etc). He can't move on financially and is spending alot of money trying to get a divorce and sell the house without her being a party to it.

The last time he spoke to her was 3 weeks ago and he said that she put up the same old blocks, nothing can be discussed.

He says he has moved on emotionally and wants to be in a relationship but says day to day financially he is OK (he has his own business and is doing well) but financially in other ways are still up in the air.

As far as his child is concerned he is in bits and knows he can't do much about it.

Sure, i like him and i have enough baggage of my own i guess and after my last experience i will not be giving anything to anyone except my love but should i run a mile or see how things go.

I'm aware this could all be a sob story to draw me in. :ohwell:

I don't know anyone that he knows to corroborate his story but i guess i could ask for some proof ie solicitors letters etc.

I honestly don't know what my gut instinct is. I have told a few people and they say give him a chance but i know you ladies give great honest advice. :yep:
I would stay away from this man.
He needs to sort out his marriage first before he can move on to a new relationship IMO.

Are they Catholic? Why is it impossible for him to get a divorce without her signature?
Over here it's enough that one person in the marriage wants a divorce...the other one can agree or not agree...
Thanks FlowerHair

Well, yes he can get a divorce but he doesn't want to give her half the proceeds of the house and half of everything else. He is trying to fight it but it is now proving too expensive and dragging on. He really doesn't want to just give up what he thinks he deserves financially but at this rate i suggested he just is going to be worse off anyway.

Yes, maybe i should just leave it alone before feelings get involved. I do think he his genuine but he needs to sort out his business.
Thanks FlowerHair

Well, yes he can get a divorce but he doesn't want to give her half the proceeds of the house and half of everything else. He is trying to fight it but it is now proving too expensive and dragging on. He really doesn't want to just give up what he thinks he deserves financially but at this rate i suggested he just is going to be worse off anyway.

Yes, maybe i should just leave it alone before feelings get involved. I do think he his genuine but he needs to sort out his business.

Perhaps you can keep him as a friend until he has finalized his divorce?

I wonder why he wouldn't want to give her half of their assets? She is his wife...? That's the law in most countries. He must have known when they got married.

No, I think I would keep my distance for a while until I knew more about him. What if he wanted to do this to you after you had been married for a while?
I'd cut my losses and move on. He's got a ton of baggage. You're only hearing one side of the story. His wife might have a totally different story to tell about their situation. Will you really want to be dealing with his messy divorce and long custody battle? That whole mess is going to be monopolizing his time and money for years.
This one is too easy. He has so much going on, and you don't even know if what he has said is true. I'd like to hear the wife's side of the story. If she left him, what would make her just up and leave like that?
I don't think I could date a man that had not seen his kid in two years. That raises a big red flag to me. He did not go to where she was at? He had to know where she was from?
I would run! Leave him alone. Maybe be friends, really JUST friends, and see how things sort out from him. Him not wanting to split things 50/50, not finding a way to see his child, and his iffy financial situation are all just too much. And goodness knows why his wife just up and left. Girl you need someone who is much more stable than this.
There must be a reason why his wife would leave the UK and flee to her home country. Poor woman sounds like she was abused by the fella.

I'd say stay away, he sounds like a maniac.

Nobody would up and leave to another country, and just ignore their husband's calls lol. The guy must be a loser!
I stopped at "He is still married but separated." RUN!

Lol. Same here.

A friend of mine got involved with a man who claimed to be separated and was about to divorce his wife. He said all sorts of negative things about her e.g. she once put a gun to his head threatening to shoot him. My friend later found out they were still married and even went on holiday together - the very same holiday he told my friend he went on alone to get over his divorce.

So, don't listen to anything this man tells you. Men can be callously deceptive, and our compassion often allows us to fall for it. The fact that they are still separated means that there is a chance for reconciliation and you'll be the one left hurt. Run that mile and don't look back.
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The fact that his wife left him over 2 years ago and he is haggling over selling a house that may not make financial sense to keep is a bit strange. Why hasn't he seen his child and made arrangements to take care of the child by formalizing their seperation or just dissolving the marriage?
He seems full of **it - I am sorry to be so mean but I would hate for u or anybody to saddle themselves emotionally with someone who is not worth it.
IMO Huge baggage issue. If you want to remain friends that's one thing, but starting a relationship with a guy who hasn't ended another is just asking for trouble. I personally wouldn't bother with a friendship either.

I'm of the belief that a separation = married...but even if I wasn't this situation is just too much. He CAN get a divorce but he doesn't want to give her what's due to her? I mean how does that even sound?

A judge will determine what's fair depending on how long they've been together, and if it's fair then how selfish is he that he doesn't want to pay alimony? Tough. She left him. You don't know her side. What you do know is: 1) he can divorce but hasn't. 2) he hasn't because he refuses to pay her what the court deems fair 3) she left him with the kid 4) he has some sob story and you don't know the other side 5) he isn't divorced, has to get a divorce, has a wife and kid in another country and will have to battle it out for things like visitation...and you don't know why it's like this. For all you know she could be scared for her life...or not... or she could just be a selfish woman...or not...either way this is drama and you don't know her side, just his....

Overall not a good situation to get into. Couple that with the exhaustion I'm sure you must have from your previous relationship (I have a father whose a gaslighter and narcissist so I realize the toll it can take on you) = a recipe for JADED. I want you to thrive and have a wonderful life. It seems to me that you deserve a wonderful man free of baggage so that you can start off on the right foot.

Good luck whatever you choose!
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The fact that his wife left him over 2 years ago and he is haggling over selling a house that may not make financial sense to keep is a bit strange. Why hasn't he seen his child and made arrangements to take care of the child by formalizing their seperation or just dissolving the marriage?
He seems full of **it - I am sorry to be so mean but I would hate for u or anybody to saddle themselves emotionally with someone who is not worth it.
Final point and game.:yep:
Still married...but separated? :look:

Trying to get a divorce? (YEAH RIGHT! How can you TRY to get a divorce? You either do it or you don't).

If I were you I would RUN A MILE!!! Do not give this man a chance AT ALL!!!
He's gone.

I called him and told him that i just couldn't ignore the fact that he was still married and the little voice in my head that was saying 'stay away'. I told him that he was nowhere near ready for a relationship.

He did plead a little but said that i had obviously made my decision.

I said goodbye and good luck.

I don't really want to be friends with him and didn't suggest it to him. To be honest he drained me with all his problems.

Moment of madness ladies but noone was hurt!

Thanks for giving me a reality check. Funny as i read my own post i see how Red Flag ridden it all is.
You go girl! And I wouldn't want to be his friend either. I can only imagine what a drain he was.
Ok, I am going to give you the same advice I give to women who always find abusive/cheating/disrespectful men: stop dating and go see a therapist. You have some self-esteem issues and so you allow men into your life who really shouldn't even have your number. Sociopath to married man = something is wrong with your picker.

The good news is that when you deal with your underlying issues you will meet Mr. Right who will be all that you need.
I would stay away from this man.
He needs to sort out his marriage first before he can move on to a new relationship IMO.

Are they Catholic? Why is it impossible for him to get a divorce without her signature?
Over here it's enough that one person in the marriage wants a divorce...the other one can agree or not agree...

He can file abandonment and get his divorce. I would stay clear too.
You just saved yourself a whole heap of mess (trouble). It must feel good to walk away and Good Luck on dating and finding someone right for you!
Run. Don't start your new dating life off with this much drama. Keep it simple sista. If your last relationship has been lousy, you deserve a reprieve. Find a nice man with less baggage that is ACTUALLY available. Enjoy yourself while he extricates himself from this situation, and on the other side of it, if he's finally available that fabulous. But enjoy your life. That's where I'm at too. I know it's hard, but give yourself the gift of peace of mind. You're worth it.